I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,439 [Zhang Ye transforms into a housewife! 】

the next day.

Zhang Ye's studio issued a statement: From now on, due to family reasons, teacher Zhang Ye will stop all work activities for about three months. Please excuse me.

Interview? Pushed!

Activity? Pushed!

advertise? Pushed!

All activities are terminated!

Zhang Ye has always done things like this, if he wants to do it, he will do it to the end, if he doesn't do it, he will do it all!

The news is also lively.

Journalists are naturally well-informed.

"Zhang Ye stopped working activities!" 》

"Latest news: Zhang Ye's wife has a broken foot!" 》

"Zhang Ye's wife accidentally fell and was injured!" 》

"Teacher Zhang will transform into a housewife?" 》

on Weibo.

"So sudden?"

"No big deal, right?"

"It doesn't seem like it's a normal fracture."

"That's good, that's good."

"Wish you a speedy recovery."

"Well done to Teacher Zhang. I have to stay at home with my wife at this time."

"Yes, forget about work (fighting) for now and take good care of your wife."

“That’s right, you can do work (fight) anytime.”

“I laughed when I saw the brackets upstairs.”

"Every time Zhang asks for leave after being slapped in the face, his popularity will skyrocket. Others asking for leave will lose popularity. For a star, exposure is life, but Teacher Zhang is weird in that his popularity increases every time, so every time When he asked for leave, I laughed without saying a word."


Friends also called me one after another.

Although a broken bone is not a big deal, it is not a small one either.

Zhang Xia asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "It's no big deal."

Zhang Xia said: "If you want help, just talk."

Zhang Ye said: "Come on, Grandma Zhang, I'm learning to cook now."

Zhang Xia said: "Haha, that's good. It's just a few months of self-cultivation and tempering of your bad temper."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Forget about my temper. My first priority now is to take good care of my wife. I don't know how difficult it is to be a householder if you don't live in the household. I really didn't understand anything before. When I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables this morning, I was confused. I'm stupid, I don't even know what crucian carp looks like, and I always buy the wrong ones when I buy them from the recipes. Only then do I realize that it's not easy to be a daughter-in-law, and I am so incompetent as a husband."

Zhang Xia smiled and said with emotion: "In the whole world, your wife is the only one who can make you take your heart back."

It's almost noon.

Wu Zeqing is still busy working in the bedroom. Although she has taken a few months off to recuperate at home, many jobs in the radio and television industry are inseparable from her. As an official, of course she cannot be as willful as Zhang Ye. Handled at home.

Zhang Ye has already started cooking downstairs.

This is soy sauce.

what is this?

Taste, well, it's salt.

He checked the cooking steps on his mobile phone while tinkering with the meal.

Just then the call came, this time it was Yao Jiancai.

Yao Jiancai asked: "I just heard, how is your wife? Is she okay?"

Zhang Ye said: "It's pretty good, but it's hard to walk."

Yao Jiancai said: "You also gave up your job?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Don't talk to me about work now, talk to me about cooking."

"Oh." Yao Jiancai was happy, "Are you really a fake kid? Are you still good at cooking?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "By the way, sister-in-law, are you next to me? Call my sister-in-law, and I'll ask you how to make crucian carp soup. There are too many recipes online. There are dozens of ways to make a broken soup, and everyone has the same style. I don’t know who to listen to, but I’ve tried the crucian carp soup made by my sister-in-law, and it’s delicious.”

Yao Jiancai said happily: "Okay, I'll call her for you."

The caller changed, "Hello, Xiao Zhang?"

Zhang Ye: "Hey, sister-in-law, I want to learn from you."

The soup is simmering.

It's time for pig's trotters next?

Who can make pig's trotters?

Zhang Ye recalled it for a while and then called Li Xiaoxian at Spring Garden.

"Xiao Xian, how do you make pig's trotters?"


"Pig's trotters. Didn't Sister Dong and AMY say that your pig's trotters are good when stewed?"

"Ah, you want to cook?"


"Pfft, I'm recording a program at the TV station."

"What are you recording? You need to teach me first."

"Okay, okay - Director, sorry to wait for me for five minutes."

It took more than an hour.

The food is also ready.

The soup is also cooked.

Zhang Ye shouted upstairs, "Old Wu, it's time to eat." Then he went upstairs and helped his wife go downstairs, "Slow down, look at your feet."

Wu Zeqing smiled, "What did you do to make it so delicious?"

Zhang Ye said calmly: "Let's have a big dinner."

Wu Zeqing said: "I'm really hungry."

He was not very good at taking care of people, so he struggled for a long time to get downstairs. He held the bar because the stairs were narrow, and carried the bar for fear of touching her feet. Zhang Ye also had a short temper, so he simply put his hands on Lao Wu's waist from behind. As soon as I went around, I was stunned to lift my daughter-in-law up, and she came down in three or five steps.

Old Wu said hurriedly: "I'll go by myself."

Zhang Ye insisted: "No need."

At this time, my mother also opened the door with the key and came in. She happened to see this horrifying scene and ran up while exclaiming, "Slow down! Ouch, slow down!"

Zhang Ye put Lao Wu away and said, "Let's live together!"

Mom was speechless, "Has anyone ever gone downstairs like you?"

Zhang Ye said confidently: "I am too strong to fall. Why are you here? Do you smell something? I happened to have cooked too much food, so you can eat together."

"You are taking care of Zeqing by yourself. Can you rest assured if I don't come and check on you? If my daughter-in-law loses a piece of meat, let's see how I deal with you!" Mom looked at the dining table with a groan, "What have you done?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Curian carp soup, pig's trotters, fried vegetables."

Mom chuckled, "I don't know how it tastes, but it looks like that."

Zhang Ye greeted: "Try it quickly, have a taste."

All in all, this should be Zhang Ye's first serious cooking experience in the underground kitchen besides making instant noodles.

Several people sat down and started eating with chopsticks.

Wu Zeqing tasted the soup gracefully, narrowed his beautiful eyes, and said gently: "It's really good, delicious."

When my mother tasted it, she smacked her lips and said, "It's just okay. It can't be compared to me, but for your level, it still exceeds my expectations by a lot."

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes.

Don’t say that, it means I didn’t draw the cooking skills. If my brother maxes out the cooking skills, I can cook a full banquet for all. Believe it or not!

Have a meal.

Wash the dishes.

Tidy up the kitchen.

The mother was fierce in words, but she still loved her son in her heart, so she quickly said: "Okay, just let me do it. I haven't let you do any work since you have grown up."

Zhang Ye blocked it with his hand, "Don't move, no one can take my job from me - Hey, Old Wu, sit down for me, who told you to get up? Drink some water, right? I'll give it to you Let me get it for you - we're done here, do you have any clothes to wash - hey, where is the washing powder? Oh, I found it!"

Back and forth, left and right, inside and out, it all depends on Zhang Ye working alone. Although the food he cooked is not so fragrant, although it takes a lot of water to wash the dishes, and although the clothes are not washed so neatly, every time Zhang Ye was doing everything seriously and doing his best.

Mom saw it and felt relieved.

After his mother left, Wu Zeqing said: "Xiao Ye, stop being busy."

Zhang Ye walked over with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Lao Wu stretched out his hand to wipe the washing powder on his wrist, "You, go down and do your business, it's just a knock on your leg, and I can't take care of myself? I'm not as delicate as you think. .”

Zhang Ye said: "My main business now is to serve you."

Lao Wu: "No need."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't miss my work."

Lao Wu: "How do you say it?"

Zhang Ye: "I haven't told you yet, have I? Haha, buddy, I have successfully infiltrated the 'enemy' now, but no one knows about it. Comics are more casual and can be drawn anywhere. It just so happens that in the past few months, I Work hard to complete the comic, and when it is announced, it will gain a lot of popularity across Asia, so you can’t delay the business, so you can just take good care of your health, why are we so pretentious?”

Lao Wu smiled and said: "Okay, then I will enjoy the blessings of my husband at home these few months."

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