I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,440 [Comic is a big hit! 】

do the laundry.


drawing comic.

Day after day.

When people take leave to rest, they have nothing to do, but Zhang Ye is better. The more he rests, the busier he becomes. This guy has a restless temper, and he can always find something to do when he has nothing to do. No, this guy doesn't know where his muscles are. He is obsessed with cooking and cooks for his wife in different ways every day.

Zhang Ye's group of relatives and friends have suffered a lot.


A certain studio.

Director: "Okay, ready to start."

The assistant director said: "Stop your cell phones."

Everyone turned off their mobile phones. Only Yao Jian shouted: "Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone." Then he answered the phone wordlessly, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ye over there said: "How to fry eggplant?"

Yao Jiancai: "You called me three times today!"

Zhang Ye: "I don't know how to fire."

Yao Jiancai: "Put in oil and stir-fry."

Zhang Ye: "It's useless, the oil will disappear and the eggplant will be dry."

Yao Jiancai: "Oh, why are you so stupid? Eggplant eats oil, so put more oil in it."

Zhang Ye: "Damn, you told me earlier, I died!"

Putting down the phone and seeing everyone on the crew looking at him, Yao Jiancai couldn't help but raise his phone and said, "Zhang Ye's, this guy has learned to cook."

When everyone heard this, they were all happy.


Backstage at a concert.

"A few teachers are ready to play."

Xiaodong and AMY are ready.

Only Li Xiaoxian is still on the phone,

"Teacher Zhang, I'm about to go on stage."

Zhang Ye said anxiously: "Tell me first, my pot is hot, hurry up!"

Li Xiaoxian had no choice but to say: "You need to blanch the water first and skim off the bloody foam."

Zhang Ye: "You still need to blanch it in water?"

Li Xiaoxian: "Of course, otherwise it won't taste good."

Xiaodong rolled his eyes.

AMY urged: "Xiao Xian, come on, come on stage. Don't worry about Teacher Zhang. He has made eight calls in the past few days. He is not good at cooking!"


The scene of a commercial performance.

Fan Wenli had just finished singing a song and before she drank the water, the call came.

"Lao Fan, how do you make squirrel and mandarin fish?"


"Tell me quickly, Mandarin Fish was just killed by me!"

"It's almost time, right? You haven't even cooked tomatoes and scrambled eggs yet, why don't you still have squirrels and mandarin fish? You haven't even learned how to walk yet and you're going to go into space?"

"Hey, you look down on buddy, right?"

Li Xiaoxian.

Zhang Xia.

Fan Wenli.

Etc., etc.

As long as Zhang Ye's friends can cook, they have been harassed by him these days. The phone rings almost as soon as it's time for dinner. Everyone is annoyed. The key is not to attack Zhang Ye. If you get impatient, , when you say he can’t do it, he still gets angry with you. How do you do it?

Zhang Ye himself was quite amused.

Cooking a few dishes every day and watching Lao Wu praise him after eating, Zhang Ye would be satisfied and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Of course, he didn't miss anything.

Zhang Ye is heading to Asia's top tier.

Every night after Wu Zeqing went to bed, he would come to the newly built studio, drink a cup of coffee or strong tea, and then start painting until the early morning. When he was in average condition or tired, he would draw one episode a day. When he was in better condition, he could draw two or three episodes a day. There are more and more copies of "One Piece" in hand, but the release in Japan is too slow, and they are still serializing one episode per week. In the end, Zhang Ye thought they were too meaty, so he simply asked the studio to communicate with them. , can you post two to three episodes every week, and add more pages?

the other side.


The new issue of Juvenile Hall is on sale.

The second episode of "One Piece" has been serialized.

If the first episode just introduces the background and mixes in memories to bring out the main plot, then the second episode really officially enters the plot.


"Start fighting!"

"Rubber man!"

"This is fun, this is fun!"

"Luffy is so cute!"

"There are new characters."

"It's getting better."

"This comic is good and worth reading."

"This new series is very fresh and I have already recommended it to my friends."

"Oh, the character is just too ugly."

A week later.

The third episode of "One Piece" is serialized.

"looks good!"

“Looking forward to it more and more!”

"I'm going to die! Suddenly I think the character is very good-looking!"

"Me too, I'm actually used to it!"

"This character is so unique."

"Give it back the popularity poll for this issue."

Youth Hall.

Editorial Department.

The new popularity survey is out.

All the editors, including Seto Kyoko, gathered around to watch in anticipation. After seeing it, all the editors burst into laughter.

"It's "One Piece" again!"

"First again?"

"It ranks first in three consecutive surveys."

"This is the biggest dark horse this year."

"Kyoko, treat me."

Seto Kyoko was laughing in her heart, but she said: "What kind of guests are you inviting me to? I'm worried to death. Teacher Aoi has come here to urge me several times, saying that there are too few weekly chapters." , I hope to add pages to the volume of two or even three episodes per week, there has never been such a precedent."

When the editors heard this, they almost vomited blood!


"Isn't he too young?"

"Three words a week?"

"Kyoko, you've made a lot of money!"

"Why don't I have such dedicated cartoonists?"

"Kyoko, I envy you so much. All the cartoonists under me are good at procrastinating. Every time the deadline is not met, they don't know how to make progress. I need to visit them all to push for manuscripts. Sometimes I still want to glare at them and get mad at them, why can’t I stand up to such a good cartoonist!”

"Ah ah ah, people are more likely to die than others!"

"Kyoko has made a big turn this year!"

""One Piece" is now showing signs of becoming a big hit. The standalone book is already confirmed. If the sales are good, it will definitely be animated."

At this time, the editor-in-chief came.

Seto Kyoko hurriedly said: "Chief editor."

The editor-in-chief hummed, "First place again?"

Seto Kyoko smiled and said, "Yes."

The editor-in-chief thought for a while, "How many chapters of "One Piece" have been submitted?"

Seto Kyoko said: "Thirty episodes have been handed in. Aoi-sensei didn't know how many assistants he hired. The creation speed is so fast, and I have read each episode several times, and the quality is extremely high."

The editor-in-chief nodded and said: "We have discussed the matter you mentioned before in a meeting. There is indeed no precedent, but it is not impossible to do it."

Seto Kyoko said in surprise: "You mean?"

"You can give it a try." The editor-in-chief said: "A serial has just been stopped this week. You can give this part of the serial page to "One Piece" for two chapters a week and see if it works. If the effect is not good, then take it down. "

In this way, "One Piece" started a two-episode series a week.

The popularity of "One Piece" has also swept the entire Japan with lightning speed!

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