I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,441 [Amazing single book sales! 】


Online, on the street, in the car, at school.

You can hear talk about One Piece everywhere.

"Two episodes were serialized today!"

“It’s so enjoyable to watch.”

"My Luffy! So cute!"

"The fight is so bloody!"

"This is the best comic I've read in recent years!"

"I want to buy the single volume!"

"Me too, when will it be released?"

"I've watched it four times!"

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Chapter six.

The serialization of "One Piece" continues.

And because the number of serials doubled every week, the page length of "One Piece" quickly met the requirements for publishing a single book. The ordinary 32-format volume, also called a new book review in Japan, has a length of about 180 pages. I have to advance the plan for the single volume.



Make the cover.

First printing numbers were also discussed.

At a meeting in the juvenile hall, everyone had different opinions.

"Tell me, how much is the first print?"

"How about trying 100,000 copies first?"

"Is 100,000 copies a little too low? With the current popularity of "One Piece", I think it will be at least 200,000 copies, maybe more."

"Two hundred thousand? Impossible."

"This is the first volume. Two hundred thousand is too high. This is the treatment of top cartoonists."

"But now "One Piece" is already the most popular comic series in Japan!"

"The single volume hasn't been released yet.

I don’t know how the sales volume will be. It’s a little early to say which comics are the most popular. "

"Let's compromise. I suggest 150,000."

There are promising ones.

Of course, there are also those who are not optimistic about it.

The popularity survey of "One Piece" is high, and it has been ranked first for many consecutive issues. However, word-of-mouth is word-of-mouth, and sales is sales. These must be discussed separately. It is not that there are those who are praised and rated very high, but the original shape is revealed as soon as the single book is released. For comics, word-of-mouth is only one aspect, and ultimately sales volume has to speak for itself.


Someone from Zhang Ye's studio also went to Japan.

this day.


It's six o'clock in the morning Beijing time.

It's 7 a.m. Tokyo time, one hour behind.

Zhang Ye was making breakfast in the kitchen, holding his mobile phone in the other hand while making a video call with Ha Qiqi. In the video, Xiao Sun was talking to his sister over there, and Ha Qiqi was also in high spirits.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Are you here?"

Ha Qiqi: "Xiao Sun and I have already arrived in Japan. Today is the day when the first volume of "One Piece" is released. It will go on sale soon. You don't know. If you don't come here, you really won't be able to feel "One Piece"." "The popularity of "One Piece", let's put it this way, I can still understand the three words "One Piece" in Japanese. Did you know that when Xiao Sun and I came all the way here, we heard people mention "One Piece" four or five times in our ears? "

Zhang Ye: "Haha, that's good."

Ha Qiqi smiled and said: "Xiao Sun and I will go to the bookstore immediately and will tell you the latest news soon."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Ha Qiqi said: "It's not hard, you should. You can draw more, and then take good care of Bureau Wu at home. We will take care of the rest."

Zhang Ye: "Okay."

After hanging up the video, Ha Qiqi and Xiao Sun set off immediately.

But when they walked outside a nearby bookstore with the largest rules, both of them were dumbfounded. They saw a long queue that had already stretched out for more than a hundred meters.

One Piece!

One Piece!

This sound is all over my ears!

Xiao Sun was stunned, "They all bought "One Piece"?"

Ha Qiqi also felt a little weak, "No way?"

They didn't understand either and didn't dare to be sentimental. Then they turned around and changed to a smaller bookstore, only to find that it was the same, and they were all queuing up!

What is this for?

What are you here to buy?

At this time, the time has come!

When the bookstore suddenly opened its doors for business, the queue of people rushed in instantly. Although it was in order, and although it was not chaotic like the country, everyone was walking as fast as flying, and everyone rushed in the same direction—— Comic sales area!

"One Piece!"

"I want one!"

"Give me a copy!"

"Is the Pirate King here?"

Xiao Sun was shocked!

Everyone is elated!

I’m not just being sentimental, I really came here to buy “One Piece”!


A certain point of sale.

"Does One Piece have one?"

"Give me a single volume of One Piece, thank you."

"Is the eighth volume of "Martial King" out? Not yet? Oh, then I want a copy of "One Piece"."


A certain bookstore.


"there is none left?"

"Why is there no more?"

"I came to line up in the morning."


A certain supermarket.

"Where's "One Piece"?"

"Isn't the single book coming out today?"

"Sold out?"

"So fast?"

"Are there no copies left?"

"Ahhh! It's too late!"

at the same time.

Juvenile Library Editorial Department.

A person from the marketing department suddenly ran in and shouted breathlessly: "One Piece is selling like crazy! Who is the editor-in-chief of One Piece?"

Seto Kyoko stood up in shock, "It's me."

The person from the marketing department said: "Hurry up and prepare, it's time to print more!"

Other editors were stunned.

"Add stamp?"

"This has just been released."

"Why print it now?"

"What's the grade?"

None of them could understand it.

Additional printing is a big deal. Usually, you have to wait for the first single volume to be sold out before you can consider additional printing or the number of additional volumes based on the results. How come it was only two hours after the sales started that the issue of additional printing was raised? Already?

Everyone looked confused.

I saw the man from the marketing department saying: "What do you know? Within two hours of the release of "One Piece", all the 150,000 copies of the first printing were sold out!"

Seto Kyoko was stunned!

Everyone in the editorial department was stunned!

Sold out?


One hundred and fifty thousand copies? ?

Deputy Editor: “Holy shit!”

A male editor fainted: "Do you want to be so cruel?"

One person shouted: "Quick, quick, quick, inform the editor-in-chief!"

Everyone knew something was wrong!

This is no longer just a major event for their youth club, this is a major event for the Japanese comics industry!

How many years?

How many years has it been since Japan had a manga with this kind of achievement?

Two days later.

An additional 150,000 copies of "One Piece" will be printed.

Sold out in three hours!

A few days later.

"One Piece" prints another 200,000 copies.

Two hundred thousand copies were sold out again!


Sold out!


Sold out!

In the end, the sales volume of the first volume of "One Piece" reached an astonishing 1.01 million copies, breaking the historical sales record of the first volume of a comic book!

The youth hall is crazy!

Other comics magazine publishers are going crazy!

The whole of Japan is crazy!

Thinking back to the completion of the national comic "Racial Awakening" six or seven years ago, there has never been such a crazy scene in the Japanese comic industry. The popularity of "One Piece" came too suddenly, and it was so unprepared. Many Japanese people were caught off guard!

Six years!

Six years!

Another national-level comic, they are finally here!

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