I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,463 [Zhang Ye has cramps again! 】

same day.


Miracle Animation Production Company.

The company is located in a place with a not very good geographical location in Tongzhou District. There is a medium-sized sign hanging outside the third floor of some old office buildings with the words "Miracle Animation" written on it. If I tell you that this is a domestic company Everyone definitely doesn’t believe the top five animation production companies.

within the company.

The six shareholders of the team sit together.

They are all college classmates. After graduation, they collectively pooled their money to form this company. They have been working hard in the field of animation. They have produced and made the company stand out. The team has continued to grow, and the company has continued to develop, and has become the highest level of domestic animation production. One of the outstanding animation companies, however, with the arrival of the domestic animation winter, they have also been hit the bottom. Projects are losing money one by one, and members are leaving one by one. The despair is difficult to describe in words. When the company was named, everyone unanimously voted for the name "Miracle" in order to work together to create the miracle of local animation. However, now, this name seems extremely ironic.

Today, there was silence in the conference room.

Because another shareholder left the company, a friend and comrade who started the business with them and has been with them for many years.

They thought that they were used to this kind of scene because they had experienced too many partings over the years, but every time it came to this moment, they found that they still couldn't accept it and felt very uncomfortable. This kind of blow was more severe than the deserted market that brought them to them. The damage will be even greater!

Chen Xiang: "Xiao Kai is gone."

Li Zhi: "Of the twenty classmates, there are only six of us left."

Han Bin: "Xiao Kai, why?"

Sun Xiaobei: "Didn't we agree to fight together to the end?"

Chen Xiang: "The company was losing money every day, and he couldn't hold on anymore. His girlfriend found him a programming job and went to Shanghai to develop."

Hu Kebang: "Which domestic animation company is having a good time now? Everyone is the same. I have always believed that domestic animation must have a way out, there must be one!"

Chen Xiang: "I used to believe it, but now I'm starting to doubt it."

Hu Kebang: "Xiangzi!"

Chen Xiang: "Let me finish, after so many years, you have also seen that the current market has not improved at all. Moreover, under the wave of Japanese comics across Asia, the domestic domestic animation market has worsened, leaving Our living space is getting smaller. Japanese comics have almost occupied more than 95% of our domestic market. Everyone is watching Japanese comics. And there are some things we have to admit. In terms of starting, we are too late. In terms of starting, we are too late. In terms of company size, the combined scale of our domestic companies is not as large as their family. In terms of production level and team professionalism, we are also far behind others. We are also animation. If it were you, you Which one will you watch?”

Not a crowd pleaser.

Not applauded either.

Today’s domestic animation is too embarrassing.

At this time, Sun Xiaobei spoke, "Opportunities don't come by waiting."

Chen Xiang said: "I know this. You have to develop the market by yourself, but how? How many times have so many domestic animation companies tried over the years? Who has succeeded? Even if there are one or two local animations with good results occasionally, it can still It’s just tepid, not even one-twentieth as hot! What if this is called success? What’s the point of this kind of success?”

Sun Xiaobei said: "But I still want to try."

Chen Xiang sighed, "Now that there is no project left, how can we still try?"

Sun Xiaobei's eyes were firm, "I don't believe that we can't do what others can do. It's impossible for domestic animation to be suppressed by Japanese comics for the rest of our lives." After a pause, she asked: "Have you heard from Zhang Ye's studio? ?"

Zhao Chengfei said: "Not yet."

Chen Xiang shook his head, "We are a small company, how can others pay attention to us?"

Li Zhi also said: "Yes, there is no need to send that invitation letter of yours. Teacher Zhang is an Asian superstar. He has a lot of work every day. It is impossible for him to come and work with us.

Who doesn’t know that local animation is a bottomless pit, with high investment, high risks, and low returns. Not to mention a superstar, even a slightly famous director will not jump into this pit. He doesn’t even draw anymore, how can he run away? Come to play local animation? Take a trip into these murky waters? "

Sun Xiaobei gritted his teeth, "Then I will go to the studio to invite him."

Chen Xiang said: "They won't let us in."

Sun Xiaobei said: "Then I will wait at the door until Teacher Zhang sees me. Teacher Zhang is the only Chinese who has ever made a difference in the field of animation, the only one!"

Li Zhi: "We can't see it."

Chen Xiang smacked his lips, "Oh, unless Teacher Zhang's brain cramps again."

Hu Kebang snorted, "That's hard to say. Mr. Zhang has cramps all the time."

Everyone shook their heads. Except for Sun Xiaobei and Hu Kebang, no one expected Zhang Ye to reply to their letter.

At this time, the door of the conference room suddenly opened.

An employee ran in anxiously, "Mr. Sun! Mr. Sun!"

Sun Xiaobei looked at him, "What's wrong?"

The man stammered, holding a fax, "Look! Look!"

Sun Xiaobei looked suspicious. He took the fax and took a look at it, and then he was stunned!

"Xiao Bei?"

"What's wrong?"

"What fax?"

Sun Xiaobei looked at them in astonishment, raised the fax in his hand, "Old Hu, you are right, Teacher Zhang's brain is really cramping again!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked!

"What did you say?"

"Zhang Ye's fax?"


"Holy shit!"

"Show me quickly!"

Several people shouted and swarmed forward!

Sun Xiaobei laughed so hard that tears fell down, "It's Teacher Zhang's handwriting. I've read it more than fifty times. No one can imitate this handwriting!"

she cried.

The moment she saw the fax, she cried.

The fax also contained three sentences, answering their three questions.

One: Of course there is a way out for Chinese animation.

Two: The way out is at our feet.

Three: OK, I'll try it with you.

——Zhang Ye.

The six shareholders are crazy!

"It's Zhang Ye!"

"It's his signature!"

"Oh my God!"

"Teacher Zhang gave us a reply!"

"Xiao Bei! You are so awesome!"

"It's done! It's really done!"

"Zhang Ye! This is Zhang Ye!"

"That's so fierce! We actually invited Teacher Zhang Ye out of the mountain?"

They couldn't believe their eyes, and they were so excited that they hugged each other!

At this moment, the hope for domestic animation that was about to be extinguished in many people's hearts suddenly started burning again, out of control! .


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