I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,464 [A divine pit within a divine pit! 】

Another day.


Zhang Ye's studio.

Xiao Wang placed a pile of relevant information on the domestic animation industry on Zhang Ye's desk. It was a thick pile, and Zhang Ye flipped through the pages. Since you want to join this industry, you must understand it clearly in advance and do the relevant homework. Zhang Ye never fights a battle that he is not sure of.

Industry situation.

mode of operation.

Works over the years.

Basically everything.

Xiao Wang struggled and said: "Director Zhang, please think about it again."

Zhang Ye chuckled and said, "Isn't it already decided?"

Xiao Wang said: "But you don't know if you don't check it. I was shocked when I checked it. Everyone knew that local animation was struggling before, but we didn't expect it to be so difficult. Look at this information, our hearts dropped when we compiled it, haha Sister and Brother Zuo slapped their foreheads and left after watching half of the movie. The situation of local animation is much worse than we thought before. Do you know how domestic animation companies stay alive now? They all rely on the same young children. Animation is ‘extending its life’ and there has been no development at all in the past few years. It’s really too miserable.”

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "That's why it's time for us to take action."

Xiao Zhou also sighed beside him, "No one is as courageous as you. The more dangerous and difficult the situation, the more you rush to it."

Zhang Ye said: "That's because I'm too lazy to do anything easy. Haha, okay, don't talk nonsense with me. Have you done your business?"

Xiao Wang immediately said: "We have already made an appointment with them."

Xiao Zhou looked at his watch, "Is it almost there?"

Zhang Ye said: "Go pick it up."

"Okay." Xiao Zhou went downstairs.

Zhang Ye continued to read the information.


Sun Xiaobei and others have already arrived.

Li Zhi took a deep breath, "What should I say when the time comes?"

Chen Xiang was also extremely nervous, "Yeah, why am I a little weak in my legs."

"Me too." Zhao Chengfei wiped his sweat and said, "Otherwise, or I won't go up, you can go ahead, that's Zhang Ye, the biggest bastard in the Asian entertainment industry!"

Sun Xiaobei was speechless, "How can you talk? What do you mean by a bastard? He just likes to scold others and fight."

Zhao Chengfei asked back: "Isn't that just a bastard?"

Sun Xiaobei: "..."

Chen Xiang said: "Do you think Teacher Zhang can really cooperate with us?"

Hu Kebang said: "I also think it's a bit unreal."

Sun Xiaobei said: "You will know what it is like when you meet Teacher Zhang."

Chen Xiang gritted his teeth, "Okay, let's go."

A few minutes later.

People are coming.

Several people finally met Zhang Ye in person.

Zhang Ye smiled and shook hands with them, "I'm sorry for asking you to make a trip. I was supposed to bring my team to find you, but I'm more of a hate person now. I'm afraid that people will slap me with bricks wherever I go. So if you don’t dare to show up on the street easily, people will invite you over.”

How can you attract more hatred?

Everyone is shouting about you!

Everyone laughed. Eunuchs have no human rights.

However, Zhang Ye's opening words made Sun Xiaobei and others feel slightly relieved. They found that Zhang Ye was not difficult to get along with.

Zhang Ye asked: "Who is in charge?"

Sun Xiaobei stood up and said, neither arrogantly nor humblely: "We are all shareholders and college classmates. We discuss everything together. Thanks to everyone's trust, I am generally responsible for liaison with external affairs." On the surface, he was very indifferent. , In fact, Sun Xiaobei's heart was beating wildly and he was extremely nervous.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Did you also write the fax of the cooperation invitation?"

Sun Xiaobei nodded, "I wrote it."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I just found someone to find out about your company.

It's very good. Regardless of scale or technology, this is a good animation team in China. You asked me to help you when it comes to cooperation. I don't take it seriously. I am actually a novice in the animation field and have only entered the industry in the past few months. "

Sun Xiaobei smiled and said: "But in the past few months, you have gone to places that we have not been to in so many years. We came here with the attitude of learning from you. You are the only one who has reached the top in the animation field." We cannot invite anyone else to the Chinese, we can only come to you. I hope you can point out a way for our local animation, and I hope you can help Chinese animation find a way out in the market where Japanese animation is raging."

Zhang Ye joked: "Okay, I'm not good at other things, but I'm good at fighting and killing."

Ha Qiqihan said: "What people call beating and killing is not the beating and killing you are talking about, right?"

Zhang Ye laughed dryly, "It's all the same, it's all the same."

Everyone was amused.

Zhang Zuo greeted: "Please sit down quickly."

Zhang Ye said: "Yes, sit down and talk."

There is tea.

There is wine.

There are also snacks.

Sun Xiaobei took a sip of tea absentmindedly and went straight to the topic, "Teacher Zhang, I have read all seven of your comics. We have really learned a lot. Each one is an extremely excellent animation work, but the more this , the more desperate we feel, excuse me, because I feel that none of these seven comics are our local comics, they all have a typical Japanese comic style."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Of course."

Sun Xiaobei asked: "Do you think this will be the way out for local animation?"

Zhang Ye said: "Are you talking about imitation?"

Sun Xiaobei: "Yes."

Zhang Ye shook his head, "I don't think so."

Chen Xiang asked, "You said you wanted to cooperate with us, didn't you mean to make a second film or something?"

"Of course not." Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Local comics, of course, have to be a bit like local comics."

Sun Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'm relieved. Before I came here, I was worried that you would make a second part, just changing it to Chinese and Chinese names. If that's the case, we really can't do it, and that's not the case. We want to make anime.”

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Japanese comics have a Japanese comic model. This model is very successful in Japan, and can even radiate to the whole of Asia. It is also very successful. However, if this model is directly brought to China, it may not be able to succeed. Okay, for example, how many people do you think would read a local comic with the title Ninja? It might be nondescript if the title were changed. Or, for example, if a pirate is used as the protagonist, do you think radio and television can approve it? Can TV broadcast it? Even so. My wife is a leader of Radio and Television, so even if I were the son-in-law of Radio and Television, there would be no chance of this."

Sun Xiaobei: "Pfft."

Others laughed too.

Zhang Ye continued: "And it's not just about the subject matter, it's also about the model. Can China accept weekly updates? Isn't it difficult for the time being? The Chinese market does not have a mature animation operation system like Japan, so the national conditions are different, and the industry The model is different, and many things cannot be copied mechanically. We have to have something of our own, something different from Japanese comics, and find our own path."

Sun Xiaobei sighed: "But many domestic animators have tried and failed. We really don't know where this road belongs to us."

Zhang Ye smiled and suddenly asked: "Have you tried 3D animation?"


3D animation?

Sun Xiaobei and others were stunned for a moment.

Ha Qi, Zhang Zuo and the others were also slightly shocked.

Li Zhi and the others were experts. When they heard this, they were startled and said hurriedly: "This won't work. Japan has tried 3D animation several times, but they all failed. A few of them had pretty good themes. The comics were adapted into animations in 3D form, but the results were very poor. They only kept the comic fans fresh for a few days and then they were no longer interested. The production technology of 3D animations is not difficult, but Japan has proven that this model can work. It doesn’t make sense.”

Chen Xiang waved his hands repeatedly, "This won't work."

Hu Kebang also said: "Japan is the country with the most developed animation industry. They have proved that 3D animation has no future, so we are even more——"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "They are them, and we are us. If they can't do it, we may not be able to do it."

If others can’t do it, how can we do it?

How is this possible!

Sun Xiaobei was silent.

Zhang Ye looked at her and said, "Want to give it a try?"

Sun Xiaobei said: "3D animation, in terms of production funds, investment, personnel and technology, is many times higher than ordinary 2D animation, and no one in China has ever tried it. If it fails, it will be an astronomical loss. This Are you playing a little too big, Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I never played when I was little."

Chen Xiang said in horror: "Xiao Bei, this -"

Hu Kebang also kicked Sun Xiaobei several times under the table.

Everyone knows that local animation is a trap!

Everyone knows that 3D animation is also a trap!

The results of it?

Zhang Ye actually wants to make a local 3D animation?

This is just more fucking pitfalls!

This is the fucking pit of pits!

You can't do this!

This is going to cost lives!

Hu Kebang, Chen Xiang and others all thought that there was no worse idea than Zhang Ye's!

But what they never expected was that after about thirty seconds of silence, Sun Xiaobei raised his head and looked into Zhang Ye's eyes. After looking at Zhang Ye's eyes for a long time, he suddenly said, "If someone else said these words to us, , I would only think it was a fantasy, a layman’s talk among laymen, and I didn’t even want to get up and leave, but you are different, I believe in your judgment! Let’s jump into this pit!”

"Xiao Bei!"



Chen Xiang and the others were almost crying!

Sun Xiaobei said: "We can provide half of the funds."

Zhang Ye said: "I will pay for the rest."

Sun Xiaobei asked: "Who is the director?"

Zhang Ye said: "I'll come in person, personnel and technology?"

Sun Xiaobei: "Let's go out."

Zhang Ye extended his hand and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Sun Xiaobei also held his hand, very hard and firmly. This grip seemed to make her put all her hopes on it, "Happy cooperation."

She said before that several people were shareholders and that things were decided by everyone through discussion, but in the end it was Sun Xiaobei who made the decision. After all, she was the chairman with the largest number of shares in the company. Sometimes, women may be more courageous than men. Sun Xiaobei didn't know whether her decision was right, but she really wanted to take a gamble!

Take a gamble for Miracle Company!

Also take a gamble for local animation!

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