I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1507 [Old Wu is about to give birth! 】

( ) one day.

Two days.

Three days.

As the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, red lanterns have been hung up in the institute, and the researchers are looking forward to the arrival of the New Year.

"Posting Spring Festival couplets!"

"Old Li, your Spring Festival couplets are too ugly."

"Hahaha, I can't help it, it's just at this level."

"That's right. Among those of us who do research and academics every day, some of us have good calligraphy."

"Hey, don't say this, have you forgotten? The top calligraphy master in the country is staying in our research institute."

"Yes, you should ask Professor Zhang to write Spring Festival couplets."

"Come on, Professor Zhang is worth a fortune. Even if he writes it out for us, who would dare to hang it? Are you willing to stick it on the wall? That's not a waste of things."

"By the way, where is Professor Zhang?"

"That's right. I haven't seen him for several days."

"If someone hadn't sang "Tears Behind Bars" every morning, I would have thought Professor Zhang would have left long ago."

"It seems like they are doing some research."

"Professor Zhang's abilities are hard to say. He just suffers from convulsions from time to time."


Zhang Ye hasn't gone out for several days. The room was covered with things. There was a series of dense formulas on the blackboard. There were dozens of drawings on the wall that no one could understand. There were drafts and scraps everywhere on the table and on the floor. There was also a picture in the corner. Ye borrowed several models from somewhere.



Design model diagram.

No one knows what Zhang Ye is doing, because no one in the research institute understands the research he is doing. No one believed what Zhang Ye was doing, because what he was doing was too scary. There were thousands of difficult projects in China, but even so, the one Zhang Ye picked was the most difficult one among them! How many scientists have fallen in the face of this difficulty?

Countless research institutes have frowned countless times, but now, Zhang Ye, a mathematician, actually wants to overcome this scientific research gap. Who will believe it?

As for Zhang Yexin, he believed that he could do it, but it would take time, a lot of time, so he had been working almost non-stop these days without much rest.

Until a piece of news came.

The news was brought by Chi Xue.

Chi Xue announced the good news: "Professor Zhang, congratulations in advance."

Zhang Ye asked: "Congratulations for what?"

"Your wife is going to give birth." Chi Xue said immediately: "I just got the news that Bureau Wu has been hospitalized and is expecting to give birth. The expected date of delivery is within the next few days."

Zhang Ye was stunned.

Giving birth?

Giving birth soon?

Isn't it?

Isn’t the due date just these days!

At this moment, all work, research, etc. were forgotten by Zhang Ye. He had no thoughts now. All he could think about was Lao Wu and his children!

sit down.

Stand up again.

After walking around a few times, he sat down again.

Zhang Ye wandered around the room and finally left the room.

Zhou Xiaohe came up and said, "Professor Zhang, congratulations."

Over there, several scientific researchers also expressed their congratulations.

"You're going to be a father."

"Congratulations in advance to Professor Zhang."

"This is a great joy."

"It's just in time for the Chinese New Year, we have to have a good time!"

"Hahaha, Professor Zhang, you have to treat me!"

Everyone knew the news, and they were all happy for Zhang Ye.

But no one can understand Zhang Ye's mood at this moment. It is really too complicated. He is excited and a little worried at the same time. He has no other thoughts now. He just wants to fly to the hospital immediately and fly to Lao Wu to accompany her. The idea of ​​seeing his own child being born was so strong that the moment Zhang Ye had this idea, he quickened his pace to find Academician Chi and Academician Zhou.

His words made the two veterans happy!

Zhang Ye said: "Brother, I need to be released on medical parole!"

Chi Xue: "..."

Academician Chi rolled his eyes, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Ye said: "I'm sick everywhere."

Academician Zhou said: "Aren't you in good health?"

Zhang Ye pointed to the ground, "Do you believe I'm going to pour one right now?"

Academician Zhou was speechless, "Then which hospital do you want to go to?"

Zhang Ye said carelessly: "It's the maternity hospital where my wife is. It's fine for me to live there."

"You are such a big man, what kind of doctor do you have in other obstetrics and gynecology hospitals?" Chi Xue was also amused.

Zhang Ye snorted: "As long as you bail me out, my brothers in the mental hospital will also be admitted!"


You're brave enough!

Academician Chi said: "Professor Zhang, I understand how you feel, but you are still serving your sentence. Our Chinese Academy of Sciences spent a lot of effort to loan you out, and you also have to guarantee and sign. Do you think you Can you go out now? Just wait for the news here in a down-to-earth manner. In this way, we are not unkind people. I will give you a privilege. As long as there is news from your wife's hospital, whether it is a test report or an electrocardiogram, Whatever you want, I will ask someone to get it for you. I guarantee that you will feel at ease and that you will get the news as soon as possible."

Zhang Ye smacked his lips, "What's the use of looking at the lab report?"

Academician Zhou said: "Lao Chi has given you special privileges, but others really don't have this kind of treatment."

"That won't work." Zhang Ye refused, "Then let me call my wife."

Academician Chi said firmly: "This won't work."

Academician Zhou also said: "Definitely not."

Chi Xue said, "Dad, why don't you let Professor Zhang hit one."

"No." Academician Chi shook his head, "There are confidentiality regulations regarding Xiao Zhang's departure from prison. All outside contact is prohibited. This is a rule."

Chi Xue said: "The regulations also have to be based on human feelings. Special treatment should be given to special circumstances. Professor Zhang has worked hard for our research project, and now his wife is about to give birth. He is not allowed to visit or make phone calls. This is a bit too much. It's unkind, Uncle Zhou, don't you think so?"

Academician Zhou hesitated after hearing this, "This does make sense."

Academician Chi glared and said, "Old Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

Academician Zhou smiled and said: "It's just a phone call. As long as Professor Zhang doesn't reveal anything about our institute or research projects, that's fine."

Zhang Ye said: "Oh, you are overthinking it. I haven't seen my wife for several months, and I just made a few minutes of phone calls. I still have to talk to her about some scientific research projects? I have something serious to do. I have nothing to do. .”

Chi Xue said: "Right, Dad?"

Academician Chi frowned, "This is against the rules!"

Zhang Ye looked at him and said, "Isn't it against the rules for you to lend me out of the prison? Are there people in prison who borrow people at will? Which rule does this fall under?"

Academician Chi: "..."

He really couldn't refute this.

Academician Zhou also helped to persuade: "When a wife gives birth to a child, it is a major event in her life."

Academician Chi’s brows knitted together.

Upon seeing this, Academician Zhou said directly: "Okay, I've approved it. If anything happens, I'll be responsible for it."

Zhang Ye was happy and patted Academician Zhou on the shoulder, "Old Zhou, you are still loyal!"

Who is following you, Lao Zhou?

Academician Zhou rolled his eyes.

Academician Chi snorted, "Are you responsible if something happens? You're not the leader, are you responsible?" After saying that, he opened the drawer and took out something, wrote a few lines, signed his name, and stamped it. After reading a chapter, he threw it on the table and said, "Take this, just this time, just three minutes, never happen again."

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Okay, thanks, Lao Chi!"

Phone room.

There is a guard guarding the door.

This is the only external contact phone in the institute. Zhang Ye showed the note signed by Academician Chi to the guard before entering. Chi Xue and Zhou Xiaohe also followed, they were the supervisors.



Zhang Ye picked up the old-fashioned telephone, his hands shaking.

Ta, tap, tap, he took a deep breath and started dialing.

Toot toot…

Toot toot…

pick up!

Pick it up quickly!

Zhang Ye was extremely anxious!

Suddenly, the call came through.

A familiar female voice came from over there, "Hello? Who is this?"

Hearing this sound, Zhang Ye's heart trembled, "Old Wu!"


"How are you?"

"I'm in the hospital expecting to give birth. I'm in good health. How about you?"

"I'm fine too."

"That's good, you can't visit over there?"

"Well, something happened."

"Where was the call made?"

"can not say."

"Okay, then I won't ask anymore."

"I can call you in three minutes. I know you are in the hospital and expecting to give birth. I am worried. I thought I would have to call you anyway. I was full of words, but I don't know what to say. Anyway, don't worry, Lao Wu, buddy. I will try to go back as soon as possible, and I will definitely go back as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll wait."

At this time, Chi Xue reminded: "There are still two minutes."

Old Wu on the other side of the phone should have heard it.

The two people on both sides of the phone also fell silent.

Thousands of words.

How can I finish speaking in two minutes?

"Xiao Ye."


"Sing me a song."

"Want to listen again?"

"I want to hear it."


If you want to hear me sing!

I will sing to you forever!

Zhang Ye put the phone receiver to his mouth and looked out the window, looking at the blue sky.

He sang softly with a touch of tenderness:

"I'm going to take you flying everywhere."

“Travel around the world to see it.”

"No worries, no sorrow."

"You feel freer and happier."

"Forget the pain and forget this place."

"Let's set off to wander together."

"Although there are no fancy clothes."

"But there is hope in my heart."

"We want to fly to that far away place."

"See how the world isn't so bleak."

"We want to fly to that far away place."

"Look at the world as it is still bright."

Three minutes have passed and the call has been disconnected at some point.

But Zhang Ye was still singing, looking out the window, and sang for a long, long time.

"We want to fly to that far away place."

"See how the world isn't so bleak."

"We want to fly to that far away place."

"Look at the world and it's still bright."

Chi Xue's eyes were red.

Zhou Xiaohe stretched out his hand twice, but did not have the heart to interrupt Zhang Ye.

They listened quietly, feeling that the singing drifted out along the window, and followed Zhang Ye's heart to far, far away places.

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