I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1508 [Giving birth! gave birth! 】

Two days later.

New Year's Eve.

"Where's the lantern? Hang it up."

"I'm coming!"

"Lao Li, are you ready for the show?"

"Haha, it's all done."

"Okay, it's up to you. I'm looking forward to it."

"We old guys with old arms and legs are just messing around and singing."

"It's the Spring Festival Gala soon, and I don't know what this year will be like."

"I can't tell, Professor Zhang is here with us."

"Well, I have no expectations at all for the Spring Festival Gala without Professor Zhang's guidance."

"Well, if Professor Zhang hadn't had that kind of incident, he would have been the one to host this year's Spring Festival Gala. You can imagine, it would definitely be exciting."

"Haha, Professor Zhang can't take care of the Spring Festival Gala now."

"I heard that his wife has entered the delivery room."

"Yes, I just entered not long ago."

"Hope everything goes well."

It’s Chinese New Year, and the institute is very lively.

Some people gathered together to chat.

Some people are preparing the program in twos and threes.

Others were busy preparing dinner, and the kitchen was in full swing.

Only Zhang Ye was different from the others. This guy was walking around in circles to the left and right in the courtyard of the research institute. He was very anxious. Sometimes he looked up to the sky and sighed, sometimes he frowned and stamped his feet, and sometimes he clasped his hands together. Talking to the sky, praying for something.

It must go well!

Come on, Lao Wu!

Mother and child are safe!

Mother and child are safe!

At this time, Chi Xue passed by and said, "Professor Zhang, why are you still here? The party is about to begin. Hurry up, let's get together."

Zhang Ye sighed and said, "How can I still think about watching the party?"

Chi Xue smiled and said: "Wu Juji has his own destiny, he must be fine. We will inform you as soon as there is news. Come on, let's go. Everyone has gone to the banquet hall. The Spring Festival Gala is about to start. We have a small party of our own. We are also interspersed in it, waiting for you, the famous Spring Festival Gala director, to give us corrections."

Academician Zhou also shouted from a distance: "Professor Zhang, you are the only one left, hurry up!"

Zhang Ye could only say absentmindedly: "Here he comes."

The banquet hall was full of people.

There are more than a dozen round tables and hundreds of researchers.

There is a big screen in front, which is showing a CCTV advertisement. There are less than five minutes left before the Spring Festival Gala starts. There is also a stage set up there, which is obviously used for performances. When you take a breath, there are dishes. Fragrant, I saw that the staff over there had already started serving food.

In the past few days, Zhang Ye had been thinking about Old Wu on the other side. He didn't sleep well or eat well. He was hungry now, so he sat down and started eating.

CCTV Spring Festival Gala has begun.

Only then did Zhang Ye raise his head.

Zhang Yuanqi.

Zhang Xia.

Chen Guang.

Xu Meilan.

Familiar faces appeared in front of me one after another, close at hand, yet so far away. How are you, old friends? Does Lao Zhang still like drinking so much? How is the box office performance of Lao Xu's new movie? Has Lao Chen released a new song? Is Grandma Zhang still in good health? Who did Lao Yao team up with to talk about cross talk?

Zhang Ye was a little sad.

However, everything outside has nothing to do with him.

A female researcher said: "This year's Spring Festival Gala is not good to watch."

A young researcher said: "Yes, it is far different from the Spring Festival Gala directed by Professor Zhang."

"Yeah." Another person said: "Last year's song "Go Home Often" really made me cry. I haven't gone home for the Chinese New Year in two years."

A middle-aged doctor said: "What do you mean, I have been here for four years."

An old scientist smiled and said: "Are we still trying to compete with each other? It's not a glorious thing. Alas, it's necessary for work, so there's nothing we can do about it."

At this time, their own show also started.

As soon as the chorus composed of several doctors came on stage, everyone in the audience was excited.

"I'm coming!"

"Come on Dr. Xu!"

"It was off-key last year, so don't do it this year."

"Haha, please don't expose people's shortcomings."

Starting with a party,

Singing sounded in the banquet hall.





The program has it all.

Academician Zhou suddenly said to Zhang Ye: "Professor Zhang, why don't you give us one?"

Chi Xue smiled and said: "That's good, Professor Zhang. Whether it's sketches, cross talk, or singing, you are a professional. You also opened the eyes of us amateurs."

Zhang Ye waved his hand and said, "Please spare me."

Academician Chi also said: "Yes, come one."

Chi Xue said: "I'm going to be a father soon. This is worth celebrating."

A singing program on the stage had just ended when suddenly the door was pushed open.

A staff member from the phone room rushed in and shouted excitedly: "I'm giving birth! I'm giving birth!"

Everyone looked over!

Zhang Ye stood up suddenly, "What?"

The man announced the good news: "Professor Zhang, your wife has given birth! Mother and child are safe!"

Zhang Ye hurriedly asked: "Boy or girl?"

The man said: "It's a girl! Seven pounds and two taels!"

At this moment, the banquet hall was filled with excitement!


"Congratulations to Professor Zhang!"

"Finally gave birth!"

"Professor Zhang can feel relieved this time!"

Everyone was happy for Zhang Ye from the bottom of their hearts!

Zhang Ye didn't know what to say. He wanted to shout twice to express his joy, but when the sound reached his mouth, he suppressed it and suddenly fell silent.

Academician Zhou laughed and said, "How do you feel now that you are a father?"

Chi Xue also smiled, "Professor Zhang, tell us a few words."

Everyone cheered: "Yes, tell me!"

Zhang Ye was in a daze.

Say a few words?

say what?

He didn't know, he really didn't know.

Zhang Ye left before the party ended.

Everyone looked at each other.

Chi Xue said: "What happened to him?"

Academician Zhou said: "Hey, this kid, shouldn't he be howling with joy at this time?"

Academician Chi looked at Zhang Ye's leaving figure and said nothing.

It's midnight.

The New Year bell is ringing.

The party ended and everyone went back to rest.

But at this moment, in a certain room of the institute, there was suddenly the sound of a guitar and a deep voice singing.

Someone was shocked.

Someone opened the curtains.

Someone was leaning against the window with his chin in his hand, listening quietly.

"What do I say, I don't know."

"Too many words, lost in the chest."

"The blue sky above our heads is silent and distant."

"Having you by my side makes me feel at peace."

"In the silent night, I prayed for you."

"I wish I were you, the gift of life."

"When the joy in your heart opens in an instant."

"I want to be with you and share this with you."

"There is a road that is endless, and there is a horizon that is endless."

"In the burning years, there was a long wait."

"When the joy in your heart opens in an instant."

"I want to be by your side and share it with you."

The song is very light and gentle. This is a song sent by a man to his wife and children. The song contains the man's joy and his sadness.

His name is Zhang Ye.

Today, he becomes a father.

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