I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1527 [The person who can win it is back! 】

living room.

Dad cheered up: "Still leading! Our son is still leading!"

Wu Zeqing said: "The closing ceremony is almost over."

Dad said: "Hold on! Hold on!"

Mom excitedly said: "Is it really going to win?"

Dad stared at the TV without blinking: "Come on, let's watch the officials!"

Sisi clenched her fists, "Father, come on! Hit it! Hit it!"



The team was in disarray.

"still have a chance!"

"Peter can't stand it anymore!"

"Optimize the system solution!"

"That's too late!"

"Damn it!"

"Officials are comparing calculations! Comparing calculations with artificial intelligence? How did this person do it? Are you sure the opponent is a human being, not a computer?"


Go platform.

Netizens screamed.

"This official is amazing!"

"This is the most awesome official I have ever seen, not one of them!"

"heor is too stable!"

"What kind of brain does this guy have?"

"I'm sweating, how come Peter can't calculate faster than him?"


some company.

in the office.

Ha Qiqi looked at it, and suddenly froze, picked up the phone, and made a call to Zhang Zuo.

Zhang Zuo: "Old Ha, what's the matter?"

Ha Qiqi immediately asked, "Are you watching Go?"

Zhang Zuo: "Are you watching too? I've been watching it for a long time, this heor is too powerful!"

Ha Qiqi paused, and said, "Don't you think it looks familiar?"

Zhang Zuo was startled: "Familiar?"

Ha Qiqi said: "Heor's aura, strength, especially Guanzi's style of play!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zuo took a deep breath, "You, you mean—"


Chinese Chess Academy.

A professional chess player shouted: "It's another move!"

Li Yi said in surprise: "It's too fast, this calculation is too fast!"

"How could it be faster than a computer!" Hu Liang felt the pores all over his body stand up in horror, "The finale is the most difficult stage, every move will have a complete change, or lose, or gain, and also It is necessary to deduce the advantages and disadvantages of the board after three or even five steps. How could he calculate so quickly, always pressing the advantage of Peter's one and a half eyes? Oda lost to Peter several times, and finally lost to Guanzi. There are experts I have commented with the media that this is an insurmountable gap between humans and artificial intelligence, how did Heor do it?"

Xu Han was silent for a moment, then said: "If it is that person, it can indeed be done."

Everyone said yes, if it was that person, he would definitely be able to do it!

Hu Liang excitedly said: "He, has he really come back?"



On the screen, the battle has entered the final stage.

Chen Ying said blankly: "Could it be him? But the time is wrong."

Tian Weiwei said: "Will he come back early?"

Chen Ying said: "But if he comes back, how could Teacher Changhe not know about it? We had a phone call yesterday, and the teacher didn't know anything."

Tian Weiwei said: "The teacher may not know."

Chen Ying said: "But Sister Wu must know."

Tian Weiwei said: "That's right, if that person comes back, the first thing he will see will be Sister Wu and Sisi."

Chen Ying said: "So it must not be him. Sister Wu and the others are in Sanya. The air tickets and the hotel were booked together by the group from the Chess Academy. They—" Speaking of this, Chen Ying was suddenly stunned, and she suddenly remembered One thing, one thing she didn't pay attention to at first, "Wait!"

She immediately shouted: "Qiqi, Niannian, come here!"

The two of them were still watching the chess game, and when they heard the sound, they didn't know what happened, so they walked over quickly.

Chen Qiqi said: "What are you doing, sister, it's exciting!"

Chen Ying grabbed her arm and said, "You said that you met a master of the universe on the road that day?"

Chen Qiqi blinked and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Chen Niannian also said, "Didn't I tell you everything?"

Tian Weiwei also woke up instantly at this time,

Responding, "What does that person look like?"

"Wearing sunglasses, I can't see either." Chen Niannian said, "Anyway, it looks familiar, maybe I've seen it somewhere before, but I can't remember."

Chen Ying asked anxiously, "He lives in Villa No. 1?"

Chen Qiqi said: "Yes."

Tian Weiwei asked, "Is it the first building?"

Chen Qiqi: "Then I don't know, I met yesterday and didn't pay attention."

Chen Ying said: "Did he say what he came to Sanya for?"

Chen Niannian thought for a while, "He seems to be talking about a vacation?"

Chen Qiqi nodded, "It seems that he said his wife and children are here."

Asked inside and out for a long time.

Chen Ying patted her forehead, "Xiaotian, maybe you are right!"

The two twin sisters are still surrounded by clouds and mountains, "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?"

Tian Weiwei smiled and said, "Do you know who you were playing chess with that day?"

Chen Qiqi said, "Who is it?"

Tian Weiwei said: "Let's go, I'll take you to meet me."

Chen Ying also clapped her hands and called everyone, "Don't look, let's go see someone!"

No one knows why.

"It's over now."

"I don't know if I will win or lose!"

"Stop, Sister Chen, Lord Tian, ​​wait until you win before leaving."

Tian Weiwei shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, peter can't beat that person!"

Li Fangba Duan was stunned and said, "Do you know who it is?"

Tian Weiwei smiled and said, "I should know."

Chen Ying said: "But I have to go and confirm it with my own eyes."


on weibo.

"who is it?"

"Tell Grandpa that he knows!"

"Say it, Lord Xiang!"

"Tell us quickly!"

"Yes, where did this tall man come from?"

the whole country.

All of Asia.

Even Go fans all over the world are going crazy!



The host suppressed his excitement and said: "Friends in the audience, whether the Go world can turn a new page in history will soon be decided. Whether human beings can defeat the artificial intelligence Peter-Go again after four years, all depends on Heor, the last few officials are here! It will be over soon!"

Xiang Rong smiled, "Actually, it's over."

The host said in a daze, "Huh?"

Xiang Rong said: "I believe that many people are now wondering who Heor is. In fact, in the past two years since Peter dog appeared again, he has defeated many human chess players, including me. The situation is almost one-sided. , But even so, in fact, in the Chinese Chess Academy, in the Go world, and in the industry, no one thinks that humans may never be able to beat artificial intelligence in the field of Go, because we all know that it is not that no one can beat Peter the dog. "

The host will make a mistake and say: "Yes, that person has appeared now, and there are talents from all over the world."

Xiang Rong smiled and said, "No."

The host asked confusedly, "Huh?"

Xiang Rong said: "The Go world has been waiting, not waiting for someone to be better than the blue, nor looking forward to a newcomer who will stand up and turn the tide. We are actually waiting for someone." Looking at the game, Looking at those sunspots, Xiang Rong smiled, "Now, the one who can win it is back."



Heor dropped the last stone.

The second round is over!


heor wins!

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