I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1528 [Heavenly King returns! 】


on the beach.

A female tourist was swiping her mobile phone on a deck chair. She was suddenly shocked, and she sat up and yelled loudly at her husband who was swimming in the sea.



"Win! Win!"

"Damn! Really won?"

"Heor wins half an eye!"

"A fierce man!"

"Peter dog's undefeated myth for more than two years is finally over!"

In fact, the two of them don’t know how to play Go at all, and they don’t even know the basic rules of Go. This has nothing to do with whether you can play Go or not. This is a major event related to human dignity. This is the bottom line of human wisdom that cannot be crossed. Whether it is a Go enthusiast, a professional player, or an ordinary person, everyone Everyone is paying attention to this "Battle of the Century"!

Tian Weiwei and Chen Ying and his group happened to pass by.

Really won?

It has ended?

Chen Qiqi's eyes were a little wet.

Chen Niannian and the newcomers were too excited.

They have waited too long for this victory, really too long!

Chen Qiqi said anxiously: "Sister, who is that person?"

Chen Ying smiled, "Didn't I bring you to meet me?"

Chen Qiqi exclaimed, "What did you say?"

Chen Niannian was also dumbfounded, "You, you said that the folk master we met when we came here was Heor?"

The dozen or so rookie professional chess players in the team were dumbfounded.

Ahead, the No. 1 Villa Hotel has arrived.

Tian Weiwei and Chen Ying seemed to know where the man lived, they didn't even look at it, they didn't even ask, they went straight to the villa marked No. 1.

The newcomers followed foolishly.

how could it be possible!

How did the master of folk Yeluzi win Peter the dog?

——They didn't really believe what Chen Ying and Tian Weiwei said.

The courtyard door of the villa was not closed, it was wide open, but Chen Ying did not go in, neither did Tian Weiwei, but stood politely at the door and rang the doorbell.

Ding dong.

Ding dong.

A middle-aged woman's voice came from the intercom, "Who is it?"

Tian Weiwei hurriedly said, "Auntie, is Sister Wu there? I'm Tian Weiwei."

Then, another woman's voice appeared on the intercom, "Oda?"

Tian Weiwei: "Sister Wu, it's me."

Woman: "How did you find it?"

Tian Weiwei: "Is he back?"

Woman: "Hehe, who are you talking about?"

Tian Weiwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Sister Wu, don't fool us, if we still don't recognize this, we will really die!"

There was no sound over the intercom.

After a while, the villa door opened.

A young man wearing sunglasses came out helplessly, leaned against the door and hugged his shoulders and said, "You guys are really good, you can see that it's me?"

It was a long-lost face!

A face they've been waiting for too long!

Tian Weiwei's face was full of joy.

It's really him, after three years, he's finally back!

The moment Chen Ying saw the young man, she was also a little excited, but said: "Do you think we are stupid? Is there anyone else in the world who can have this kind of chess prowess? Even with my eyes closed, I know it's you!"

Zhang Ye was amused, "Yes."

Tian Weiwei couldn't bear to go up and gave Zhang Ye a bear hug, "I've been waiting for you for too long!"

Zhang Ye raised his chin in distaste, "Go, go, I haven't mentioned you yet. After so many years, your level hasn't improved? How can a computer do this?"

Tian Weiwei was extremely embarrassed, "Isn't the opponent too strong?"

Zhang Ye said, "I think it's because you're not good enough."

Tian Weiwei smiled and said, "That is, can I compare with you?"

Zhang Ye looked at Chen Ying, "Old Chen, you've gained weight, time is not forgiving."

Chen Ying said angrily: "Go, don't your wrinkles also appear?"

Zhang Ye touched the corners of his eyes,

"Is there? No."

Chen Qiqi and Chen Niannian were stunned for a long time. They had known Tian Weiwei and Chen Ying for so long, and they had never seen Tian Ye and the others with such an expression. How dare that person accuse Tian Ye in person? How dare you say that sister Chen is fat?

This, who is this?

Chen Qiqi said in surprise: "A master!"

Zhang Ye looked over there, "Hey, classmate Qiqi."

Chen Qiqi said in disbelief: "You really won Peter the dog?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Yes."

Chen Niannian shouted: "Damn, you lied to us!"

Zhang Ye was stunned, "Ah? How did I lie to you?"

Chen Niannian said angrily, "Didn't you say you're an amateur?"

Zhang Ye spread his hands, "I'm an amateur, and I'm not from your Go world."

Those veteran chess players in the first stage of the profession have already recognized each other!

Li Fang was stunned!

Zhou Zhen was so excited!

Only the newcomers were at a loss.

Chen Ying glanced at her two nieces, "You haven't recognized him yet?"

Chen Niannian said: "No!"

At this time, a woman who was as beautiful as if she walked out of a painting came out of the villa, "Don't let people stand outside and talk, go inside and talk."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Come in and chat."

Now, a group of newcomers are dumbfounded!

Chen Qiqi called out, "Aunt Wu?"

Chen Niannian was also dumbfounded, "Aunt Wu, why are you here?"

Of course they knew Wu Zeqing.

Teacher Changhe's daughter, can they not know each other?

But why is she here?

How could she appear next to the master?

At this moment, a group of idiots almost jumped up in fright after realizing it!

Chen Qiqi pointed at the young man in horror, and stammered, "You! You! You! You are Zhang Ye!"

Chen Niannian yelled: "I'm stupid!"

A boy opened his mouth wide: "Master Zhang!?"

The other boy almost knelt down: "Oh Mai Kar!"

Chen Ying said helplessly: "You guys are really stupid enough to see this?"

Chen Qiqi was going crazy, "Master Zhang is my idol! My childhood idol!"

Tian Weiwei said happily: "Your idol came with you in the same car, you can't even recognize it?"

Chen Niannian shouted: "We were not prepared! No one thought about that! My God! It's Mr. Zhang!" She rushed up, "Mr. Zhang, I like you so much! I am you Die-hard fan! I grew up listening to your songs when I was young, and I entered the professional Go circle because of your battle with Peter the dog!"

A boy raised his hand, "Me too! Me too!"

A girl shouted: "I am also your fan! When I was in school, there were many of your articles and poems in my Chinese textbooks, which were required by the teacher to memorize the texts!"

They were all very happy.

Although many years have passed, the memories and nostalgia still keep coming up!

How many people fell in love with poetry because of Zhang Ye?

How many people fell in love with music because of Zhang Ye?

How many people fell in love with Go because of Zhang Ye?

Zhang Ye——this is the name that that era will never escape!

Three years passed in a flash!

The former heavenly king is finally back!

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