I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 962 [Something happened to my subordinate! 】


He didn't go home until after eight o'clock.

Mom asked: "Why did you go so late?"

"I took my friends to play." Zhang Ye was also very tired. "We walked through the Forbidden City, the front gate, and the Summer Palace. Give me a drink quickly."

Mom gave him a cup, "Who is it?"

"A friend from out of town." Zhang Ye did not elaborate.

He didn't do anything on this day. He just walked around the capital with his junior sister who came here for free, and he couldn't push her away at all. Her parents were no longer alive, so she came all the way to the capital to look for him, and later she returned After acknowledging the "ki" and calling each other "senior brother", no matter how thick-skinned Zhang Ye was, he would still be embarrassed to leave him alone. After all, they were the only ones left in the Tai Chi lineage.

The father turned down the sound of the TV, looked at his son and said, "You ran away for a month before the battle. You just came back. Why are you still not doing business?"

Zhang Ye said humbly, "Okay, I'll go to work tomorrow."

My mother also urged: "You are not very popular anymore."

"Really?" Zhang Ye hasn't paid attention to it these days.

Mom said: "You are still at the bottom of the first-tier stars. Who made you have no work this month? If you hadn't had a fight with Jiang Hanwei and crashed into a car that day, which attracted a lot of attention, you would probably be first among the second-tier stars. The former A-list star in your seat has already surpassed you, why aren't you anxious?"

Zhang Ye said, "Okay, I understand."

When he returned to his room, he looked at the artist rating list.

Sure enough, his popularity is about to drop out of the first-tier level again. Mainly because in less than a month before going to the Guoshu Conference, Zhang Ye has not published any works and has no exposure. In fact, this is why Zhang Ye dares to do this. Just kidding, if it were any other A-list celebrity, they wouldn’t even be in the news for a month? Not participating in even one on-camera event, program or interview? That is really asking for death! Exposure is more important to an artist than life!

And when you reach this position, the competition is quite fierce. If your popularity never improves, you will retreat. Which star can be a good person? They all have a huge fan base, so it would not be a surprise for someone to become famous overnight and reach the front line. Therefore, Zhang Ye's position is still quite dangerous. He also wants to get rid of this unstable bottom position as soon as possible and move forward. Popularity value. The first-tier star that he finally won cannot be given away to others. Behind him, there are countless second-tier stars eyeing him.

He couldn't stay still.

Go to bed first.

Get up tomorrow morning and plan carefully. You have to find something to do.

After lying down, Zhang Ye fell asleep.

One hour.

three hours.

I don’t know what time it was, but my cell phone suddenly rang!

Zhang Ye subconsciously hung up the phone after the first ring. He went back to sleep, but the phone rang for the second time. Zhang Ye thought to himself, "Who is this in the middle of the night?"

I looked at my watch, it was three o'clock at night!

Look at the phone again to see, Ha Qiqi?

Zhang Ye sobered up a little. If it was a reporter or some kind of harassment call, he wouldn't care at all if it came at this time. But Ha Qiqi is his deputy and has always been very steady. Now he also directed the new movie with Zhang Zuo. Zhang Ye knew that if it wasn't for something big, Lao Ha would never call him at three o'clock in the middle of the night. And did he call him twice?

He picked up immediately, "Sister Ha, what's wrong?"

Ha Qiqi's voice was a little low, "Director Zhang, I'm disturbing your rest."

"It's okay, just tell me." Zhang Ye sat up from the bed.

Ha Qiqi: "I..."

Zhang Ye said: "What happened?"

Ha Qiqi said: "They are not allowed to tell you, but I feel that I have to tell you this matter anyway." His voice paused and he was silent for a few seconds, "Can you come to the hospital? Something happened to Huang Dandan. !”

Huang Dandan?

Tong Fu’s girlfriend?

Zhang Ye hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with Xiao Huang?"

Haqiqi: "Just diagnosed with lung cancer."

Zhang Ye's head buzzed and he was stunned, "Impossible!" He lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He said loudly: "Which hospital? Which ward? I'll be there soon!"

wear clothes!

Go downstairs and drive!

Along the way, Zhang Ye's mind was filled with Huang Dandan's face. He had a deep impression on this subordinate. In the past, Xiao Huang was not a member of the "The Voice" team, but an old local employee of Recording Channel. Until Zhang Ye came over, Only then did she, her boyfriend Tong Fu and some other people from the old Channel 14 set up the "Tiangue" column group. When filming "Tiangue", Xiao Huang, a lesbian, followed them and a group of old men across the mountains. She is stronger than many gay men, and can liven up the atmosphere from time to time. She is a pistachio in their team, and everyone likes her very much!

Lung cancer?

Zhang Ye couldn't accept it!

It's half past three in the morning.

Cancer Hospital, Thoracic Surgery.

When Zhang Ye arrived, Yan Tianfei's secretary also arrived. The two of them went upstairs together, and saw many people gathered around the ward, all of them from Channel 14!

Ha Qiqi was talking to a doctor.

Zhang Zuo and Wu Yi clenched their fists in worry.

Tong Fu squatted there alone, without saying a word. When he saw Zhang Ye, Tong Fu's nose felt sore, and his eyes suddenly filled with mist, "Director Zhang!"

Everyone also looked over!

"Director Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"Xiao Huang, she..."

Xiao Wang cried. She usually has the best relationship with Huang Dandan.

Zhang Ye said loudly: "What's going on?"

Zhang Zuo said: "You left at noon yesterday. When we were eating outside, Xiao Huang started coughing violently. We didn't take it seriously at first, because Xiao Huang had been feeling uncomfortable with a cold for the past month, but later on, Xiao Huang suddenly couldn't breathe and her face turned purple. We knew something was wrong and rushed her to the hospital. There was a small hospital nearby. After checking her, the doctor suggested we transfer her to another hospital. We knew something was wrong in the end! The person who asked me sent him to the cancer hospital, and he was doing examinations and tests during the day, and some of the test results have just come out!"

Zhang Ye said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ha Qiqi said: "Tong Fu and Xiao Huang said you were busy and didn't let us tell you!"

"You didn't tell me about such a big thing? You guys are really good at it!" Zhang Ye was really angry and said to the doctor: "Doctor, are you sure it is... lung cancer?"

The doctor also knew Zhang Ye, but he had no time to be surprised at this time. He said: "Basically the diagnosis is confirmed. Some other results will not be available until tomorrow morning."

Zhang Ye took a breath and said, "Which issue is it?"

The doctor said: "The initial diagnosis is early stage."

Zhang Ye hurriedly asked, "Early stage? Does that mean it can be cured?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment, "Surgery first, and then it depends on the patient's will. It doesn't mean that it can be cured in the early stage, but the five-year survival rate of early-stage lung cancer is higher than that in the late-stage stage."

Survival rate!

This word made many people present feel their hearts twitch together!

Zhang Ye gritted his teeth, "She is only in her twenties!"

The doctor sighed, "I know."

"Xiao Huang never smokes!" Zhang Ye asked.

The doctor nodded, "Yes."

Zhang Ye asked: "Is there a genetic history in her family?"

The doctor said, "No."

Zhang Ye said excitedly: "Then how could she have lung cancer? This makes no sense at all!"



Everyone at Channel 14 doesn’t understand!

At this time, the doctor looked at them and said, "Based on clinical and pathological judgment, this is lung cancer. At most, we can tell the family members that it is a lung cancer of unknown cause, and not anything else. However, based on my clinical experience and some lung test results, Look, I can tell you clearly." He suddenly took out a few films and laboratory reports, "Ninety percent of the cause of Ms. Huang Dandan's lung cancer is air pollution, which is what we commonly call...smog! She She does not smoke, has no family history of lung cancer, and is even very young. However, she has to breathe, and she breathes every moment of every day. Pollutants will enter the body along her respiratory tract, destroy her, and infect her - this is what is called Unexplained cause of lung cancer!”

Zhang Ye said: "Are you sure?"

The doctor nodded, "Similar cases have increased exponentially over the years." He pointed to a ward not far away, "Well, before you, two lung cancer patients were admitted today, both of whom were the same. I don’t smoke, I don’t have a family history of hereditary disease, and I don’t work in toxic or hazardous jobs. But they all got the same cancer. Why do you think it is? And I saw that Huang’s hometown is Shanxi, which is originally a smog-stricken area.”

After saying that, the doctor said: "It's quite late. Other patients have to rest. Don't leave so many people here. Let's go back first." He left.

Leaving Channel 14 with an angry crowd!


It turned out to be the smog they had been investigating this month! ?

The ward door opens.

A female employee from Channel 14 came out and wiped the tears from her eyes, "Xiao Huang, let everyone go in."

Zhang Ye went in immediately, "Xiao Huang!"

The lights were on in the room. Huang Dandan was lying on the hospital bed, looking very haggard and still taking oxygen. "Director Zhang, why are you here? I asked them not to tell you."

Zhang Ye said: "How could I not come! Don't worry, Xiao Huang, don't worry, the doctor said you are in the early stage and will be fine! All of us are with you!"

Xiao Wang: "Yes!"

Ha Qiqi: "We are all here!"

Wu Yi: "Everyone is with you!"

Zhang Zuo: "Take good care of yourself and don't think about anything else. We will come here to see you every day!"

Seeing Huang Dandan's appearance, everyone felt sad.

Huang Dandan shook his head, "I can hold on, you don't need to accompany me, and you don't need to come over."

"Dandan!" Tong Fu almost burst into tears.

Huang Dandan looked at everyone and suddenly said: "Can you promise me something?"

Zhang Ye said: "Say it!"

Ha Qiqi also said hurriedly: "A few things are fine!"

Huang Dandan's tone suddenly became very firm, "I heard what the doctor just said. You don't have to worry about me. You must take my part and make our smog documentary. We can't keep the people in the dark anymore." , we can’t let the same thing happen to others, okay?”

"Dandan!" Xiao Wang cried again.

Zhang Ye's face straightened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you! I will let everyone see this documentary!"

"Director Zhang, thank you." Huang Dandan fell asleep contentedly.

I left the ward and went down to the hospital building.

Zhang Ye stood in the yard and suddenly announced loudly to all the people on Channel 14: "From today on, from now on, Channel 14 and the haze... will fight to the death!"

"Fight it!"

"Fuck you!"

"Till death!"

"Till death!!"

At this moment, everyone on Channel 14 was angry!

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