I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 963 [Banned! 】

seven in the morning.


Other channels and departments haven't come to work yet. Many other office areas are empty, but Channel 14 is already busy!

All employees, no one is absent!

"Where's the manuscript?"

"I'm making copies, right away!"

"Give me a phone number for the environmental protection department!"

"I have it here!"

"Who will be going to the interview with Director Xu?"

"Give it to me, I'll go!"

"Director Zhang? Are you going in person?"


"Then I'll make arrangements for you right away!"

"Director Ha, the animated short film has been made. Can you take a look?"

** o'clock.

CCTV employees started to work one after another. When people passing by saw the scene on Channel 14, they were all shocked. They found that the people on the Record Channel seemed to have changed today. Everyone was there. Busy, no one is playing games, no one is chatting, everyone is like a sharp sword, with extremely sharp expressions, persistence, tenacity, and anger!

What's wrong?

What happened here?

A person from Channel 13 wanted to go up and ask, "Lao Wu, you guys..."

Then, a person behind him who knew the inside story quickly pulled him back and said, "Stop asking, something happened to Huang Dandan from their channel!"

"What's up?"

"Lung cancer."

"What did you say? How could it be possible!"

"Yeah, how old is she?"

"How did you know?"

"I also heard someone say this this morning,

I heard it was caused by smog! "


"No wonder! No wonder the people on Channel 14 are working so hard!"

"Smog? Is the smog really that serious?"

"Can it cause lung cancer?"

"Why didn't I know? Why didn't the news say it?"

"I know that smog is bad, but no one told me that it can cause lung cancer? And is there such a high chance? I saw Huang Dandan yesterday!"

"I do not know."

"Is the smog really that serious?"

In one morning, CCTV also spread the news!

Several leaders from other departments also found Yan Tianfei and came to express their condolences.

Some channels also offered to donate out of good intentions, but Yan Tianfei and Tong Fu rejected them. Because of the haze investigation, she traveled to places with the most serious haze pollution in the north and south of the Yangtze River. This was also one of the causes of her lung cancer. Huang Dandan was injured at work. Yan Tianfei had already informed the relevant departments and the medical expenses were fully reported, so Huang Dandan and her family did not have to worry. , Yan Tianfei has already done it.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Everyone at Channel 14 was working hard to compete. Under such high-intensity work, it only took them three days to complete the second half of this four-episode documentary, plus the previous month. The work progressed and the entire documentary came to a successful conclusion!

In the end, it was Zhang Ye who was responsible for editing. He cut out some extremely controversial things and did not broadcast them according to the original version of Chai Jing’s smog investigation in his world. The broadcast method was also different from that there. Zhang Ye Ye also temporarily added some of his own stuff and made a lot of changes. He was afraid that it wouldn't be broadcast, so he had to eliminate a lot of controversial stuff, but some things couldn't be deleted and had to be kept.

The documentary was ready that day!

Ha Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally done!"

"I'm almost fainting from exhaustion!" Zhang Zuo was about to collapse.

Xiao Wang said excitedly: "Great, I'll call Dandan and tell her!"

Tong Fu hurriedly asked, "Director Zhang, when will it be broadcast?"

Zhang Ye said: "What's wrong?"

Tong Fu said: "Dandan will have surgery next week, I think she can see her before the surgery!"

Zhang Ye immediately said: "Okay, I'll talk to Mr. Yan."

Zhang Ye went to Yan Tianfei's office to communicate. After watching the film, Yan Tianfei was quite satisfied and submitted the film directly. They wanted to broadcast it next week and use this week for promotion!

However, what no one expected was that the next day, CCTV made such a sudden decision - Channel 14's "Smog Investigation Documentary" failed to pass the review and was banned from being broadcast. It also banned and stopped the current All about the promotion of this documentary!

Channel 14 is in trouble!

Ha Qiqi slapped the table, "Why!"

Zhang Zuo glared and said, "Why not let it be broadcast? Why?"

Xiao Wang said: "What's going on?"

Everyone couldn't believe that they had worked hard for so many days, and even rushed day and night to make the documentary before Huang Dandan's surgery, but CCTV didn't allow it to be broadcast? He didn't even put forward any suggestions for modifications and just banned him forever?

This kind of thing rarely happens!

I haven’t appeared on CCTV a few times!

Yan Tianfei also became angry and went directly to the station leader. Over there, the people from Channel 14 heard the news and followed Yan Tianfei!

The office of the Taiwan leader was crowded with people!


"Why did we break the rules?"

"This is a public welfare film!"

"Leader, why don't you let us broadcast it?"

Everyone can't accept it!

The station leader in charge of the review looked at them and frowned: "I watched the film. If you just talk about the harm of smog, no one will care about you. But why do you want to focus on the source of the smog? Coal burning Pollution from steelmaking? Pollution from steelmaking? This is not acceptable!”

Yan Tianfei said angrily: "Why not?"

The Taiwan leader said: "Why don't you say it can't be done? Can the country not use coal? Can the country not make steel? What's the use of saying it? This will have a very negative impact! If it really triggers social incidents and conflicts, this Who will bear the responsibility? Are you coming? Can you bear it? Forget about you, the entire CCTV cannot bear this responsibility!"

Outside the door, Zhang Ye came in, "If we don't tell the source of the pollution, what's the point of this documentary? What do you want us to tell the audience? Tell them that smog is harmful! It's very harmful! It's extremely harmful! But we have to keep the source of the pollution secret. , we can’t tell you, so don’t bother, you have to inhale even if the smog is bad, and there’s nothing you can do if the smog is bad! Is that right?”

The Taiwan leader said displeased: "You said in your film that smog is the cause of lung cancer. Is there any scientific basis for it? Is there any? Come up with it!"

Zhang Ye looked at him, "Many institutions have conducted surveys and found that the level of air pollution is directly proportional to the number of lung cancer cases!"

The Taiwan leader shook his head, "Let me ask you, is there any scientific basis? What basis? Is there a national report? Where is the report? You said that haze can cause lung cancer, various respiratory diseases, and various pathologies. ? You are alarmist! Now everything is about science!"

Yan Tianfei said loudly: "So many people died because of smog abroad. Then tell me, how did those people die?"

The leader of the station said: "I don't know how they died, and I can't control it. I know you are being alarmist. There are some things that you can't dig out, and you can't do it with a documentary! It can't be done. , something big is going to happen!”

Zhang Ye couldn't listen anymore, "Because of the smog, so many people have died. Everyone has seen this with their own eyes. Are you still telling me the fucking evidence? Are you talking about scientific basis? Are you blind? Are you? Do you think I’m a scientist? Then I’m asking you! Does Chinese medicine have a scientific basis? Please explain to me the scientific principles of traditional Chinese medicine! Please explain to me the scientific basis of pulse checking! Please explain to me!”

The leader of the station obviously couldn't answer this question, but he didn't approve the documentary either!

And an hour later, the station directly issued a punishment!

Channel 14 leaders took the lead in making trouble!

Zhang Ye was suspended from his job for a month!

Yan Tianfei was suspended from work for a month!

Channel 14’s bonuses will be deducted collectively this month!

Such large-scale disciplinary decisions have almost never appeared on CCTV, which shows Taiwanese determination and skill this time!

Yan Tianfei slapped the table and cursed!

Channel 14 was also criticized!


"Why isn't it allowed to be broadcast?"

“We get all the data from professional institutions!”

"Yes, why are you so alarmist?"

Zhang Ye was also very happy!

He is already doing this very carefully!

Others don't know, but he knows how much chaos Chai Jing's smog investigation has caused on his earth. Almost every level in the country has been stirred up, and many people have been affected by this. The documentary shocked me. I was frightened by the smog for the first time. Many people also questioned it and opposed Chai Jinghe’s documentary endlessly and found out various problems with it!

That's why Zhang Ye is so careful!

Call for capital reform? He didn't take the photo!

Call for reducing coal use? He didn't take the photo!

Data from foreign institutions? He's useless!

He did not urgently call for the Republic to immediately transform its economy!

He deleted everything that caused controversy in Chai Jing's documentary. He just wanted to make a purely public welfare film to inform the public about the dangers of smog and tell them what causes smog! Zhang Ye was always careful, cautious, and vigilant, but Zhang Ye never expected that this film would still not be allowed to be broadcast!

Xiao Wang said anxiously: "I have called Dandan to tell her that the film is ready. Now, what should we tell her now? No more broadcasting? Can't it be broadcast?"

Tong Fu said angrily: "Dandan has been asking about the progress of the film these days when she was hospitalized. She...she..."

Everyone was silent. CCTV issued a ban and Channel 14 could not broadcast it. This was an ironclad fact!

what to do?

There is no way!

Director Yan has been suspended!

"Director Zhang!"

"Director Zhang, what should we do?"

Haqiqi looked at him.

Zhang Zuo looked at him.

Everyone on Channel 14 looked at him.

Zhang Ye didn't say anything. He walked to his office, called Wu Zeqing and told her the matter. He wanted to hear Old Wu's opinion.

"Want to hear my advice?"


"Then my opinion is, it's best not to touch it. This kind of thing is very sensitive, so stay away as far away as possible."

"I see."

"But if you insist on touching it, I support it."

"Thanks. "

Lao Wu's words have revealed a lot. At her level, she must have more exposure and know more!

This is a minefield!

Whoever touches it is finished!

Whoever touches him dies!

CCTV’s fierce reaction also explains everything!


Zhang Ye has always believed that with such a long history, it is impossible to hide this kind of thing for a lifetime. No one will say it this year, and no one will say it next year. What about a hundred years from now? What about two hundred years from now?

Someone has to be the first to stand up!

Someone has to make sacrifices!

Zhang Ye poured a cup of tea for himself, took a sip, closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

He... is willing to be this person!

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