I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 101 The Elevator Down

This girl is in her early one-meter-six, wearing a common high school uniform and short skirt, with a playful ponytail, a soft flowing sea side, and a nice red and white knot.

Tight and slender thighs give people a feeling of vitality.

It's not because Mochizuki Ayano has a special interest in lilies.

It was because, from that girl, she could sense strong spiritual power.

"The apartment group immediately identified the women in the elevator on the first floor."


While giving orders, she walked quickly to the girl.

"It's you."

With her eyes facing each other, Mochizuki Ayano, who had the ability to remember her, recognized the other party at once.

"Hello, you met in the hospital that day, a friend of Mr. Araki's?"

Obviously older than her, the girl bowed to Mochizuki Ayano politely.

She obviously remembered Mochizuki Ayano.

"Araki? Teacher? Friend?"

When asked by her, Mochizuki Ayano seemed to have thousands of complaints in her heart, and she didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Let's not mention how that guy's name can be associated with the word'teacher'. He and I are not even acquaintances. I can only say that we have met two people."

Considering that the current environment is not suitable for small talk, she talks long and short.

"That's the case. Re-introduce myself. My name is Yutou Mayumi."

"Toriyuki Mayumi, a student in the third class of the second year of Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku High School, a priest of Akagi Shrine, a registered eliminator from the Association of Eliminators, and an exemption level [one]."

When Mayumi Torii introduced herself, the ground team quickly reported the confirmed information from the headset.

"Are you clan Little Bird?"

Mochizuki Ayano had an idea in her heart when she heard the other party's name.

After all, the surname "Little Bird Tour" is very rare in Japan.

It is written as Xiaoniaoyou, pronounced as Yingwu.

The Kotoriyu clan, who has enshrined Akagi Shrine for generations, was once so prosperous. After the fire a few decades ago, the inheritance was broken and the bloodline was thin. It is said that there has been no awakening inspiration for a whole generation.

Even the current generation is dying, and it is only supported by the young priestess.

Under the sky where the goshawk soars, there is naturally no room for birds to play.

Therefore, it is called "the bird that can't fly" in private.

The one in front of me must be the only maiden in Akagi Shrine.

When the other party arrives here, is it because he has noticed an abnormality and wants to come and get rid of the spirit?

The Metropolitan Police Department spent a lot of resources to discover the strangeness of this apartment.

It seems that even the spirit removers from the declining ancient family have their own unique features.

"I am Mochizuki Ayano from the Ninth Special Operations Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. This apartment has been preliminarily determined to have a weird [2] or higher existence, which has exceeded the scope of your exemption for exemption; The agreement of the Spiritual Association should be handled by our ninth lesson."

Time is urgent, and abnormal conditions can happen at any time. Mochizuki Ayano is not a circus person, and directly shows her ID to the girl in front of her.

"I'm not here today... I'm not here to remove spirits, just to visit a friend."

Tori Yu Mayumi seemed a little dazed by what she said suddenly.

After a pause, after carefully confirming the other party’s documents, she looked firmly and continued: "I understand the situation, and I will fully cooperate with your requirements. But if there is a weird existence in this apartment, I must I want to take my friends and leave with me."

"If you just take it away... it should be possible."

Considering that this weirdness is not the kind of indiscriminate killing of the rift girl, and that many residents who have moved out of the apartment before have been in peace, Mochizuki Ayano hesitated and agreed.

The reason why the ninth lesson has not disperse the residents of the apartment is because this move is very likely to cause unforeseen circumstances such as weird transfer to another apartment, continued entanglement of the residents who left, and automatic completion of the rules of conduct.

Therefore, she ventured into this apartment to try her out, hoping to save as many lives as possible before the accident.

"Then, Officer Mochizuki, do you want to go with me? My friend lives upstairs. It is said that he has recently encountered some strange things and was scared to go out for a few days. Maybe it can help you understand some information."

When the petite "police officer" agreed to her request, Yu Mayumi asked her.

The reason why she ran here so late was precisely because her friend and classmate Gu Lisha hadn't come to school for nearly a week.

After calling to inquire, the other party said that she was afraid to go out because of some weird things, so she rushed over immediately.

"Strange things? There really is more hidden information in it... In that case, I will go up with you. However, after explaining the situation to the other party, you must take her out of here immediately."

Originally Mochizuki Ayano just wanted to check the elevator condition with her own eyes, but when she heard something unusual, she naturally wanted to find out.

The agent in Lesson Nine visited the apartment house during the day on the grounds of resident demographics two days ago, but did not obtain any more information.

If we can learn more about the abnormalities in the apartment, it might be helpful to understand this weird rule.


Just when the two reached an agreement, the elevator downstairs arrived.


The elevator door opened, and several residents walked out of the elevator calmly.

The two people who were about to enter the elevator glanced inside the elevator.

"The elevator goes down."

In the elevator, someone said to them.

Neither of them entered the elevator, but froze in place.

"Oh, Mayumi-chan, I am too full for dinner and want to exercise. Please accompany me up the stairs."

Mochizuki Ayano's expression did not change at all, as if he could not see the scene inside the elevator, pretending to affectionately, he took Yu Mayumi's arm and walked towards the stairwell.


Tori Mayumi also cooperated with her to walk away without changing his face.

The reason why the two did not enter the elevator was...

There is no such thing as an underground parking lot in this apartment. The first floor where the two of them are located is already the bottom floor.

Therefore, physically, there is no "downward" space.

In the elevator just now, the two of them looked at it, and they were full of resentful, pale, blood-stained "earth bound spirits".

It was one of the women who said "the elevator goes down" to the two of them, who was wearing a red professional suit, with a pale face and heavy lipstick, who was operating the elevator.

The "people" in the elevator all smiled weirdly at the two of them expectantly.

Looking from Mochizuki Ayano's left eye, the surface of the elevator in all directions was full of traces of the movement of the spirit body.

Obviously, the few residents who just got out of the elevator did not feel the abnormality in the elevator at all.

As the two turned and left, the "people" in the elevator kept a weird smile, and the elevator door slowly closed.

The number on the floor indicator lamp starts to jump from the original "1".

"-1, -2, -3, -4...-18."

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