"Record: It was observed that a large number of wraiths gathered in the elevator of the target apartment at night, and now it is changed to go to the sixth floor through the stairs."

"Risa-chan, lives in No. 604."

In the stairwell, Tori Mayumi said to Mochizuki Ayano who was recording.

"So, you have to climb six floors, right, let's go."

Looking up at the dark and dull stairwell that seems to be endlessly circulating, Mochizuki Ayano took out two pistols from her waist and put on a tactical helmet.

Her left eye can see things in the dark, but there is a flashlight on the helmet, which provides a better view. Who would put it innocently.

Under the lighting of a tactical flashlight, the originally pitch-black stairs seemed like daylight.

But the chill in their hearts became even stronger.

"Can you see it too? It seems that the stairs are not so easy to climb."

Watching Yu Tori Mayumi quickly pull out a stack of talisman paper from his backpack, Mochizuki Ayano smiled bitterly.

On each step of the stairs not far away, there were several pale, broken limbs, expressionless, motionless figures.

It's like a penalty stop there.

"The number of Earthbound Spirits observed so far has exceeded the known death cases related to this apartment in Lesson 9. It seems that the weirdness in this apartment has existed for a long time... Try to avoid them. , If such a large number of resentful spirits are alarmed at the same time, the consequences will be disastrous."

With that said, Mochizuki Ayano, wearing a tactical flashlight, moved slowly step by step, passing by the ground bound spirits.

Those earth-bound spirits didn't seem to have consciousness or obsession, they were just immersed in their own world and ignored the two people beside them.

The more you go up, the more earth-bound spirits are in the stairwell, and when they reach the third floor, the two have no way to go.

"It's completely blocked... It seems that I can only find a way to open the way."

Mochizuki Ayano pulled off the safety plug of the silencer pistol, hesitating.

These earth-bound spirits seem to be trapped by a trace of resentment, and their strength is not strong, but there are too many.

If the pupil technique is used, it is bound to consume too much for her.

However, the volume of the silenced pistol firing at close range was not low. If it weren't for alarming the surrounding residents, she would want to take the [Spirit Detective Grenade Type I] directly.

From the third floor upwards, many earth-bound spirits twisted and twisted together. There is me in you and you in me, cramming the stairwell.

"The pistol is moving too much, let me do it."

With that said, Mayu Torii spread her hands in tandem, her center of gravity sinking, and several pieces of talisman paper between her fingers.

If Sosuke Araki was here, he would naturally recognize that the gesture made by Yu Mayumi is the gesture of Wing Chun.

Mr. Araki only taught himself boxing, but didn't tell him how to use it to remove spirits. He must be testing himself.

Therefore, Mayumi Torii decided to follow his own way, trying to incorporate boxing into his dementing movements.

"In the name of Akagi Jiming, wipe away the darkness in front of you."

Powerful spiritual power blooms between the fingers of the bird Yu Mayumi.

Since the last time in Kamakura, the bond between her and the god seems to have grown deeper.

"Ok... so strong."

Seeing the spiritual power gathered from the whole body of the Miko, Tori Yu Mayumi couldn't help but admire.

This is at least the level of a spirit remover of the exemption level [2].

Being able to obtain such an equivalent amount of spiritual power from the gods, the Little Bird Tour clan did not seem to be in decline as rumored.

Feeling the threat of spiritual power, the bound spirits that had been motionless around the maiden slowly turned their heads.

Following the line of Wing Chun, the maiden unskilledly swung a fist towards the nearest earth bound spirit.

The earth bound spirit had no time to wailing, and immediately burned out in the flames of spiritual power.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that the combination of the movement of spiritual power and the movements of boxing seemed surprisingly good.

In this way, the two of them used the talisman paper in the hands of the little bird witch to eliminate the earthbound spirits that were blocking the way. It took almost an hour to finally approach the corridor on the sixth floor.

"You consume a lot of spiritual energy, right? Do you want to take a break?"

Looking at the sweat on Mayumi's forehead, Mochizuki Ayano was also a little embarrassed.

Through external observations before, she had known that this apartment was bound and moved.

But she did not expect that after nightfall, in addition to the rooftop, even the stairwell and elevator room in this apartment were already full of earthbound spirits.

Following the other side all the way, she became more and more frightened by the strength of this witch.

Not to mention the powerful spiritual power of this maiden, the gesture of using talisman paper is also extremely unpredictable, which seems to imply a certain boxing technique.

Her movements seemed a bit jerky at first, but her fist became faster and faster in the back.

With a slow motion of her left and right hands, the serial Japanese characters punched the punches, which can be described as "stretching the spirits one by one."

The fist with powerful spiritual power often wiped out the opponent before those slow-reacting earth-bound spirits moved.

Where is there a little "bird that can't fly"?

"It's okay, this is also a precious experience of exterminating spirits. I don't have so many resentful spirits for me to practice on weekdays..."

Tori Mayumi, with a slightly tired face, took out the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, but his expression was a little joyful.

On the way just now, she thoroughly integrated the "little thoughts" movements taught by Mr. Araki, and incorporated her spirit-eliminating gestures into the boxing technique.

Compared with before, whether it is the smoothness of psychic power operation, the efficiency of psychic power use and the speed of reaction are not the same.

It was impossible for her to clean up such a large number of Earthbound Spirits at once.

Araki-sensei's seemingly random guidance is so powerful!

The more you come into contact with him, the more you feel that he is unpredictable.


"Ding Dong".

"Risa-chan, it's me..."

Walking out of the stairwell, passing through the empty corridor on the sixth floor, the two came to the door of Room 604.

After Mayumi Torii gently rang the doorbell, a woman's frightened voice came from the room.

"Really... Mayumi-chan?"

The ancient principle sand in the house seemed to be standing at the door, looked through the cat's eyes for a long time, and then opened the door carefully.

Letting the two of them into the room, she immediately locked the door with a "bang".

"Mayumi-chan, it's great that you can come... I'm so scared that I can't sleep at night by myself. I haven't slept well for several days..."

The ancient principle sand with a long ponytail and a slender figure, her eyes tightly hugged Yu Mayumi, with tears in her eyes.

"This is..." After a few seconds, Gu Yuansha only noticed Mochizuki Ayano on the side.

"This is Officer Mochizuki, a friend of one of my teachers, she should be able to help you."

"Huh? Police officer?" Looking at Ayano Mochizuki, who looked like a junior high school student, Gu Yuansha, who was a high school student, showed an expression of amazement.

"That guy and I are not friends!" Mochizuki Ayano also protested immediately.

In her unforgettable mind, she couldn't help but resurface a video that made her angry.

After carefully reading Mochizuki Ayano’s documents several times, Gu Yuansha reluctantly believed that the blond mixed-race girl with a strange helmet, one blue and one black pupils, who looked like her own junior, turned out to be a "society". The fact of "people".

"By the way, Risa-chan, where are your parents?"

Looking around, Yu Mayumi Kotori asked curiously.

Risachan should have lived with her parents, but she seems to be the only one in this house at the moment.

"My parents... went abroad to talk about business a week ago, and they won't be back until some time ago."

The originally lively and lovely ancient principle sand has dark circles on his face at the moment, and his expression is also a little tranced.

Being able to live in this old-fashioned high-end apartment, her family is naturally pretty good.

Her parents jointly run a foreign trade company, so she often goes abroad to negotiate business, which she is accustomed to.

"Time is urgent, I will make a long story short. There is something abnormal in the apartment you live in. Can you please leave with us. We will discuss the details when we arrive in a safe place?"

Mochizuki Ayano immediately chose the most efficient communication method.

She had originally planned to come up to understand and observe the situation. After seeing the elevator and stairwell, she only had the idea of ​​leaving immediately.

The strangeness here seemed more serious than she expected, and it was not as simple as a curse.

"Leave? I tried...but...it doesn't work..." Hearing this word, Gu Yuansha turned pale, holding the pillow on the sofa, shaking his whole body and shaking his head constantly.

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