I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 104 The Inner Floor of the Apartment

"A group of apartments, please answer when you hear."

Mochizuki Ayano’s dedicated communication channel for Lesson 9 in the headset is a special base station set up nearby, which is difficult for ordinary resentful spirits to interfere.

"Shasha...this is an apartment group...shasha...monitoring...women..."

The detective's noisy and unclear voice came from the headset, and then the communication was cut off.

Mochizuki Ayano immediately walked to the window and looked at the opposite side.

From her position, it is reasonable to be able to see each other with the agents in the opposite apartment.

If you can see it, simple communication can also be carried out through the internal gestures in Lesson 9.

But at this moment, she looked out of the window and saw nothing except the thick white mist.

"Risa-chan, open the door, let me come in and see you..."

Outside the door, the emotionless voice of "Bird Yu Mayumi" rang again.

Hearing this voice, Gu Yuansha's face was almost collapsed, and she immediately hid behind the sofa and clung to her pillow tightly.

"This apartment... seems to have undergone some changes. It's no way to drag it down, let's make a breakthrough!"

Feeling the strangeness in the surrounding space, Mochizuki Ayano no longer hesitated and stood boldly in front of the door, looking into the cat's eyes.

Outside the cat's eye, he was occupied by a bloodshot eyeball.

Through the cat's eyes, Mochizuki Ayano stared at each other without fear.

Her blue pupils instantly turned golden.

Hundred eyes pupil technique·inflammation.

There was a violent wailing sound behind the door.

Mochizuki Ayano opened the door with a "bang" very decisively.

Within the scope of her pupil technique, the kind of "open door kill" in horror movies does not exist.

In front of the door, an earth-bound spirit disappeared in the golden flames, leaving only a flutter of resentment.

"Is it just an earth-bound spirit?"

The corridor that was originally bright became pitch black and deep.

Mochizuki Ayano lit the headlight of the tactical helmet.

Electromagnetic things such as signals and currents are easily disturbed by wraiths, but her tactical helmet is specially made and will not be affected by external magnetic fields.

The chubby helmet was worn on her head, as cute as the little girl next door was preparing to go out to ride a bicycle.

Under the light, compared with the previous two people’s arrival, the originally clean and tidy corridor seems to have gone through a century of vicissitudes and become dilapidated. The walls are densely covered with peeling walls and cracks, and the floor is also It was full of dark red mud.

"This...Where is this...It's not like this outside my house..."

Seeing the weird scene outside the door, Gu Yuansha's voice was already crying.

"Is this...is the real appearance of this apartment?"

Mochizuki Lingnai muttered while looking at the scene in front of her.

There is no illusion that can confuse her left eye.

All this can only mean that as the lights flickered, he and others came to the "inner floor" of the apartment.


Ignoring the luggage, Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao pulled up the ancient principle sand, walked out of the door, and walked towards the stairwell.

The two guarded the ancient principle sand in tandem, and walked slowly to the elevator.

Although the appearance has turned upside down and has become like hell, the structure of the apartment is still the same as before.

The two were going to follow the route they had come up, and walked down the stairwell directly opposite the elevator.


The elevator door behind the three people opened quietly.

This time, the elevator was very empty, and it seemed to make room for it on purpose.

Only the woman in the red professional suit stood respectfully in front of the button and looked at the three people blankly.

"The elevator goes down."


Mochizuki Ayano decisively pulled the two into the stairwell.

In this weird situation, a fool would take the elevator.

She didn't mean to communicate with the woman or take the initiative.

Because this Earthbound Spirit seemed to be just repeating his actions during his lifetime.

Regardless of whether the resentful spirit is still weird, if he rashly follows the other party's routine, there is a high probability that he will suffer.

At present, the woman has no other changes, it should be that the three of her own have not triggered this weird killing rule.

The empty stairwell, like the corridor, is a dilapidated and abandoned scene, with turbid water dripping continuously from above, dripping onto the rusty handrails.

Originally, when they came up, they only expelled the earthbound spirits that were blocking the way they had to go upstairs.

But now, the remaining earthbound spirits are gone.

"Here, is it really the apartment I live in? Why is it like this?"

Looking at the completely unfamiliar environment, Gu Yuansha's legs became weak.

Just when the three of them hesitated, a slow and heavy footsteps, accompanied by countless noisy wailings, came from under the stairs.

"Leave..." A few whispered in a low and hoarse voice.

Mochizuki Aya looked down from the stairs. Several immovable earth-bound spirits with different deaths, walking from downstairs to upstairs in a numb posture, some spirit bodies with broken hands and feet, even It is used to crawl.

"Calm down, there must be some rules in it, you can't miss a little detail."

Mochizuki Ayano's left pupil flickered slightly, and countless pictures replayed quickly from her eyes.

Numerous photos and files centered on her, appearing in the surrounding space.

That is the information of the former occupants of the apartment who have been confirmed dead, as well as all the images of the Earthbound spirits that have been seen in the elevators and stairwells.

"The first one from the right is the former resident of 104, Junzo Koizumi, who died of an accidental electric shock... The second is the former resident of 401, Morien Yumi, who died of suicide by hanging... The third is the resident of 104 Koizumi, who died of an attempt. Save the electrocuted roommate..."

The pale faces with different deaths corresponded one by one with the case materials she had seen before.

At this moment, a figure walking in the forefront had already reached the stairs below the three of them.

"Shall we run up?"

In fear, Gu Yuansha immediately subconsciously stepped onto the escalator leading to the rooftop.

"Wait...can't go up."

Mochizuki Ayano remembered the horror scene she had seen in the apartment opposite, and hurriedly followed her.

The door leading to the rooftop was closed tightly. Behind the door, there were countless slaps, causing the wallpaper to fall continuously, as if something was eager to come out.

When she pulled the ancient principle sand downstairs, Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao was already holding the rune paper and dispelled the nearest earthbound spirit.

Mochizuki Ayano held two silencer pistols, pulled off the safety, and fired without hesitation at Jibinling who was approaching downstairs.

With a few muffled noises, the spirit power bullets collided with each other accurately, sparks erupted on the ground-bound spirit, and often two or three bullets could disperse several ground-bound spirits.

"These earth-bound spirits are just grieving spirits that died and were imprisoned here because of this apartment. They are not very powerful..."

Putting on the bullet, Mochizuki Ayano turned her head and said to the two of them.

For the first time in their lives, Yu Mayumi and Gu Yuansha saw someone shooting at such a close distance. At this moment, they were covering their ears with their hands a little uncomfortable.

The leakage of the house was slanting and rainy night, and just as Mochizuki Ayano shot the earth-bound spirit below, the door to the rooftop suddenly opened.

Several earth-bound spirits are like a flood, and they are used toward the three of them.

The talisman paper held by Yu Mayumi Torii between her fingertips was already wet with sweat, but it did not affect her movements.

I saw her handing out both fists at high speed, and the constantly exploding spiritual power expelled the earth-bound spirits in front of her one by one.

While shooting the ground-bound spirit, Mochizuki Ayano has already compared the ground-bound spirit encountered in the elevator and when going upstairs with the case data.

"By the way, have you ever hired an elevator operator in this apartment over the years?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to breathe, she asked Gu Yuansha aloud.

Here, the only person who has no information is the woman in red who is operating the elevator in the elevator.

"I... I have lived here for so many years, this apartment... I have never heard of an elevator operator..." Gu Lisha trembled when he thought of the woman with a strange expression in the elevator.

In Japan, where labor costs are getting higher, how can such a six-story old-fashioned apartment property be willing to hire an elevator operator?

"Isn't there... I'll go downstairs first. The little bird wandering maiden, please cover me behind and shoot, so as to prevent the rebounding stray bullets from hurting you by mistake."

After groaning for a while, Mochizuki Ayano felt that she had caught some key.

In the dark stairwell, dull gunfire sounded continuously, accompanied by the metal storm woven from bullets and the light of spiritual power bursting.

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