I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 105 The Endless Ladder

Roppongi, inside an old residential building.

"[Hell Apartment]'s grievances are decreasing at a constant rate... have they finally been discovered by those guys?"

Moon Shadow Qiancao, who was eating potato chips, greedily sucked his finger, and moved the mouse to the black vortex that represented the "hell apartment" to check the situation.

This weirdness was "planted" where he obtained this laptop. In his strategy, like "Eye of Gap", it belongs to the type of "secret development".

From the perspective of "grudge investment", in recent years, it has grown secretly and has paid back several times.

Therefore, even if it is eliminated, he doesn't care.

What's more...Anyone who wants to eat this work will have to pay a considerable price.

"This work like the'Beast Trap' is not as simple as it seems on the surface...Let's see who the hunter is, who is the prey who stepped on the trap..."


Inside Ikebukuro Royal Kobo Apartment.

Tori Yu Mayumi and the three people moved down the stairs all the way.

However, those earth-bound spirits are constantly pouring up from below like an endless stream, gradually tending to fill up the otherwise narrow ladder.

Even though Mochizuki Ayano's spear skills are accurate and sturdy, Yu Mayumi, who is beside her, is constantly taking cover, and constantly eliminating the approaching spirits...

However, with the gradual reduction of bullets and the continuous consumption of spiritual and physical strength, the three people's downward speed gradually slowed down.

"These earthbound spirits... have not been driven out by us... they are resurrecting..."

Putting on a new magazine, Mochizuki Ayano put the muzzle in the mouth of a spirit bound in front of her, and fired three shots in a row.

"This is the former 303 residents, Hiino Ichiro, who appeared fifteen times in total...The one who just smashed his chin with a punch is the former former 501 residents, Mieko Masan..."

"I don't have much talisman paper, it won't last long..."

While talking, Toriyu Mayumi made a series of punches, dispelling the few bound spirits in front of him.

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's words, her expression was also a little depressed.

Her hair, which was originally soft, was soaked in sweat at this moment, and was worn tiredly on her forehead, as if she had just been out of the bath.

"I don't have too many bullets... step back."

Quickly glanced at the magazine around his waist, Mochizuki Ayano took out two silver-white grenades and threw them towards the bottom of the stairs.

This time I was only planning to test it out, and the equipment was mainly light and handy, but I didn't expect it to be so tricky.

What kind of existence is in this apartment? After killing these residents, they will keep their souls confined here for continuous "resurrection", and they can't even get rid of them.

Hell apartment... is it really connected to hell?

Two huge explosions interrupted her thoughts, and countless bound spirits were dispersed by the two [Spirit Detective Grenade I], creating a large vacuum zone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two took the ancient principle sand and ran straight down.

"Here, the first floor..."

Tori Mayumi took the lead and walked out of the stairwell on the first floor.

"Wait... here, when... is there any downstairs?"

Mochizuki Ayano, who was walking at the end, looked at the side of the stairwell with a complicated expression.

There, there are dark and gloomy stairs that continue to spread downward.

Looking down from the "well"-shaped stairwell, endless steps stretched down, lingering in the cold light, completely invisible.

Countless figures of bound spirits gathered slowly along this ladder.

Not to mention that in her memory, when she came, the stairwell on the first floor did not have this downward staircase.

In this building, which does not even have an underground parking lot, it is impossible to continue downward in terms of spatial structure.

Just when she was in a daze, Tori Mayumi and Koruisa ran towards the door of the apartment.

Then, the two of them were also shocked there.

From the structural point of view, this is indeed the elevator room on the first floor.

But the place that was supposed to be the door of the apartment turned out to be a pale wall at the moment.

The dark red blood stains and mottled walls on the wall seemed to laugh at the three people silently.

And outside the window next to the wall, there was still the thick white mist, and it was impossible to see.

"No...impossible...I have always counted, we obviously went down to the first floor, which is obviously the gate...I want to go out..."

The ancient principle of sand is obviously close to collapse.

The apartment where she had lived for several years turned out to be so strange and terrifying at this moment.

Just when the three of them were at a loss.


The elevator door opened slowly again.

In the elevator, the woman in red looked at them expressionlessly, repeating the previous words mechanically in a pale tone: "The elevator goes down."

Staring at the woman's pale face with a thick foundation, Mochizuki Ayano smiled slightly.

Hundred eyes pupil technique·inflammation.

A golden flame enveloped the woman in red in the elevator.

The woman in red in the elevator didn't respond, as if the flame covering her body didn't exist.

"You don’t exist in the apartment's household information... You are indeed not an ordinary resentful spirit... If I guess right, the soul of the tenant selected by the light has stayed here forever, even though the body can, You can only use the elevator you control to leave the apartment, and you will lose your life after leaving."

The woman in red didn't answer, she still stared at the three people outside the elevator door quietly, like an operator waiting for the guests to enter the elevator.

Just when the scene was deadlocked, those earthbound spirits had already poured out from under the endless stairwell, attacking the three of them.


Facing the ground-bound spirit who could see the corrupt internal organs with only half of his body in front of him, Mochizuki Ayano calmly and numbly raised his gun and shot.

"Risa sauce..."

Behind her came the exclamation of the little bird wandering maiden.

"This must be the first floor, but the door was covered by hallucinations. I want to leave here..."

The ancient principle sand was so frightened to collapse, half of his leg had already crossed the window at this moment, and he wanted to turn through the window.

"Can't leave..."

Mochizuki Ayano immediately yelled at her.

Let alone go out of the window, will you reach the periphery of the apartment?

Leaving after being selected by the light is very likely to trigger this weird rule.

All the victims in the file died outside the confines of the apartment.

Even if you can leave, it doesn't mean you can survive.

Tori Mayumi immediately rushed forward and stopped her.

Seeing that the three people did not intend to take the elevator, the elevator doors began to close slowly.

At the moment when the elevator was about to close, the expressionless woman in the elevator smiled surly.

Listening to the dense footsteps coming from the stairwell, taking a glance at the few bullets and the last grenade left, Mochizuki Ayano's eyes flashed with despair.

No matter going up or down, it seems to be a dead end.

In this apartment, apart from the elevator, there is no so-called exit at all?

"That guy" seemed to be badly injured after confronting the slit girl last time.

Just when the three seemed to be in desperation, outside the Ikebukuro Royal Cobo Apartment Building.

Two monks wearing hats and black robes appeared downstairs in the apartment at some unknown time.

The two stood quietly in the open-air parking lot, looking up at the apartment in front of them.

From the outside, this apartment is as peaceful and peaceful as usual, with bright lights, without exception.

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