I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 107 Multiplayer Sports in the Stairwell

"I have suffered, I will be deducted..."

Sosuke Araki stumbled and parked the car, carrying the "goods" in his hand, and hurried to the apartment door in front of him.

After allocating the order and receiving the "goods" just now, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and only felt that the power of the great and wild was constantly impacting his delicate and tender place from the inside.

By the time he finds a toilet to solve the problem, the remaining delivery time of the order is less than ten minutes.

Delivery is overtime, but money will be deducted by bad reviews.

Under the crisis, he used a forbidden riding position and drove several red lights against the fake license plate before rushing to the target location at the last moment.

"Look at it, it's the sixth floor, right..."

When he came to the elevator, Sosuke Araki glanced at the floor indicator of the only elevator.

The elevator stopped at the sixth floor at the moment.

After waiting for about twenty seconds, the elevator didn't mean to move down at all.

When I think of the guest upstairs who lives in a high-end apartment and ordered a deluxe bento, he encountered the terrible expression of the overtime delivery service, as well as the bad reviews and even complaints afterwards...

The picture of himself being expelled from the front hall, having no money to pay for the property, water and electricity, etc. at the end of the month, took the risk and embarked on a criminal road, went to jail, ten years later, his friends came to welcome him who was out of jail...

"It's too late, go up the stairs."

Carrying a large bag of luxurious bento, Sosuke Araki walked towards the stairwell without hesitation.

"The property management of this high-end apartment is so stingy?"

In the dark stairwell without lights, there are many residents walking, and it seems that everyone is unwilling to wait for the elevator.

However, these people are also too slow.

Looking at the phone, there are 5 minutes left before the time limit.

"I'm sorry... I borrowed... I'm a little urgent..."

Time is urgent, so Araki Sosuke can't care about so much etiquette. Relying on his physical strength, he brutally squeezes the people on the stairs and climbs up three steps.

The person squeezed aside by him didn't seem to be annoyed either. Instead, he stood still, clasped his hands and let him go first.

The quality of the residents of high-end apartments is high.

But the more you go up, the more people there are.

A group of men, women, and children who looked like households were all climbing the stairs, making the otherwise narrow stairs very crowded.

Araki Sosuke faintly felt something was wrong.

Could it be...

The elevator that seemed to stay on the sixth floor was actually broken.

Then everyone who comes home from get off work and walks around can only huddle together and climb the stairs to go home.

Or, in the recent neighbouring country variety show "My Family's Ghost Child", the way of climbing stairs recommended by an artist surnamed Kim has become popular in Japan?

Regardless of it, my uncle is in a hurry, so let's huddle together in a group exercise.

Facing the big crisis in his life, Araki Sosuke put the high-level bento in his hands on his chest, and squeezed his head into the crowd.

The countless "men, women, and children" who were squeezed away by him immediately stopped on the stairs, folded their hands with a smile, and motioned him to go first.

The stairwell, which was originally dark as an abyss, seemed to bring a layer of holy fluorescence.


"There seems to be a lot of resentful spirits on the inner floor of this apartment..."

Just after the "powerful" rider entered the apartment, Kobo and Kukai, dressed in a black robe and hat, who looked scarier than a ghost, carefully stepped into the apartment door.

Since the elevator stayed on the sixth floor, the two could only move forward towards the stairwell.

"Since the donor has gone up, let's go down... The grievances below are even stronger... The key to cracking this place should be downstairs."

Stepping into the stairwell, Kukai turned to look at the stairs leading to the "underground".

There, he could "see" as if endless grievances were pouring toward the top of the apartment.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

After saying this, Kukai walked tremblingly down the stairs.

It looks like an endless "well"-shaped staircase, looking down from between the escalators, it looks like a cold flame is burning.

Several deadly strange Earthbound spirits were constantly climbing up the escalator below.

"Amitabha Buddha... tens of thousands of worlds are the land, or there is hell or no hell, or there is Buddhism or no Buddhism, and even the sound of Pichi Buddha, it is the same again, not only the crime of hell is paid first..."

Kukai chanted in a low voice, ignoring the earth-bound spirits, and walked slowly towards the bottom of the stairs.

Propagating the Dharma followed closely, reciting Buddhist scriptures silently.

With the two as the center, the magnificent Buddha's light spread towards the surroundings, and the earth-bound spirits gushing out of the stairs dissipated when touched.

Surpassing the dead is the duty of Buddhism.

The two of them just chanted the Buddhist scriptures and kept walking towards the bottom of the stairs.

On each floor, the two would check along the corridor.

This is located on the "underground" floors, and each floor is generally the same.

Those endless ground-bound spirits are constantly pouring out from the room on the corridor and rushing into the stairwell.

It was as if there was something upstairs, calling them.

"Very poisonous means...this apartment actually bound these ground spirits in a vain corridor, repeating the trajectory of the past... not to die, not to know about life, and never to be detached..."

After walking down several levels in a row, Kofa's brows became more frowning and tighter.

After many years of cultivating Heavenly Eyes, he naturally saw that these earth-bound spirits could continue to "resurrect" from the corridor rooms.

Then there is the endless battle.


Entrance of Room 604.

One by one, the bound spirits were struggling to turn into fly ash in the golden flames.

There is no Earth Bound Spirit in the corridor for the time being.


Mochizuki Ayano, who was standing at the door of the room, panted heavily, and did not relax her guard.

The pupil of her left eye has completely turned golden, and the white part of her eye has turned into a bloody color because of congestion.

The pair of silver double guns were also thrown into the corner by her because they ran out of bullets.

After discovering that there was no way to go on the first floor, the three of them were unwilling to continue descending the seemingly endless stairs that the bound spirits kept pouring out.

The total number of Earthbound Spirits is only a few dozen.

However, every time the two of them cleaned up the earth-bound spirits hand in hand, within a few minutes, the group of earth-bound spirits would climb up from the bottom of the endless stairs as if they could not be killed.

It seemed that under the stairs were really connected with eighteen layers of hell, and even the resentful spirits could continue to return.

Being chased by the earthbound spirits who were constantly "resurrecting from the dead", the three of them fought and retreated, unknowingly they were forced back to the door of room 604.

Back to the original starting point, the Little Bird Yumiko's spiritual power was nearly exhausted, Mochizuki Ayano's bullets were exhausted, and the Hundred Eyes Spell was reached its limit due to multiple activations.

At the end of the road, the ancient principle sand, whose emotions were already close to collapse, seemed to have reached the limit, and wanted to jump out of the window again.

Then she was stunned by Mochizuki Ayano decisively with a hand knife, and she was supported on the sofa by Tori Mayumi.

"Okay, come in quickly."

Yu Mayumi, standing at the door of room 604, called.

At this moment, she has pasted several pieces of talisman paper on the door frame of the room.

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