I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 108: Do What You Want

When Mochizuki Ayano entered the house, Yu Mayumi Kotori immediately closed the door and took something from her neck with a serious expression.

It is a necklace made up of eight gray translucent gouge jade.

"This is……"

Mochizuki Ayano's eyes met the necklace made of gouyu jade, and she couldn't move it away.

The stream of light in the gou jade was like a gray mist, slowly changing as if there was life, sucking her eyes into it, unable to move.

Tori Yu Mayumi quickly turned and turned her back to her.

"Dan Gouyu has the power of soul-satisfying. Now that your spiritual power is exhausted, you can't look at it for a long time."

His eyes returned to focus, and Mochizuki Ayano, who was originally extremely weak, was also afraid for a while.

This string of Gouyu seems to be a very evil grudge?

"In the name of Akagi Ji's fate, I gave the land of the conferred god."

Tori Yu Mayumi hangs the pale gouyu above the door.

A burst of gray spiritual power gushes from the gouyu, infects the wooden door of the talisman paper, and spreads to the entire room.

There was a breath of holiness in the house.

"Huh, they should not be able to get in for a while..."

As if exhausted the last bit of strength, Yu Mayumi Torii sat down slumped against the door.

"Withered Gouyu, through the stored divine power, things like portals can be temporarily turned into the torii of the goddess Akagi Himimei, so that evil spirits cannot pass through."

Seeing Mochizuki Ayano looking at herself curiously, she explained to him.

Torii, which represents the entrance to the realm of gods, is used to distinguish between the realm of gods inhabited by the gods and the secular realm inhabited by humans.

In the corridor, the dull footsteps and murmur of Earth Bound Ling sounded again, getting closer and closer.

Afterwards, there was a crashing sound on the door, and the screams of Earthbound Spirit being burned.

"The evil spirit who tries to step into the realm of God will be punished by the gods... It is a pity that this Gouyu was only retrieved not long ago, and the divine power in it has long been exhausted. I originally planned to take it on my body to keep it warm for a while, but I didn't expect to rely on it today. Continue your life..."

Tori Yu Mayumi smiled bitterly.

In Kamakura, her destiny Gouyu had been shattered, just as Mr. Araki helped her retrieve the dry gouyu, she practiced according to the method recorded in the shrine and used it as her destiny Gouyu to warm up.

Only for such a short period of time, there is such a power, the dry gouyu is worthy of being one of the three magical weapons of Akagi.

She could sense that those earthbound spirits hit this "temporary torii" and were burned to ashes by spiritual power and dispersed.

However, in the face of the constantly resurrected Earthbound Spirit, how long can this Gouyu with limited spiritual power last...

There is no way to escape in the apartment, and the earth-bound spirits are inexhaustible. Both of them know that hiding in the room is just drinking poison to quench their thirst, but there is no better way for the moment.

"Hell apartment...no wonder...it's all to blame, I'm being too careless, and rashly testing this weirdness."

Mochizuki Ayano squatted behind the sofa and buried her head in her knees reproachfully.

Who would have thought that the secret rules of this weird apartment, which seemed to be just a curse, were so sinister.

The creatures chosen and cursed by him without warning will be trapped in the "inner floor" of this apartment forever.

If it is allowed to continue to kill and the immortal earthbound spirits in the apartment accumulate to a certain level, I am afraid it will really become a hell-like existence in the legend.

This is still under the circumstances that these earth-bound spirits have not recovered their sanity.

This reminded her of a sentence circulating in Lesson 9: "The calmer the sea, the more turbulent the undercurrent."

She immediately took out the recording pen and recorded everything she had encountered.

If you can't survive, this recording pen may also bring out this weird rule and true intelligence.

Outside the door, the suicidal impact of the Earthbound Spirit became more and more violent, and even the ceiling was constantly shaking off dust.

After half a minute, the impact outside the door seemed to have ceased.

The withered gou jade hanging on the door has also become a little dull and dull.

"Next time, I'm afraid I can't stand it... My spell can be activated three more times. Can your pupil technique still be used?"

Tori Mayumi looked desperately at the quiet door in front of her, with three talisman papers folded tightly between her fingers.

She knew that all she had in front of her was the peace before the storm.

Those earth-bound spirits must be "resurrected" under the endless stairs at this moment, coming towards the position of the three of them.

"My pupil technique can be activated twice. After that, I will lose consciousness... if the other guy in my body doesn't come out."

Mochizuki Aya said so.

At this moment, a heavier sound of footsteps and the sound of flesh rubbing against the ground sounded in the distance of the corridor.

Those guys who couldn't be beaten to death are here again.

"This is really...the worst situation..."

Tori Mayumi only felt bitter in his mouth, and couldn't even squeeze a bitter smile.

"We should die here... Little Bird Witch, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Mochizuki Ayano, who squatted behind the sofa, didn't care about the sound of people's footsteps coming out of the door, but looked up at the ceiling and asked.

"An unfinished wish..." The sudden question made Yu Makoto a daze.

After all, as a spirit remover, she usually asks the "spirit" this question.

"If you say your unfulfilled wish, it will naturally be to regain the land of Lord God and rebuild the glory of Akagi Shrine..."

"Hahahaha... If you follow your answer, then I will uphold Mochizuki's mission and eliminate the evil in the world... Don't you have anything you want to do? For example, fall in love..."

Mochizuki Ayano seemed to hear something funny, and she burst into tears.

Hearing this question, Yu Mayu Torii blushed and returned earnestly, "As a priestly priestess, after getting on the right track at the shrine, maybe I will consider getting married and resigning."

Unlike the part-time maidens temporarily hired by other shrines, Mayumi Torii is a full-time maiden who inherits the power of the gods. If she gets married and resigns, after losing her pure virgin body, the gods will no longer care for her.

"As for me, since I was born, I have been nurtured by the family with the goal of killing demons and demons. I have never tried to do what I want to do... Now, I said..."

Mochizuki Ayano took off the helmet, pulled her hair back, and tied it into a ponytail with a rubber band, revealing the elegant white back of the neck like a swan, and a warlike expression on her tired face.

"Let us fight with these guys for a good time... If we survive this time, let's do something we really want to do together!"

Tori Mayumi nodded silently.

As the footsteps approached, crashing and wailing sounded outside the door again.

The withered gou jade on the door head became more and more bleak.

As the impact became more violent, the string of Gouyu seemed to run out of energy and fell to the ground.

The door was open, and several bound spirits rushed in with the burning of spiritual power.

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