Tori Mayumi stood up to block the door, skillfully and without changing his face, expelled the earth bound spirits with their necks crooked and the two open belly with intestines exposed in front of the door.

Anyone who gets rid of hundreds of earthbound spirits in more than an hour will be like her.

Then, she felt her ankle pinched tightly.

Lowering his head, a half-length Earthbound Spirit, grinning grimly, grabbed her jade-like ankle.

In the rear, three terrifying ground-bound spirits stepped on the ground-bound spirit on the ground, hung their heads and rushed towards her.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, and Bird Yu Mayumi could see the greedy and eager expression on the wraith spirit in front of him, and the blood vessels squirming in its hollow eye sockets.

That's it.

"It's not over yet..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who was waiting for an opportunity to the side, both eyes turned golden at the same time.

The golden flames rose into the sky, covering and burning the four resentful spirits.

After her pupils were exhausted, Mochizuki Ayano's vision was blurred for a while, and she lost consciousness when she looked at the maiden who extended her hands to her...

Tori Mayumi caught the collapsed Mochizuki Ayano and picked her up.

"Officer Mochizuki, it's so light."

After closing her eyes, the female police officer still wearing a tactical helmet looks like a cute little foreign girl who went out to skateboard and went home sleeping.

Who would have thought that when an ordinary girl was lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone, she stood up and fought with the resentful spirit to the end.

Mochizuki Ayano was placed next to the sand, and Yu Mayumi Kotori quickly closed the door.

Although it is useless to close the door now, it can make her feel better.

"Almighty Akagi Himing-sama, your god son, may only be able to serve you until this moment..."

After doing all this, Tori Yu Mayumi knelt down on the ground religiously, closed his eyes and began to pray to the gods.

The bright moonlight passed through the white mist outside the window and lightly fell on her raised eyelashes.

"Da da da".

Quick and powerful footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Here comes again... this time, is it one?

Every time the group of earthbound spirits were dispelled, they seemed to crawl out of the cycle of hell again, immortal and immortal.

Listening to the footsteps, Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao stood up, her face calmly arranged her appearance, facing the door, ready to welcome everything that was about to come.

"Ding Dong".

The doorbell rang.

Tori Yu Mayumi was stunned.

Why not just rush in.

"Hello, Ms. Guyuan, the merchandise you ordered in the hall before you leave was delivered. I'm sorry that it was delivered in the last five minutes. Could you please open the door to receive it."

A man's voice came from behind the door.

Tori Yu Mayumi did not speak, and tightened his sleeves a little nervously.

Is it because you have seen the power of Torii before, that you want to cheat to open the door?

Then myself, there may be a silver lining.

"Ding Dong", "Ding Dong".

The door bell rang continuously.

"Oh, there are still three minutes left... Ms. Furuhara, please be sure to open the door to receive the goods, by the way, click the confirm receipt button, otherwise the system will automatically deduct the 500 yen overtime fee every ten minutes..."

The flattering voice of the man behind the door sounded again.

How could this voice sound familiar.

Tori Yu Mayumi's eyes flow slightly...

This Damn it's earth-bound spirit dared to pretend to be the voice of Mr. Araki!

Could it be that at this moment, what I want to hear most subconsciously is actually the voice of Mr. Araki?

At the thought of this, two blushes appeared on her face.

She shook her head suddenly.

What do you think, Mr. Araki likes it, he is obviously quite mature and older.

I'm still a few decades away.

No matter, it seemed good to be able to listen to Mr. Araki's voice before he died.

"Hey, there are two minutes left... I delivered it within the specified time. Don't deny you. I will put the goods at the door and take photos to testify..."

The "Earthbound Spirit" outside the door seemed a little anxious, and his tone gradually began to be fierce.


The door of the room, whose lock had already been broken, was slapped open.

Tori Yu Mayumi calmly greeted the "earthbound spirit" with a hideous face outside the door, and punched continuously with his left and right hands.

"Is the door unlocked? Hey, although I was wrong to open the door accidentally, I don't have to be so cruel to the delivery staff who arrived on time..."

Facing the sudden fist of the girl behind the door, Sosuke Araki indifferently let the other's small fist hammer on his chest.

Feeling that his "dying struggling" fist could not pierce the strong body of the "earthbound spirit", Tori Yu Mayumi gave up and closed his eyes.

As expected, the pain of resentful spirit devouring the body did not come.

"Hey, Xiaoniao Youshi? Why are you here... I'll just say why this crappy Japanese punch is so familiar..."

"En?" Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao opened his eyes blankly and looked at the hideous ghost face in front of him.

"It's me, Sosuke Araki."

With that said, Araki Sosuke gently lifted his helmet up and showed his face.

"Ms. Araki..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki's criminal face, Yu Mayumi Kotori burst into tears in her eyes.

Did you feel that I was in danger and came here specially...

"Let’s talk about it later, my order is almost up, and I’m exhausted by climbing the stairs... I’m saved when I see you here. Are you familiar with Ms. Guyuan who lives here?"

Sosuke Araki interrupted Yu Mayumi's words, and asked seriously.

"Ms. Furuhara... if it's Risa sauce... it's very familiar."

Looking back at the ancient principle sand sleeping on the sofa, Tori Mayumi replied in a dazed manner.

Mr. Araki asked this, must be to collect clues on how to crack this weird...

Is the key to this matter in Risa-chan?

"Order such a luxurious bento, are you having a pillow party? Your friends are asleep, then I won't bother..."

Slightly glanced at the scene in the room, Araki Sosuke handed the lunch bag in his hand to Yumayumi Kotori, and then mysteriously lowered his voice and said in the ear of the other party.

"Hello, this deluxe bento, you help your friend receive the goods, and then use her mobile phone to confirm the receipt... By the way, don't say that you recognize me, lest others think that I am deliberately reviewing praise. You just call this delivery person The service is very handsome and the service technology is very good. I will have to order his clock next time. Just give me a five-star praise of more than 50 characters."

While admonishing, Sosuke Araki took out his mobile phone and clicked the "Order Delivery" button.

"Oh, good..." Tori Yu Mayumi took a bag of two-boxed deluxe lunches he handed over in a daze, and watched Araki Sosuke turn and leave.

Her brain is in chaos at the moment, and she has not switched from the emotion of "face death calmly after failing to dying struggle".

"Ms. Araki...Where are you going?"

Suddenly reacting to something, Yu Mayumi Kotori shouted towards the back of Sosuke Araki.

This apartment is extremely dangerous, even if it is Mr. Araki...

"En? Of course I went to work. It's so obvious, can't you tell..."

Araki Sosuke, who walked to the entrance of the stairwell, frowned slightly when he heard her question, then turned around and answered naturally.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the stairwell.

A dozen figures sparsely rushed out of the stairwell. These were the dozens who were in the corner of the stairwell and didn't stop Sousuke Araki from climbing the stairs.

The dozens of figures that rushed out so straight rushed towards Sousuke Araki, who had just stopped, turned their backs to them, and blocked the entrance of the sixth-floor stairwell.

"Little..." Tori Yu Mayumi just wanted to remind Sosuke Araki, and then she saw a picture that made her unforgettable.

In the eyes of Toriyu Mayumi, the infinite, immortal and immortal earth-bound spirits who have fought with her for dozens of rounds just rushed out from the stairwell so fiercely...

The huge black arm that once broke the gods and burned with lava runes suddenly clenched a fist from the back of Araki Sosuke, almost occupying the entire corridor.

Those earth-bound spirits slammed into the black giant fist, followed by a burst of fluorescent light, before they even had time to put their hands together, they turned into sparkling spots of light and dissipated in the air under the impact of the "companion" at the rear...

It was like a rushing flood, hitting a magnificent dam, splashing white waves of tossing, and then turning into fine foam.

Really large-scale Buddhahood scene.

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