
"Ayano sauce..."

A man and a woman stood on both sides of Mochizuki Ayano, holding her hand, and calling her name softly.

Mochizuki Ayano looked around blankly.

At this time, she looked like she was only about eight years old, and her figure was even thinner.

But her left and right pupils were uniformly black at the moment.

This is a Japanese uncle with a heroic face and a mature woman with snow-skinned blonde and grace.


Mochizuki Ayano's pupils shrank slightly, and then sighed.

"So, am I dead? I died in that apartment..."

"Yes, you are dead...just like Mom and Dad..."

The father holding her hand replied.

The surface of his body gradually cracked into small slender mouths, from which fine blood drops dripped.

Then, those small mouths suddenly opened, turning into hundreds of slender eyes, all over the surface of "father".

Staring at her quietly.

"This is the fate that Mochizuki clan members who touch taboos and peep into the realm of the gods will eventually face."

On the other side, the "mother" who was holding her spoke.

Her blue eyes, which were full of charm, did not know when there were only empty eye sockets with blood.

Facing the dramatic changes in the painting style of his "parents" beside him, Mochizuki Ayano's expression was unusually peaceful.

"Come out, Ayase...people who have already died will not die in front of me a second time."

As if a mirror suddenly appeared in front of her, a exactly the same little girl appeared in front of Mochizuki Ayano, gently holding the other hand of the "parents" on both sides.

The four of them were drawn into a circle in this way.

"The long-lost family reunion, you made it boring."

It's just that her pair of pupils are as blue as the sea.

"My life has never been interesting."

Mochizuki Ayano said calmly.

"So... we need to create some interesting things... For example, like the first kiss experience object last time, it's pretty good..."

"You guy who uses other people's body indiscriminately every time, I won't give you another chance to come out..."

Mentioning this topic, Mochizuki Ayano's small face suddenly blushed transparently, and angrily rebuked.

"What are you talking about, I can only call it ‘advanced’... Anyway, as you continue to overdraft, this body...and that person...sooner or later will be mine."

"At least until then, you give me peace of mind."

Mochizuki Ayano's eyes turned golden, and a raging flame ignited all over her, turning everything around her into a sea of ​​flames.

After that, she felt as if she had fallen into an endless abyss, constantly falling down.


Nose twitched slightly, Mochizuki Ayano opened her eyes in confusion.

"Is this... hell?"

A strong burnt smell came from not far away.

The smell of hell... why is it so like roasted meat?

She immediately turned over and sat up.

Since her eyes were still congested, the vision of her left eye was still red.

"Officer Mochizuki, are you awake?"

Hearing the sound, Tori Mayumi and Koruisa, who were sitting not far in front of her, immediately turned their heads and looked at her with concern.

"It's okay. This apartment has returned to normal."

"In the end what happened……"

Mochizuki Ayano was about to ask, when a communication sound rang in the headset.

"This is the ground team, please answer when the section chief hears it."

The signal is restored?

"Received, this is Mochizuki Ayano..."

"Class leader... just now... we fainted? By the way, that woman in red!"

The agent in the communication seemed to be sober, and his tone was very weak.

After the lights flickered just now, the "apartment group" who performed surveillance duties in the apartment opposite found that the communication with Ayano Mochizuki had been interrupted, and immediately called up the surveillance screen of the apartment opposite to check the situation.

But at that moment, they were horrified to find that the dozen or so monitoring screens of the apartment opposite had been intercepted, all of which had become the monitoring screens in the elevator.

A woman in red stood quietly in front of the elevator control panel, with her back facing them.

Just as they were about to report immediately and request support, the woman in the surveillance screen turned her head, her pale face smiling and occupying the entire screen of the monitor screen.

The next few people were at a loss.

After the communication was completed, Mochizuki Ayano took out his mobile phone, and the time on the screensaver was already three o'clock in the morning.

Has it been so long?

She immediately called Takeshi Iwata.

"Chairman, you are fine..."

"Just now, what happened?"

"When we were tracking the trail of the Headless Horseman at Haruna Mountain, we found that the communication with the apartment and your communication was interrupted... Considering your safety, I immediately sent an urgent request to President Tokimoto... Kukai chairperson and high priests are giving alms nearby..."

Iwata's tired and frustrated voice came from the phone.

After the Gap Girl incident, he, who was called the "Buddha Sniper" in the police station, faced the weird activity that became more active, and often led the battle with Mochizuki Ayano separately.

"It turns out to be Master Kukai...So, did these two monks save us?"

Hearing Iwata say this, Mochizuki Ayano asked for granted.

Master Kukai is the presiding officer of the famous Kawasaki Master Temple, and the Association of Soul Eliminators exempts the power from level [3].

It is said that the celestial eye channel that he has repaired has long been completed, and it can pass through all obstacles in the world, and there is no way for demons and ghosts to hide.

However, because of his advanced age, he rarely takes shots.

And the eminent monk under his seat promotes the Dharma, and is also a registered exemption level [two] of the spirit remover.

"No...According to Master Kofa's words, although the two of them took action to remove the spirits, they broke the space barrier of this apartment building and got rid of the weird ones, and there were other people."

"Someone else?"

"Master Hongfa is reluctant to disclose this, and we can't continue to verify... Because just three hours ago, Master Kukai was downstairs in this apartment, and he was in Nirvana..."

Iwata took the words carefully, stating the words that made Mochizuki Ayano's pupils quake.

"Under the grief of Master Kofa, he has taken the relics presided over by Kukai, kowtows and worshipped three times, and walked back to Kanagawa..."

"Kūkai presided over... Nirvana... Is it to save us from overdrawing mana? This apartment is so terrifying..."

Until she hung up, Mochizuki Ayano was still immersed in shock, her brain blank.

Kukai's host is kind and respected, and he is a national treasure in the entire Japanese religious world.

These characters are nirvana because of the weirdness in this apartment.

This is bound to cause a major earthquake in religious circles, political circles and even the royal family.

So, who is the expert who shot the spirit.

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