I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 114 Ghost Rider

"Come here for a lunch, you should be hungry too."

Seeing Mochizuki Ayano finished the communication, Yu Mayumi Kotori stepped forward and held her hand.

"What kind of lunch? What happened before? We are not being bound by those earth spirits, but who did the rescue..."

Mochizuki Aya only felt his mind was in a mess, trying hard to straighten out his memory.

"Speak as you eat..."

Tori Mayumi took her hand to the coffee table.

"Come on, I just snapped up two servings, although I originally saved one for tomorrow..."

Seeing her coming, the ancient principle sand still covered with rice grains on her face, quickly put an exquisite black wooden food container in front of her and lifted the lid.

Judging from her appearance, it seems that her emotions have stabilized.

A strong smell of grilled meat hits head on.

Inside the food box, the hot rice is covered with specially selected tenderloin and sirloin, wrapped in tempting barbecue sauce.

In the upper two compartments, one is the attractively colored pickles and jade, and the other is the prawn stab salad.

"The'Youxuan' bento in Xuxuyuan originally had to be booked 2 days in advance. Recently, I was engaged in activities in the front hall and I finally got it on the website... Click OK and calm down."

Korutosha explained to Mochizuki Ayano while eating her own box of bento.

Have been stuck in front of your home for a week with dirty stuff, and still in the mood to snap up a bento on the website?

This guy should be a real foodie.

Looking at the luxurious bento that was priced at least 10,000 yen or more, Mochizuki Ayano's forehead was covered with black lines, and she had to envy the other party's nerves.


Stimulated by the smell of the food, her eyes struggled, and she couldn't help holding up the chopsticks.

After experiencing the previous fierce battle, her physical strength and spirit had already been stretched to the limit before, and now she relaxed, and she was immediately enveloped by a pang of hunger.

He numbly picked up a large ball of rice and mixed it on top of the beef, Mochizuki Ayano stuffed it in his mouth.

The tender beef tenderloin mixed with rich sauce and slender and chewy rice, as if it was raining on her dry taste buds, made her feel the reality of "still alive" at this moment.

"What happened, can you explain it to me now."

With the stimulation of her taste buds, she finally calmed down from the shock of Kukai's presiding over Nirvana, and looked at Tori Mayumi and asked.

I remembered that there were two "witnesses" in front of me, who should be able to tell me what happened.

"In short, when you fainted from exhaustion and I was about to give up, someone saved us."

Tori Mayumi handed her a cup of tea and stated calmly.

"Sure enough...who is it? A member of the Spirit Eliminators Association?"

"It was Ghost Rider who saved us."

Tori Mayumi shook his head and whispered.

"Puff...Ghost Rider? Isn't that a character in the special film? Does the Spirit Slayers Association have this number?"

Hearing the words of Tori Yu Mayumi, Mochizuki Ayano almost squirted the rice out of her mouth.

"I don't know... It should be said that it is a person dressed as a'Ghost Rider'. After I wiped out the ground bound spirit in the stairwell and entered the elevator, this apartment returned to normal... Before the elevator, he said to me..."

"Say what?"

Mochizuki Ayano, who had been lost in thought, couldn't help but look at her expectantly when hearing Mayumi Torii's words.

"He pointed to me and said, ‘I’m just a ghost rider passing by, remember it for me’."

"Huh? Are you sure you watched too many special dramas?"

Such an absurd description made Mochizuki Ayano feel more and more confusing about the truth of the matter.

"That's how it happened."

Tori Mayumi concluded earnestly.

The words of Mr. Araki a few hours ago still echoed in her ears.

"Don't say you recognize me..."

"Of course I went to work. It's so obvious, don't you see it..."

"I'm just a ghost rider passing by, remember it for me!"

Mr. Araki implied so clearly that if he still couldn't comprehend it, he might be "expelled from the teacher's door."

Don't worry, now that I know your secret, I will do my best to keep it for you.

I met in a convenience store a few days ago, and today I watch him dressed as a ghost rider to save himself...

The bits and pieces of details, in the heart of Toori Yu Mayumi, are like pieces of jigsaw puzzle pieces, gradually pieced together into the outline of the truth.

Because he does not want to enter the sight of government agencies, Mr. Araki, a hidden master who is an "illegal spirit remover", can only hide his name, use all kinds of hard work and disguise as a cover, and eliminate the evil in the world in obscurity and regardless of return. .

This is so great, so well-intentioned, and so indifferent to fame and fortune.

Staring at Yu Mayumi, with a frank face and tears in her eyes for some reason, Mochizuki Ayano recognized her words.

Humans and weird are naturally opposite camps. As the other side is a spirit remover fighting side by side, there is no need to deceive oneself.

As everyone knows, it is most deadly when an honest person tells a lie.

"But...they are qualified to join forces with Kukai host to defeat the high-ranking man in this apartment who is close to the weird level [3]. The entire Tokyo city can count it with one hand, so why do you disguise yourself as a character in a special film? Woolen cloth?"

Mochizuki Ayano still couldn't figure out the topic of "Ghost Rider".

"Since those urban legends are real... the ghost rider might also intend to become a spirit remover in urban legends."

Tori Mayumi said thoughtfully.

"Or, this person, like the Ghost Rider, has the same difficulties in not being able to reveal his identity..."

Hearing her words, Mochizuki Ayano felt that she had faintly grasped the key.

"Officer Mochizuki...are you still eating?"

Gu Yuansha holding the empty food box on the side looked at Ayano Mochizuki pitifully, interrupting her thoughts.

"I heard that hungry will affect the growth of the breasts. I was tossed recently and I feel that my breasts have shrunk."

It seems that as long as Mochizuki Ayano says "I'm full", she will stretch her sinful chopsticks to the other party's bento.

"I... I eat!"

Mochizuki Ayano, who was about to give up the bento, looked at Tori Mayumi (B) and Koruisa (C), then looked at herself (A), and quickly picked up a large piece of roast beef and stuffed it into his mouth.


A residential building in Roppongi.

"Ha...hahaha, the hell apartment that has been'worn and developed' for a few years was easily wiped out by those Damn it guys."

Moon Shadow Chikusa sat in front of the laptop, numbly letting out a self-defeating laugh.

I originally thought that the "strongest closed-loop defense" hell apartment, at least after being discovered, could last a few more days, causing the soul-eliminators to spend a lot of time and suffer heavy casualties...

He has been waiting to see how the news will be reported the next day.

As a result, it was gone after only half a night.

This made his worldview inevitably collapsed.

"If the opponent is only a single entity, you should concentrate your resources on a few characters with strong survivability, so that you can further obtain resources and seek long-term development... According to Longguo, the four-word summary is called'worry. 'Development', a word called'Gou'."

The words of the delivery person wearing the ghost face helmet ringed in his ears.

"That's it, I've always been on the wrong path...whatever the strongest attack and defense are all bluffing...survivability and quantity are the first..."

Lunar Shadow Qiancao's scattered eyes regained their luster.

He straightened his bangs, straightened his glasses, put the laptop back on the table, and began to count and enhance a few specific "works" in his hand.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good.

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