I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 117 Cry for My Strength

"Uncle Tokimoto...Inuzi is indeed gifted and favored by gods, and the journey of cultivation is smooth sailing. The future will be my mantle..." Hearing that Tokimoto Ichiro relied on the old and sold the old, and moved out of his father, Fujiwara tree could only smile bitterly: "However, he is withdrawn by nature and obsessed with practice. Since five years ago, even after I could not see through and instruct his practice, he moved out of the Shenzhiming Palace and lived alone in practice."

"What? Even you can't see through..."

Hearing Fujiwara's words, Shimoto Ichiro gasped.

"Yes, the power he holds is completely different from mine...So, please invite Uncle Shiben to communicate with him in person...Uncle Keigo."

Fujiwara tree tapped the table lightly.


An old man in a kimono immediately opened the wooden sliding door and approached the house.

"You take both of you to Takumi's place."

"Yes, please come with me, both of you."

The old man named "Kyugo" bowed slightly to take his orders.


"This way is..."

Mochizuki Ayano and Tokimoto Ichiro followed behind Uncle Keigo and walked towards the gate of Meiji Shrine.

"Master Fujiwara, in order to have a quiet environment to practice hard, live alone in a nearby apartment."

Seeing their doubts, Uncle Keiwu explained.

"That's it...Takumi Fujiwara is known as the leader of the new generation, it seems that it is not just a strong talent."

Mochizuki Ayano sighed.

The most terrifying thing in this world is someone who is more talented than you and works harder than you.

Before coming to visit the Fujiwara clan, she had already learned about the glorious deeds of Fujiwara Takumi, known as the "Holy One" from Ichiro Tokimoto.

Eighteen years ago, on the day Fujiwara Takumi was born, it triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

The main hall of the Meiji Jingu Shrine and the surrounding torii gates glowed with golden light that night.

This is a miracle called "the birthday of the son of God" by the Fujiwara clan and the royal family.

However, the blessing of the gods did not end after that.

Fujiwara Takumi naturally awakened his spiritual power.

It is said that he is extremely talented. When he was a child, even if he did not deliberately use spiritual power, people with inspiration could observe his whole body with golden spiritual power composed of the "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" representing the royal family.

Although as he cultivated for thousands of miles, his aura gradually became restrained.

But when practicing and using spiritual power, he can still see that the spiritual power he drives is composed of golden chrysanthemum runes that are completely different from ordinary people.

This miracle naturally came from the care of Emperor Meiji and Empress Dowager Shoken.

There are even rumors that what he uses is no longer spiritual power, but "divine power."

What's even more rare is that such a gifted spirit exterminator like Fujiwara Takumi has an extremely indifferent personality to fame and fortune.

Over the past eighteen years, he has been like a girl in a deep boudoir, rarely appearing in public. It is said that he has been obsessed with cultivation all day, and his cultivation has reached an unfathomable realm.

The only known shot was when he was ten years old. It is said that a wraith spirit of at least the weird level [two] collided with Meiji Shrine, and was easily wiped out by him who had been waiting there for a long time.

Therefore, the outside world has always regarded him as the leader of Japan's younger generation of spirit destroyers.

There are even exaggerated rumors that the spirits he removed can make a circle around the earth.

With their thoughts flying, the three of them walked downstairs to a high-end apartment ten minutes away from Meiji Shrine.

"Young master lives here... Young master is indifferent, and he does practice behind closed doors on weekdays. He doesn't like meeting guests... If there is any rudeness, please forgive me."

Uncle Keiwu explained.

"Where and where, it is commendable that a man with such a gifted talent as Young Master Fujiwara can not forget his original aspiration, keep his mission in mind, and pursue God's way with one heart."

Ayano Mochizuki was a little excited at the thought of seeing such a legendary character immediately.


"Sa, count your sins!"

"I want to guard the smiles of others, and never want to see anyone cry again! Then please take a look! Mine, transform!"

"Cry for my strength! These papers will wipe your tears!"

Walking near the door of the apartment, the three heard a man speaking strange words in a very radio-like voice, accompanied by exciting music.

Looking in the direction of the parking lot, a man wearing a special photo suit that only appears on TV is sitting straddling a heavy motorcycle with a unique shape. Accompanied by his lines, he is quite skillful in making gestures of all kinds of second. Actions.

"Ghost...Ghost Rider?!"

Looking at the man's outfit, Mochizuki Ayano first thought of Mayumi Torii's description of "Ghost Rider".

As the monitoring lines in the apartment and surrounding road sections were ineffective due to strange interference at the time of the incident, the exact image of the Ghost Rider was not confirmed in Lesson 9.

But she has seen the national special drama more or less on TV.

"It should be a coser, I am too sensitive."

Mochizuki Aya talked to herself in a low voice.

How could the "Ghost Rider" who hadn't found a clue in the ninth lesson so easily come across here.

Seeing the three of them looking towards him, the man on the motorcycle suddenly stopped stiffly.

Then, the "Ghost Rider" seemed to have nothing to do with it. He got out of the car stiffly and slowly left in the other direction.

"Master... what are you doing."

Uncle Keiwu trot forward, bowed and called to the ghost rider.

"Can I knock you down? You don't need to answer!"

The ghost rider randomly pressed the play button on his belt, and swiftly stepped, as if he wanted to use this to fool him.

"Master, I took care of you when I was a child. I can recognize you whatever you dress up. Moreover, the first Ghost Rider DVD and dolls, including all the animation peripherals after you were a child, are all secretly from me. I bought it for you..."

Uncle Keiwu grabbed the clothes of the "Ghost Rider" and tried to persuade him to make him unable to leave no matter how hard he struggled.

"I know, you didn't want to meet guests and just pretended to be dressed up. I know it will delay your practice, but you have promised the master and the people have already come. Let's see you..."

"Master? Is this man dressed as a ghost rider...Fujiwara Takumi?!"

Hearing what Uncle Keigo said, Mochizuki Ayano was still in the same place, thinking of the previous intelligence analysis about Ghost Rider in his mind.

After the "hell apartment", she reported relevant information about the mysterious spirit eliminator "Ghost Rider" to the Metropolitan Police Department and the research institute.

Of course, it's just a report. After all, the spirit remover and the weird are natural opposites. No matter what the reason is for the other party to hide their identity, they are all enemies and not friends with Lesson Nine.

Prior to this, Lesson Nine confirmed that the person disguised as a ghost rider was a young man based on the information about the Tokyo Spirit Eliminator, combined with the "taste" of the person disguised as a ghost rider.

As for the spirit removers in Tokyo, those who have this strength at a young age are only descendants from the "two families".

Abe, as a legendary onmyoji clan who once had a big figure like Abe Keiming, although because of the break with Shintoism, the subversion of the regime, the gradual thinning of spiritual blood and other reasons, most of the descendants of the collateral branch changed their surnames to Tuyumen and stayed away. The core of the regime.

However, there is still a direct bloodline of the family, and it still retains the surname of "Abe". It does not enter the world, but silently enshrines Seimei Shrine. In 2005, it also held the sensational Abe Seimei Millennium Festival.

Abe Temple, the eldest son of Abe's family, is said to be taking the path of swordsmanship, and his actual combat ability is extremely tough.

There is another person who came here to pay a visit specially today, Fujiwara Takumi, "the favored one of the once in four thousand years" of the Fujiwara family.

She used her left pupil to sense carefully, only to find that the person wearing the special suit had weak spiritual power.

Fujiwara Takumi was really good.

It was able to converge a strong spiritual power to this level, and almost concealed it from me...

That's why it must be him who shot in the apartment that day.

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