I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 118-The Power of Gods

After half an hour.

"...Above, on behalf of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and many innocent people, I hope you can represent the Fujiwara clan and participate in future joint operations! After all, with your strength..."

In the apartment, Mochizuki Ayano and Tokimoto Ichiro sat on the sofa and spoke sincerely about the current situation.

"Well, according to what you just said, there are all kinds of vicious weird and resentful spirits active in Tokyo, right..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who had changed back to normal clothes, was sitting across from them with a numb face.

Before that, Mochizuki Ayano had already explained to him the current tension in Tokyo and even Japan as a whole.

Therefore, Takumi Fujiwara's calf is still a little trembling.

Are urban legends such as the rift girl and the human-faced dog actually real?

Since when the Tokyo metropolis where I live has become so dangerous, should I move back to Meiji Jingu?

Yes, Fujiwara Takumi, who is "the favored one of once in four thousand years" and "the next great priest of Meiji Shrine"...

Afraid of ghosts.

When he was young, he was like everyone else, thinking that he was favored by the gods.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter if he sits, stands, eats, sleeps, plays games, fights... In short, he will release the spiritual power of the "16-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" that looks very majestic and royal.

It's like a miracle caused by practice.

Therefore, some people call him "the godly one who is practicing even breathing."

In order to be worthy of the favor of the gods, spiritual practice once occupied most of his life.

He was so obsessed with practice that even his stern father would often persuade him not to work too hard.

Until the age of ten, when he was about to go out to buy the newly released "Elf Ghosts: Gold and Silver", he encountered a very powerful resentful spirit outside the torii gate.

He triumphantly used to the resentful spirit the technique that he had cultivated for many years, with extremely gorgeous chrysanthemum pattern special effects and godly breath.

However, the actual effect is like burning an elephant with a 100 yen lighter...

In addition to being deterred by the breath of the gods for a second, the resentful spirit was not only unharmed, but was angered instead.

The elders in the family who came after hearing the news were all buried under the resentful spirit in order to protect him.

Then, he was fainted by the bloody scene in front of him.

When he woke up, it was said that the resentful spirit had been wiped out by no one.

No matter how he denied it, everyone attributed the credit to him.

But he knew very well that this was definitely not done by himself.

Because of that encounter, he left a great psychological shadow on the existence of resentful spirits, and even watching restricted-level horror movies would cause his brain to crash and fall into a coma of self-protection.

After that incident, he conducted a comprehensive review of his life.

Only then discovered that although the chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power looks gorgeous and has an irresistible breath of gods, it has no use for eggs except for the visual and sensational differences.

It's like skins that are not useful in some krypton gold games.

And the gorgeous scene that seemed to trigger a miracle was only caused by his low cultivation level and his inability to control the spread of spiritual power.

His actual spiritual aptitude and cultivation base were less than half of the average level of the Fujiwara family.

By arguing and inquiring about his peers, he knew that when praying to the gods on weekdays, other priests would get a more or less vague response from the gods.

And he, as the "next great priest" appointed by the imperial family, has never responded to him once.

Once, never...

What kind of "favored person" is this horse riding, it should be a "weary person", right?

This bluffing chrysanthemum pattern special effect was also deliberately punished by the gods.

However, every time he said this to his father, people in the family thought Master Takumi was because "Although he defeated the powerful resentful spirit, he failed to save the tribe", which caused deep self-blame. My own requirements are too demanding.

After that, for a period of time, he often tried to prove his "true strength" by comparing divine arts with his tribe.

However, those peers whose cultivation is clearly far superior to their own, because they can't bear the "divine breath" that comes with the chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power, under the coercion, it is like a frog being stared at by a snake, unable to cast spells and directly surrenders.

Occasionally, he failed to compete with the elderly, and was considered to be deliberately humility, which made him even more famous.

And the magical skills he used, no matter how humble the actual effect, because of the "chrysanthemum pattern special effect", it is always described as unpredictable.

Even the original resentful spirit has derived multiple versions of [3], [4], and [5] from the level [2].

It can only be said that the "prejudices" of people's hearts are really terrible things.

Frustrated, Fujiwara Takumi moved out of Meiji Shrine to live alone in the name of "practicing alone", without seeing or worrying about it.

Thinking about this, Fujiwara Takumi smiled self-deprecatingly, stretched out his palm, and tried his best to condense spiritual power, showing it to Tokimoto Ichiro and Mochizuki Ayano.

The faint golden spiritual power in his palm, with a gorgeous golden chrysanthemum pattern, constantly scattered towards the surroundings.

"You just said that with my strength... you keep your eyes open and take a good look. This is all my strength. What can I do?"

If it is the first time you meet an outsider, you should be able to distinguish my ability without prejudice and truth.

For the first time seeing the golden spiritual power composed of the legendary "16-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern", Mochizuki Ayano and Tokimoto Ichiro suddenly widened their eyes and took a closer look.

An impenetrable and majestic majesty, instantly enveloped the two of them.

Find out, find out quickly, and tell everyone that I am just a weak chicken, and that dangerous things like the removal of spirits are not suitable for me. I just need to play games at home quietly and help the royal family to preside over the worship ceremony every new year. All right.

Fujiwara Takumi struggled to maintain his spiritual power, and he screamed wildly in his heart.

"Okay... so strong... Is this the coercion from the gods? Ordinary spirit bodies or inspired people, I am afraid it is difficult to stand in the breath of this god..."

Mochizuki Aya laboriously resisted the majesty that made people want to kneel down immediately, and carefully looked at the spiritual power in front of him, as if he had discovered something, and cautiously said: "This spiritual power seems extremely weak, but it should actually be used. The ultimate technique compresses a large amount of spiritual power. If it falls on the wraith spirit, it is impossible to imagine how powerful it will be."

"No, your eyes are broken, take a closer look, the poor spiritual power that can be blown out by this gust of wind is already my full strength."

Fujiwara Takumi said angrily.

As his mood fluctuated, more golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power escaped from his body surface.

For a time, the house was full of magnificent brilliance, chrysanthemum flowers bloomed, and the breath of the gods became more violent with his emotions.

As if the gods were angry.

Even more powerful, pressed the foreheads of the two people in front of them with fine sweat.

"Master, please calm down..."

Uncle Keiwu, who was busy in the open kitchen, immediately came over to salute and console him respectfully.

"Only the spiritual power of the body protector has such a majestic aura, it is really a favored one... Not only does it require such a harsh requirement of myself, but it can also see through the abnormality of my left pupil at a glance."

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of her, Mochizuki Ayano, who was "see through" by the other party, sighed in shock.

"No, this seems to be extremely weak spiritual power, but in fact it should have exceeded the scope of spiritual power, no wonder even a tree can't see through... I am afraid that as long as ordinary spiritual bodies touch it, they will be unable to withstand the coercion. And dissipated, this is the power of the legendary gods!"

Ichiro Tokimoto, who had been pondering for a long while, concluded the coffin.

"As expected of Mr. Shimoto, he could discover the special power of the young master in one word."

Uncle Keiwu, who came up to pour tea, said triumphantly as if showing off his grandson to an outsider.

Master Takumi was brought up by him, and he was like a beloved grandson in his heart.

When the young master was young, in order to relieve the young master's "pressure of practice", he often secretly brought back some game cassettes, animation DVDs, figure models and the like to the young master on his own initiative.

Facing Uncle Keigo's "powerful assist", Fujiwara Takumi's face turned pale, and he could no longer maintain the spiritual power in his palm.

It is because of the existence of someone like you that I can't stay at home with peace of mind.

The golden chrysanthemum was in his palm, desperately dissipating.

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