I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 119: A Dangerous Journey

"Hmph, I thought you could be different from those in the family... As a result, they were just mortals blinded by both eyes..."

In the apartment, Takumi Fujiwara lowered his head gloomily, with the bangs in the center hidden in front of him, making his expression a little unclear.

"In short, I have my own way to go, your joint actions, let's talk about my mood later."

"But, you obviously also..."

Hearing the opponent's decisive refusal, Mochizuki Ayano couldn't help but persuade.

After confirming downstairs that Takumi Fujiwara was the "Ghost Rider" that night, she was originally confident that she could persuade the other party to join the joint operation.

Since the other party Qiao Zhuang dressed up and secretly assisted Lesson Nine, he must have a determination to implement justice.

She moved her eyes to the neatly folded special camera suit and ghost face helmet beside the sofa, and her brain was running at high speed, and it suddenly dawned on her.

The noble Fujiwara clan has always been the main force strongly opposed to joint action proposals.

The reason why Fujiwara Takumi positively refused to participate in the joint operation, and pretended to be secretly exterminating spirits, must be to take care of the clan's face while carrying out the justice in his heart.

Such a person with both talents and virtue and indifferent to fame and fortune is worthy of being the leader of the contemporary young spirit removers.

Since he already knew the identity of the other party, and rashly exposing the matter, I am afraid it will anger the Fujiwara family and cause unnecessary trouble for Fujiwara Takumi.

Having figured this out, Mochizuki Ayano has decided to completely pretend not to know the Ghost Rider.

After all, the other party was regarded as a life-saving grace to himself that night, and the Fujiwara family was willing to approve the documents of the joint operation, which had already made a great concession.

"In that case, we will visit again, hoping to see you in the next running-in task. Lesson 9 will use our own performance to prove to you that you are not ‘fighting alone’."

Now that he had made up his mind, Mochizuki Ayano stopped staying, and after giving a hint, stood up and said goodbye.


Shimoto Ichiro, who had originally planned to persuade him, followed her behind with some confusion.

Seeing Uncle Keiwu sending the two away, Takumi Fujiwara's expression was relieved.

"Huh, have you finally sent it away? I'll just say that I'm practicing in retreat next time..."

With that said, he fell on the sofa and took out the switch.

"Damn it's Araki Sosuke, I have to rebuild the entire island...but just to try a new design style..."

As he operated with excitement, chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power was constantly floating in the air.

At the same time, somewhere in Shibuya.

"Are you ready, Zongsuke... You must act decisively in a moment, and must not be distracted. You must ‘kill’ the target in the first place."

Yuping Higashino stood in the crowd, his eyes condensed slightly, full of murderous aura.

"Oh, come on, let them know how good we are..."

Beside him, Sosuke Araki rolled up his sleeves, revealing large tattoos on his arms.

Facing the murderous two, the crowd crowded around them also looked resolutely unrelenting.

"Siyou Supermarket's annual limited-time special price rush activities are starting now... please line up for this group of guests to enter the venue..."

Following the shouts of the clerk holding the microphone, the two crowded among a group of aunts and marched towards the supermarket with difficulty.

Panic buying of big specials is destined to be an arduous journey.


Five days later, late at night.

A black Toyota Alpha business car parked quietly at the entrance of Akagi Shrine.

After a while, a small bird dressed as a witch Yu Mayumi walked out slowly along the stone road behind the torii gate.

On her back, she carried a long, narrow white cloth bag.

"It's the little bird maiden of Akagi Shrine. Ichigo Ichichi is the leader of the'united group'. Please take care of me during the'united operation'."

A middle-aged man who looked extremely capable took the agent behind him, greeted her respectfully, and introduced her to the agent behind him.

"Please take care."

Tori Mayumi also nodded quietly.

The “Joint Action” related documents were signed a week ago. Thanks to the "figure leaf" of the Soul Slayers Association, the members of the Soul Slayers Association and Lesson Nine began to enter the stage of full cooperation.

The ultimate goal of the joint operation is to give full play to their strengths, reduce casualties, and improve the efficiency of spiritual removal.

The ninth lesson is responsible for the preliminary information collection, task plan formulation and personnel assignment.

For the existence of the weird level [II] or higher, based on the agents of the joint team, cooperate with the spirit removers to perform targeted removal actions.

In the "united group", apart from the small bird Yu Mayumi, there are four drivers including the most elite agents from Lesson 9.

The driver is responsible for in-vehicle communication, medical treatment, driving, information support and emergency support.

The other three fully armed detectives formed an action team, responsible for coordinating the spirit removers to carry out tasks on the front line.

"Little Bird Witch, this is the relevant information for our running-in mission and several sets of action plans."

A Satoru handed a tablet to the bird Yu Mayumi.

Although I had checked the relevant information in advance, Mayumi Torii took the tablet and looked at it seriously.

The running-in task is selected from the accumulated tasks of the Spirit Eliminators Association, and they are all tasks between the weird level [1] and [2].

"We are really lucky to be able to assign a genius maiden with a 100% task completion rate."

A young agent sitting on the side said excitedly.

"Joint Action" is tantamount to a shot in the heart for everyone in Lesson 9.

The ninth class agents are mostly elites selected from the Self-Defense Forces and the Metropolitan Police Department, and a small number of them have weak inspirations and can vaguely sense certain existence.

However, in the face of invisible, intangible, illogically unreasonable grievances and weirdness, even with the assistance of the Institute’s spiritual power equipment, the agents who are still ordinary people in nature are always on the "unsuitable" battlefield. Reluctantly fighting.

The addition of professional spirit removers just made up for the biggest shortcoming of Lesson 9.

"No, you're overwhelmed, please take care of it."

Tori Mayumi replied humbly.

In accordance with the relevant guidelines for joint operations, the team members sent by Lesson 9 must give up their lives in times of crisis, and give priority to protecting the spirits from retreating.

This is also one of the conditions for those onmyoji clans, temples, and shrines willing to send hard-bearing spirit removers to participate in the operation.

"The Little Bird Witch does not have to be humble. The action is dominated by the professional opinions of the spirit remover. Please do not hesitate to direct us boldly."

Seeing the conscientiousness of the miko, Ichiko also enlivened the atmosphere in a friendly manner.

What he said is not false. Because what they are facing is an existence that cannot be inferred by common sense. Therefore, after being informed of certain rules of action of the target, the soul remover may even suggest such things as going to the dead, self-mutilation, etc. The "unreasonable" instructions require the collective obedience of the agents at this time.

Moreover, they have seen the information of the spirit removers who participated in this running-in task. Although the witch in front of them is only the spirit remover of the exemption level [one], they are privately commented by the agents as "the one who wants to cooperate most." Spiritual" NO.1.

After all, other weird spirit removers, it seems that they are not good masters to deal with.

At the same time, as under the torii of Akagi Shrine, the "joint action teams" in various parts of Tokyo embarked on a difficult journey.

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