I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 120 Joint Action (for the first order tomorrow at noon)

Shibuya University of Economics.

A young man with a Chinese character face close to 1.9 meters tall, carrying a sword bag with the word "Shijingda" on his back, wearing a hooded sportswear, and a man wrapped in samurai armor behind him, got into the car quietly.

"Huh... Ordinary Heart... Ordinary Heart. Kengo Yamada, male, 21 years old, today is your first battle to restore your reputation."

Inside the car, the man full of philosophical breath adjusted his breathing nervously.

"Mr. Yamada, don't be nervous. Although this running-in task is your first time to remove spirits, you, as the only closed disciple of the president at the time, must be easy to handle."

The leader of the joint three groups pacified very kindly.

It's not that he takes it lightly, but to create a relaxed atmosphere before the task and maintain the form of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside. From a psychological point of view, people can have a better on-the-spot performance.

"No...I...I worry about something else..."

This young man with a face of Chinese character is exactly the "underwear madman", Kengo Yamada, who is the shame of the Great Kendo Club and has made countless girls fearful.

With some guilty conscience, he glanced at the zombie [cocoon] sitting motionless behind and wearing red armor.

The master was unwell, and he insisted on taking this guy out for the task, saying that he should continue to exercise his normal heart during the task, and having a [cocoon] next to him can also prevent it in case.

Although I bring the amulet paper given by the master, I am not afraid that this guy will really eat myself back, but there is such an existence that may give you a slap behind him at any time, and it is also a matter of restlessness.

What if this guy slaps himself at a critical moment when he is rid of spirits.


Outside the Meiji Shrine.

"Sorry, Master Fujiwara said that he is at a critical moment in his closed-door practice and cannot participate in this running-in mission for the time being. He will contact you after he breaks through."

An old man in a kimono stated to the ninth class agents without humility or arrogance, the expression on his face did not mean "sorry" at all.

After all, in his mind, the noble Fujiwara clan's proud son, had no obligation to work for the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Is that so? That's difficult, I'll report to the headquarters first."

The lead agent touched his head embarrassedly.

The representative of Meiji Jingu who joined the Association of Spirit Eliminators this time, Fujiwara Takumi, is the heir of the Meiji Jingu generation, and is known as the leader of young spirit elimination people in Japan.

It is said that he is not only a "favored person" who has repeatedly shown various miracles, he was able to drive away powerful wraiths by himself at the age of ten, and shocked the entire existence of Tokyo.

The agents originally assigned to Fujiwara Takumi's group were full of expectations for this action, all wanting to see the demeanor of this legendary low-key but powerful young genius.

But I didn't expect this to be the case.

However, the Fujiwara clan not only took care of the Meiji Shrine, but also took care of the responsibilities of managing the Yin-Yang area. It can be said to be overwhelmingly powerful, so the little ninth lesson can only pinch his nose and leave.

Inside the apartment in Yoyogi-Sanchome.

Fujiwara Takumi was lying on the sofa with a tired face, his hands constantly operating on the handheld.

"After so long, my island has finally got a brand new look... This time, I said nothing to let that guy touch my account!"

For a time, the house was full of magnificence and chrysanthemums bloomed.


In the Shibuya Police Station, the wall of the large conference room in the ninth lesson has been transformed into a three-sided wall surrounded by dozens of monitors.

In the center of the screen, on the huge map of Tokyo, you can see the real-time location of each "joint team".

The screens on both sides can view the live broadcast of the action recorders on each group of agents in real time.

More than a dozen information group agents are busy operating in front of several computers below the screen wall.

According to the actual situation of the case, they will pass the database as soon as possible to provide frontline detectives with relevant historical data, case files and other necessary and inquirable information.

Here, there is already a prototype of a real-time command for supernatural cases.

"Except for the geniuses who were unable to participate in this operation because of the ‘retreat practice’, except for the spiritist Takumi Fujiwara, the teams for tonight’s joint operation have already been in place and are moving towards the target location of the running-in mission."

Iwata opened the door and came in and reported to Mochizuki Ayanohui who was sitting in front of the screen.

"Fujiwara Takumi, is he really retreating, or planning to act alone... Don't worry, all of them have, real-time monitoring of the task situation, and recording the action patterns and tendencies of each spirit remover in order to better change the configuration ."

Mochizuki Ayano stared at several moving dots on the map with scorching eyes, and ordered the person in the information department.

Since "Ghost Rider" Fujiwara Takumi intends to act alone, she does not force him.

The joint action is essentially an ordinary person’s detective, and it is natural to coordinate with the action mode of the spirit remover.

The team configuration of running-in tasks is a standard configuration based on SWAT's division of labor, and is not suitable for every spirit remover. Therefore, it must be adjusted in a timely manner after summary.

"Also...the Araki Sosuke...the security company reported that after sending the email notification, he did not reply and did not participate in the interview..."

Takeshi Iwata remembered something and reported back in a low voice.

"The job opportunity that so many people dream of, with a monthly salary of 600,000 yen, that idiot didn't go. It really is muddy and can't get on the wall!"

At the mention of this person, Mochizuki Ayano wrinkled her little nose in shame.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to him for the time being, the things in front of you are more important."

The icons representing each action group, after moving on the map for a period of time, each gradually reached the target location.


In an abandoned apartment only eight minutes away from the subway station, several heavily armed agents opened the door and filed down.

The last person who got out of the car was a middle-aged monk wearing a coarse cloth monk robe.

"Host Hongfa, it's here...According to the information group, this place has happened before..."

The lead detective reported relevant information to the monk.

In this apartment, the "9 men and women murders" that shocked Japan occurred three years ago.

The murderer called the suicidal person into the house, hung the rope in the attic, and strangled his neck to kill.

Then, dismember the body in the bathroom, put cat litter in the cold box, and put the victim's head in it for safekeeping.

The police found the corpses of nine people in the room.

After that, this apartment, which was rushed to rent because it was too cheap, often made strange noises at night.

Later, every month, someone hanged himself in the attic in the room for unknown reasons, like the original victim.

Known as "Heisei's most murderous house".

"It's okay..."

The tall and tall Buddhist monk gave him a slight salute and interrupted him.

"All sentient beings have Tathagata, wisdom, virtue... No matter what happened before, the poor monks are treated equally. You can prepare a box of mineral water for the poor monks, and then take a rest in the car."

"mineral water?"

When the agent was puzzled, Kofa had already opened the door and entered the rental house of only 13.5 square meters, and sat down cross-legged.

Closing his eyes, the Pharaoh Promoting God chanted the Buddhist scriptures in a low voice on the ground.

Circles of golden Buddha light spread around him, covering the entire house and surrounding area.

As the Buddhist scriptures were recited, there seemed to be many unidentified existences in the shadow of the house, wailing and weeping constantly in the light of the Buddha.

"It's over after reciting the scriptures? This... is really a high-ranking monk with the exemption level [2] of the Kawasaki Master Temple? Boss, the car is not equipped with mineral water, what should we do?"

Another agent asked him in a low voice.

"What are you doing in a daze, think of a way to get mineral water, don't forget the code of action."

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