In order not to miss it, friendly reminder: This chapter is released together with Chapter 120.

Thank you all for your company all the way. The book will be on the shelves tomorrow, Friday (10th) at 12 noon.

As a social animal + part-time author, I myself can’t believe that I have updated 4000+ days for 55 consecutive days (compared to my first day of 2000, more than 20 days, 300 collections and daring to put on the shelves. , It is a miracle).

I’m grateful for too much and I’m thinking too much, so I won’t repeat them one by one.

Regarding the "three barriers" of Sosuke Araki, I set it up when I started the outline, and I am ready to play with Shenyong's stalk, and save it until the story is on the shelf before throwing it out.

But considering that I have received too many blades...No, considering that the normal subscription ratio at the starting point is 10-30, that is to say, most of my friends will transfer to pirated editions after they are on the shelves [The creation is not easy, please support if you have conditions Genuine] Or abandon the book, so I feel obligated to put this story in the free chapter, so that everyone can have a complete reading experience; for this reason, it doesn’t matter if there are tens of thousands of free words and a few hundred less full attendance, so it’s delayed until now. .

The first edition is an important indicator and transcript for measuring a book from the beginning, so I also implore all my friends for your support.

Friends who feel that this book is slow to update and slow in pace can also support a first order and then feed it before eating.

The basic five shifts on the day of launch, if the first order data meets psychological expectations, it will continue to be updated.

Regarding subscriptions, monthly passes, rewards, and recommendations, I would also like to learn from other authors to set up a FLAG, and increase it after reaching a certain value.

But as a part-time author, in order to balance quality and quantity, I am afraid that I cannot do it, so I won't write blank checks to everyone. I can only change it depending on the situation.

I will delete a lot of manuscripts when I am busy with work and poor writing status. In order to ensure the style and fun, I will delete a lot of manuscripts.

After all, to provide you with an interesting reading experience is the original intention of my creation.

As for the subsequent plot, in addition to the familiar urban legends, it will be adapted mainly based on the real spiritual locations, cases, and historical allusions in Japan.

In addition to the plot, I also want to share some interesting details of life and the tour of anime holy sites that I have seen in Japan.

In short, I will also try to optimize the rhythm of the plot after it is on the shelves to be less foreshadowing and compact.

The growing ninth lesson and the spirit-eliminators, fancy urban legends, the gates of hell around the corner, the Bliss Club and the black hands behind him, the first experience of love in Araki and the return of that woman, and many buried in the earlier period. The confiscated threads will be condensed one by one...

When the darkness really falls, Araki Sosuke and his world will experience earth-shaking changes.

After that, it should be a completely different story again, so stay tuned.

PS: If you have friends who are not free to subscribe tomorrow, you can click on the automatic subscription now.

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