I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 126 My Saijo Hard Chicken...

On the quiet road beside the park, there was only the roar of the motorcycle going away.

No one responded to Abe Temple's words.

"A knight with a ghost face? I remember this kindness."

Immersed in the shock of witnessing Buddhahood, Abe Temple watched the other side in awe, and remembered the image of the other side deeply.

The opponent should just happen to pass by here, but can shoot at the moment the locomotive and the resentful spirit pass by, and "become a Buddha" the aggregated resentful spirit whose weird level is close to [3].

With this move alone, even his grandfather couldn't do it in his heyday.

Such a character, perhaps the ancestor Qingming-sama's rebirth, will be able to match him.

"Ziz...Abe-kun...please answer when you hear..."

In the headset, the agent's vague voice sounded.

"Received... This is Abe Temple, are you all right..."

"Everyone is okay...just my head is a little dizzy..."

"Here we have finished removing the spirit...We are right at the gate of the park..."

Before Abe Temple finished speaking, the man on the communication side suddenly made a ghostly voice: "No, it's not good... Abe-kun, the memorial monument in the middle of the park is cracked."


Hearing his words, Abe Temple immediately looked up at the sky.

In the middle of the park, black resentment rose to the sky, and it rushed towards the SunShineCity60 building not far away, gathering like a dark cloud over the roof.

"Oops, let's rush over first, and contact the people in Yinyangliao to repair the seal."

Abe Temple propped up his aching body and ran towards the agreed meeting place.

It must have been just now, when the resentful spirit ran into the comforting monument.


"It was so dangerous just now. Fortunately, the car was not smashed... Which marine cargo carrier was so wicked and dropped the fish in the middle of the road?"

Parked downstairs in the SunShineCity60 building and took out the goods in the insulated box, Sosuke Araki had time to look at his locomotive.

When I was driving on the small road next to Ikebukuro Central Park, I turned a corner and saw an anglerfish fluttering in the middle of the road.

The person and fish appeared so suddenly that Araki Sosuke had no time to slow down, so he could only run over the poor anglerfish that was fluttering on the road.

If you think about it, I'm really sorry for that fish.

However, having said that, if someone really slams the brakes because of a fish that suddenly appears in the middle of the road, they may lose their lives.

"Ding Dong."

The sound of the system urging the delivery of the meal drove out the messy thoughts in Sosuke Araki's mind.

Carrying the merchandise, he walked towards the building in front of him.

It was late at night and there were very few people using the elevator. Sosuke Araki quickly delivered a life-saving supper and coffee to several social animals on the 5th floor who worked overtime throughout the night.

"Grumbling...por ~ waterfall ~ crackling crackling..."

Accompanied by the rhythmic subtle noise, the relaxed Araki Sosuke walked out of the elevator after the meal was delivered.

"Ding Dong".

The prompt for the next order sounds in the phone.

He glanced at the phone, then rode away on the motorcycle.


Inside the SunShineCity60 building.

As strong resentment condensed over the building, cracks began to appear in the soul-saving monument buried in the top floor of the highest building...

A figure struggled, crawling out of there like a fierce ghost in hell.

"My General Razor returns today, and the war will rekindle the world!"

This is a man wearing a green military uniform with a thick mustache, pale face and purple scars on his neck.

The resentment in the air, like a dark cloud, continued to gather in his body, making his aura more and more deep like a deep hell.

The soul-suppressing monument buried in the other 59 floors of the building began to tremble like resonance, cracks appeared on the surface, and countless roars came from it, as if something could not wait to come out.

"Come back, my old department, let me be a hard Tojo and lead you to rebuild glory..."

While laughing wildly, the Tojo hard chicken raised his hands like a conductor, and countless grievances lingered on his body, slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

Immediately, he walked towards the elevator, preparing to use the descending elevator to wake up his old department one after another.

The elevator doors closed, and a strong breath came over.

Tojo's hard chicken eyes were a little puzzled, and the eight-character Hu shook his nose slightly...

"This is... Jamaica..."


Fifteen minutes later.

When Abe Temple and the others came downstairs in the SunShineCity60 Building, the dark clouds formed by resentment in the sky had no idea when they had dissipated.

"Be careful... The large number of resentful spirits suppressed here are likely to have been awakened... We have to investigate carefully..."

Abe Temple narrowed his eyes and took the lead into the elevator.

If such a huge resentment in the air were absorbed by a certain resentful spirit, he couldn't imagine how strong it would be.

"Swipe and pull."

The elevator doors opened slowly.

Inside the empty elevator, there were faint white light spots flickering, and there was still a smell of rotten eggs mixed with rotten salted fish.

This is……

Abeji and several agents immediately covered their noses.

"Whoever rides a horse is so unethical and puts such a stinky fart in the elevator!"


Inside the mall in Ginza.

Dozens of grievances were lying at the feet of the "United Four Groups" team members, gradually dissipating into grievances.

Just after the exorcism salt was cast and dozens of wraith spirits appeared, Tsukida Hiroshi continued to sprinkle a few handfuls of exorcism salt like snow, and slapped several strings of garlic on the wraith spirits, and quickly forced them out. The culprit here.

A resentful spirit resembling a female plastic model is being tied up by the "tortoiseshell" technique with that oversized string of garlic, and he can't move under his body.

"It is this resentful spirit that kills here, and also confines the victim's soul here, turning it into a ghost..."

With the secret exorcism salt sprinkled head-on, the grievances around them gradually turned into grievances and began to dissipate, filling the entire underwear sales area with the scent of salt-baked roasted garlic.

Constantly stirring the taste of everyone.

"You retreat first, I want to use mystery skills to remove spirits on the culprit..."

"Then... please be careful... we are waiting for you downstairs."

With that said, several agents cautiously retreated downstairs.

"It seems that I can get off work early today, go to an izakaya for a couple of drinks, and then go back...Come on, let you see my'Hirosashi right behind' passing through the strongest Buddha inlaying and removing the spirit ceremony of the Kawasaki Daishi Temple... "

Taking a look at his watch, Tsugada Hiroshi took the middle-aged uncle's gentle and subtle smile, and turned off the earphones and untied the belt against the fiery resentful spirit who was still wiggling on the ground...


Tokyo Metropolitan Medical University, anatomical specimen storage room.

The air was filled with the smell of formalin.

In this underground specimen storage room, there have been rumors of witnessing human organs crawling around.

However, in the past year or so, there have been cases of students disappearing inexplicably on campus.

When some corpses were found in the formalin pool, they had already been dissected by classmates mistakenly regarded as "general teachers".

Toriyu Mayumi's fingertips were filled with talisman paper, her hands spread out one after the other, and she looked around vigilantly.

Several agents are centering on her with guns on guard.

A pale arm stretched out from the ceiling, extending extremely long, and struck towards the bird Yumayumi.

At the same time, from the formalin pool in the room, all kinds of residual limbs and organs were crawling out and attacking several people.


Little bird Yu Mayumi has a calm face, concentrating and holding his breath, kicking her feet back vigorously, avoiding the arm with corpse spots with ease.


She activated the rune in her hand, fists down, waist and horse united, and an uppercut fell diagonally on the arm in front of her...

"In the name of Akagi Jiming, wipe away the darkness in front of you."

One punch hits, the Miko does not give the target any breathing opportunity, and moves continuously.

Slight hammer, upper punch, anti-back punch, left and right hand Japanese punch punch...

Compared with the previous days, the Wing Chun of the Little Bird Witch has become a bit more proficient, and it can be seen that she has worked hard.

A series of fast punches with runes, as if playing ping-pong, blasted the residual limbs and organs from the surrounding area with precision and speed, and the surrounding agents were stunned.

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