The rune spiritual power between the fingers penetrated with the strength of the witch's fist, and the stumps and organ specimens that were hit fell to the ground feebly, turning into grievances and slowly dissipating.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, from under the floor, two thick arms, one black and one white, stretched out again...

"Anything else?"

Tori Yu Mayumi's face remained unchanged, and he flashed sideways by the grabbed arm, calmly looking around.

The distance was too close, and the detectives who reacted did not dare to shoot. They pulled out the "Spirit Detective Baton Type IV" from their waists, and hit the arm with a beating.

Although this baton is made of special metal and has been enshrined and engraved in various ways, it seems that it can only make it painful and brandish even more crazily in the face of the ghost hand of this weird level [One].

Against the attack, the ghost hand swayed violently from side to side with greater power, blasting several agents against the wall.

In response to resentment, Yu Mayumi Torii reacted more quickly than the other agents, and with his quick pace, he avoided the continuous bombardment of his two arms.

The red hakama flew in the air with her movements, like a blooming flower.

"No, from the beginning, there was only one..."

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, one black and one white two arms slammed into the ground...

A spherical resentful spirit stitched together from the internal organs of countless residual limbs left over from anatomy exercises, relying on two long arms, slowly crawled out of the formalin pool.

The countless mutilated human organs slowly wriggled like living creatures on the wraith spirit.

"Gather the wraiths? It looks like a quick decision."

Looking at the agent who fell to the ground in pain, Tori Mayumi untied the cloth bag behind him.

In the cloth bag, there was a bony long bow like white jade.

Yao Gong, cry.

In the face of the resentful congregation not far away, Yu Mayu, without changing her face, kept her feet side by side without hurriedly, facing it sideways.


She held her breath, stepped on her feet, and after steadying her upper body, she held the bow close to her body with her left hand, and made an arrow movement with her right hand.

With the gathering of spiritual power in his hand, Mayumi Torii unhurriedly put the non-existent "arrow" on the bowstring.

Then, she raised the longbow higher than her whole body over her head, held the bow with one hand and pulled the strings, spreading her hands to the left and right, pulling the bowstrings in front of her like a full moon.

The whole process was calm and stable, as if she was not in the gloomy specimen storage room, facing the gathering of resentful spirits from the shop.

Instead, I was in the blue sky and green field of the Kyudo Department, doing the bow drawing exercises on weekdays.

When she was ready to finish, the cluster of wraith spirits stitched together by countless stumps and organs had slowly crawled to a place very close to her at this moment.

The bowstring was full, and Tori Mayumi's arms trembled slightly, but he steadily accumulated.

Facing the resentful spirit that was already within reach, she had no fear on her expression. After aiming calmly, she let go of the pulling hand without warning.




Outside the dilapidated apse of Akagi Shrine, a thin and tough old man is holding a wooden longbow, calmly following the movements of the eight knots of the archway, stepping on, building, kicking, pulling, meeting, leaving...

The wooden bow without an arrow was drawn by him like a full moon. After slightly accumulating his strength, he suddenly let go, making a crisp sound.

"Grandpa, what is this bang? It feels so powerful... Why can't Mayumi pull it out..."

Asked the little girl sitting under the eaves, wearing a witch costume, shaking her feet restlessly.

"This is the string sound, it's the sound of the bowstring when the arrow flies away from the bowstring... Mayumi-chan, if you practice for a few years, you can also make such a sound."

The old man was mutilated, bowed down, returned to the initial movement, and explained to her with a smile.

"But why not shoot the arrow out."

The little girl asked crisply.

"The archery of our birdie family does not need to shoot arrows."

"Why? Isn't it weird that there are no arrows?"

"Because the birdie family once had a very powerful bow that didn't require arrows."

"Once? Where is that bow now...Can Mayumi take a look?"

"Grandpa hasn't seen it either. After the fire more than a hundred years ago, it disappeared...Perhaps, the Lord God took it back."

"Ah? Since you can't find it, why do you continue to practice archery."

The girl looked at her bandaged fingers in a puzzled way.

Kyudo practice is very boring, and the fingers are easily injured, which is not fun at all.

"That is to one day, when the bow comes back, let the gods know that the bird tour clan has not forgotten how to draw the bow."

The old man said so, and once again opened the arrowless longbow in his hand.


The same posture, the same string tone, the same waiting.

Generations of Xiaoniaoyou tribesmen, with their backs facing the morning light and practicing assiduously to draw bows and arrows, seem to have crossed time and space at this moment, overlapping together.


After the sound of the string, the invisible arrow composed of huge spiritual power departed from the string, dragging a long and sharp tail towards the resentful spirit.

As if someone was crying in a low voice.

Yao Gong cried and came back.

The birdie family has never forgotten how to draw a bow.

The invisible arrow continued to spin in the air, piercing the body of the huge wraith spirit very fast.

Passed through precisely, the huge heart with countless residual limbs wrapped in the center.

The huge resentful spirit that had reached two meters in front of her, the forward movement, as the ending sound dissipated, stopped abruptly.

The huge body collapsed and shattered like large building blocks, turning into grievances and dissipating.

In the face of the dissipated resentment, Toriyu Mayumi turned a blind eye, still maintaining a "remnant" posture and bowing calmly and calmly.

"Lian... unite the second group, the despirit is over."

After a long while, an enlightenment lying on the ground staring blankly did he remember to report to the headquarters.

At that moment, he seemed to see the Nirvana Phoenix.


Yamada Kengo and several detectives are marching hard in the dark, deep, and spacious tunnel with a rotten smell.

A zombie wearing a red samurai Kai [Cocoon], ghosts generally follow behind him.

The sewer in Tokyo is connected by five large vertical shafts about 70 meters deep and 30 meters in diameter. Each shaft is about the size of a rocket launch pit. Among them, 59 reservoirs are 7 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 18 meters high. Concrete pillars weighing 500 tons and 500 meters in weight were propped up to prevent the reservoir from floating up under the thrust of groundwater.

As it looks as magnificent as a palace, special dramas and animations such as The Lord of the Rings and Ghostman are all shot here.

"Damn it, it smells, vomit... Why is the task I assigned to the dark and dark sewers?"

While complaining, Yamada Kengo, whose left face was slightly swollen, constantly adjusted his breathing.

That was when he was in a hand-to-hand fight with the resentful spirit next to the toilet, after accidentally inhaling a strong odor, he was beaten by a cocoon.

"It's no wonder that when I went out, Teacher Ben said that I was unwell and couldn't participate. I must have known it a long time ago!"

"The running-in tasks are randomly assigned, there is no way..."

The agent on the side explained to him with a smile.

Yamada Kengo's group is tracking a difficult grieving spirit code-named "Sewer Bursher".

It looks like a muscular man with no strands of body. At twelve o'clock in the night, when the victim is squatting on the toilet most relaxed, he will appear inside the toilet from the sewer and stir his thick XX into the opponent's OO. Caused the victim to bleed and die.

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