Because the "sewer blaster" was overly cunning and used the wide sewer pipe network to come and go freely, the information team analyzed the locations of multiple victims and roughly delineated the scope of his activities.

As soon as the operation began, the team of Yamada Kengo began to "squat on the toilet" in the toilets within the range.

These days, besides practicing spiritual power, Yamada Kengo has also learned the drawing and application of several basic talisman papers.

The agents of the "squatting toilet" are equipped with the "tracing talisman" distributed by Yamada Kengo. As long as the resentful spirit is covered with a flame of talisman paper, Yamada can track its location by the secret method of the teacher.

A group of people squatted for most of the day, and when Yamada felt that hemorrhoids were about to squat out, perhaps because he was attracted by the strong "philosophical aura" on his body, the "sewage burster" actually came to him.

Under Cocoon's "watching with arms folded" and "slapped assists", after a hard close hand-to-hand fight, after being burned by Yamada Kengo with talisman paper, the muscular male resentful spirit ran towards the sewer decisively.

After that, the group of Yamada Kengo followed the locked inspiration all the way down.

However, the insubstantial resentful spirit can travel along thick and thin pipes, but mortal people can't, and can only continue to "curve forward" around the wide sewer.

"I hate... I want to burst back..."

When he came to a dead end, this muscular resentful spirit didn't seem to want to escape, but just stood quietly in place.

"Over his bones?"

Yamada Kengo took a closer look at the end of the alley and found that there seemed to be a bone there.

Most of the wraith spirits will wander around their own remains, which is their last sustenance, who have nowhere to go.

"It seems to be a muscular man bar right above here... The nearby case information shows that in October last year, 24 men fought because they found out that they were in a relationship with one person at the same time, and that person disappeared afterwards... This one."

The agent on the side looked at the information on the tablet in his hand and whispered to him.

Looking at the resentful spirits, the agents immediately opened fire.

Under the rain of bullets from the agents, the muscular male resentful spirit dived into the ground as if sinking into the water.


Before he finished speaking, the resentful spirit had emerged from the ground behind Kengo Yamada...

Yamada Kengo only felt that he had a pair of strong arms, tightly holding his waist from behind, making him unable to break free.


Deep words rang in his ears.

Feeling the strong philosophical breath of the resentful spirit, Yamada Kengo's heartbeat immediately accelerated.


Sensing that his spiritual power was disordered, the cocoon that followed, slapped his face severely with a slap in the face, making his entire face deformed.

Just when the unstrung muscular male resentful spirit stood up the huge existence under his hips, and was about to "burst" the slapped Yamada Kengo, a burst of rune flames ignited from him.


Suddenly, Ying Ling made a joyous voice in pain.

Taking this opportunity, Yamada Kengo stepped forward, broke free from the opponent's "tightest arms", and drew out the rune-wrapped wooden sword in his hand.

"Blow your sister..."

The flames on the muscular male resentful spirit who was full of muscles and shaking the thick and long mosaic of his lower body had not gone out, so Yamada Kengo took a side step and calmly walked around behind him, inserting the thick wooden sword in his hand deeply into the opponent. Behind...

"Damn it...why is there no run..."

Accompanied by Yamada Kengo's frantic agitation, the resentful spirit dissipated in wailing.

In this operation, Yamada Kengo was armed to the teeth.

Not only the clothes all over the body are covered with talisman paper.

Even the wooden sword in his hand, in addition to the rune paper from Asakusa Shrine sold to him by Araki-senpai, was also covered with the exorcism charms he practiced drawing these days.

It can be said that ordinary resentful spirits can hardly resist his power.

"Combining the three groups... the despiration is complete..."

After reporting to the headquarters, after half an hour of walking through the sewer...

The "United Three Groups" found sadly that their group seemed to be lost.

"Yamada-kun's swordsmanship is really powerful, he deserves to be the head of the Kendo Club (former)."

Walking in the depressive and dark sewer, the detective on the side praised him in an active atmosphere.

"In this gloomy sewer, no one can see the swordsmanship no matter how sharp it is. What I was expecting was a more glamorous stage... Those are not the point... The point is, how are we..."


"...Go out... Go out... Go out... Go... ugh."


In the gloomy sewers, Yamada Kengo's shouts and crisp slaps echoed continuously.

"The emergency team has located our location and is checking the sewer map. Please be patient and wait for the rescue..."

Several people quickly comforted Yamada Kengo, who had collapsed.

The outer Guofang Waterway in the metropolitan area, the full name "Tokyo Circle Drainage System", is the world's largest sewer with a depth of 50 meters.

In order to prevent natural disasters such as concentrated rain, floods, typhoons, etc., it cost 240 billion yen and took 14 years to build. It includes five water storage pits and a man-made underground reservoir with a total length of 6.3 kilometers and an inner diameter of 10 meters, covering the entire Tokyo In all regions, the level of complexity is no joke.


"Combined with the four groups, Master Chang Tian has held a ritual for the Wraith Spirit alone, and everything went well except for some physical loss."

"Lian... unite the second group, the despirit is over."

"The maneuver team has been dispatched to carry out clean-up work."

"Joint the three teams, in the process of searching the retreat route, request support..."

Three hours after the start of the joint combat exercise, the temporary combat command room in Lesson 9 continued to ring in communications about the completion of the mission.

"It seems that the teams are going pretty smoothly...except..."

Mochizuki Ayano watched the task execution of several groups blankly.

Although these spirit removers have weird personalities and behave strangely, when it comes to removing spirits, the level of professionalism is indeed unmatched by Lesson 9.

With the strong execution of the ninth class agents, it is even more powerful.

However, there seems to be something that is not going well.

She looked at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The first group of "Tachibana Floating Snow" Abe Temple had interrupted communication nearly half an hour ago and dispatched a mobile group located in the city center to support it.

"The communication of the first group has resumed... It is reported that it encountered a large group of wraith spirits close to [3], and has been killed by the spirit eliminator'Tachibana Piaoxue'..."

An agent reports to Mochizuki Ayanohui.

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