I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 129 The Nhk toll collector (plus more)

"The memorial monument in East Ikebukuro Central Park was destroyed during the battle, and the resentment broke through the multiple soul-relief memorials in the SunShineCity60 building... Fortunately, the wraiths in the damaged soul-emergency memorial monument should have been wiped out during years of suppression. There is no abnormality."

Hearing this news, Mochizuki Ayano suddenly took a breath, only to feel that the great ups and downs of life were coming too quickly.

You know, there used to be sixty evil spirits suppressed in it.

"That is simply a blessing in misfortune...By the way, it is worthy of being a descendant of the Abe family, and even that level of aggregate resentment can be easily solved..."

After confirming the situation of the first group through the system, Mochizuki Ayano was relieved and couldn't help but ponder.

Encountering a resentful spirit higher than the expected level is inevitable in the action.

After all, every supernatural case is like an unopened gift box. If you don't open it yourself, you never know what's in it.

"Reporting to the head of the department, the spirit removal operations of each group have successfully come to an end..."

An agent reported to her with some excitement.

Prior to the joint operation, only the section chief Ayano Mochizuki and the newly promoted "Buddha Sniper" deputy section chief Iwata Takeshi were the only ones who could lead the team to perform the highly difficult despiration in the ninth lesson.

After the members of the Spirit Slayers Association joined, overnight, they even possessed the ability to simultaneously execute five weird levels [one] or higher.

Initially, the running-in phase of the joint operation can be regarded as having achieved very good results.

"The team that has completed the task will accept the team as planned, and the mobile team will be responsible for the aftermath and medical treatment...The information team will conduct a preliminary analysis and review of the action process."

The expression on Mochizuki Ayano's face only relaxed a little at this moment.

"I always feel as if I forgot something..."

An information team agent mumbled and started the finishing touch.


Yoyogi Sanchome.

"If you are not careful, it will be almost dawn... But finally it has caught up with the game progress..."

In the apartment, Fujiwara Takumi with big dark circles under his eyes put down the game console in his hand a little tiredly and stretched out.

"The Spirit Slayers Association and those guys in Lesson Nine, should they still be fighting outside..."

Thinking with some guilty conscience, he opened the curtains and looked down at the scenery of Yoyogi Park in the morning.

"Ding Dong".

Someone rang the doorbell.

"Who? So early?"

Takumi Fujiwara, who was about to eat breakfast and sleep, turned on the screen of the video doorbell in confusion.

On the screen, a plain-looking man in a rumpled Brazilian suit is standing outside the door with his head bowed respectfully.

His pale face occupies almost the entire screen.

"Good morning, Mr. Fujiwara, I am a staff member of NHK TV station. Since you have not yet concluded a contract with NHK TV station, I have come to ask you to conclude a contract and pay for the use of NHK TV station."

"Huh? NHK TV station... why does it know my name? Hasn't this apartment been signed with NHK?"

Looking at the man on the screen, Fujiwara Takumi's face was full of black lines.

There are basically only three kinds of people who will come to ring the doorbell, the missionary grandma, the delivery person and...NHK toll collector.

NHK TV station is a neutral TV station broadcasting nationwide in Japan.

According to Japan's "Broadcasting Act", residents in Japan who have a TV or can watch any equipment of NHK TV station are obliged to contract with NHK.

However, the law does not state what punishment will be imposed for failure to fulfill the obligation to conclude a contract with NHK.

Once the contract is concluded with NHK, he will face high viewing fees throughout his life.

Based on the idea that you will lose if you pay first, most Japanese people stay away from NHK.

NHK toll collectors came into being.

They wear neat suits and handsome hairstyles, and visit from house to house every day. With their three-inch tongue, they tirelessly explain to you "citizens' obligations", "laws" and the like, just to make you Honestly conclude a contract with NHK and pay the fee.

As the saying goes, the terrible thing is not the three-member group and the resentful spirit, but the NHK toll collector's doorbell.

"Let him go back today, and let Uncle Kei go back to deal with..."

Fujiwara Takumi walked to the door, ready to send the toll collector away so that he could go to bed.

He didn't care about the money, he was just too sleepy and thought it was time-consuming to sign.

Just when he was about to open the door, the corner of his eyes trembled slightly and looked at his feet.

A trace of black air was drifting towards the house from the crack of the door directly below.

He carefully put his eyes on the cat's eyes...

Across the door, the man who stood motionless, as if waiting for his response, raised his head as if feeling.

A pale face with bruises, pale eyes, a twisted smile, looking towards the cat's eyes.

Through the cat's eyes, the man's whole body is full of resentment.

Resentful spirit.

Looking at each other's silent eyes, Fujiwara Takumi's calf softened, and he fell on the floor with his butt, and kept retreating towards the back...

"Yes... By the way, I'm a priest anyway... Yes, talisman... amulet..."

Takumi Fujiwara stood up trembling, grasping his right wrist with his left hand, and condensing his whole body's spiritual energy against the door.

"seal up".

Onmyoji, door door seal.

The door symbolizes the boundary, and the door door strengthened by this technique can prevent evil spirits from entering.

A faint golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power gushes out of his palm, spreading towards the door...

Then it dissipated.

Casting failed.

Then he held his breath and tried again.

The spiritual power in the palm of the hand surging and dissipating again.


Due to excessive force, the gas in the abdomen was accidentally discharged.

"Let's call the family and send someone to deal with it..."

Seeing that the man at the door was silent for the time being, Fujiwara Takumi quickly took out the phone and dialed the number of Uncle Keigo.

After failing to cast consecutive spells, he had no intention of trying again.

After all, the last time I practiced this pose was eight years ago.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, Uncle Guiwu, I have an evil spirit here that is interfering with my practice. You should let someone come to ‘clean’..."

"Sir, smartphones are also devices that can watch NHK TV programs, so please sign a contract with me..."

What came out of the phone was the cold voice of the man outside the door.

Frightened Fujiwara Takumi directly lost the phone in his hand.

"NHK... seems to have seen it somewhere..."

Suddenly remembering something, he immediately ran towards the computer.

Open the 2CH forum and quickly search for the "NHK" keyword in it.

After the people in Lesson 9 left yesterday, he immediately inquired on the Internet about various weird and resentful things they described in Tokyo, and vaguely remembered seeing similar content.

"The resentment of the NHK toll collector! Don't conclude a contract..."

"The man was hollowed out in the rental house and left a suicide note claiming to have encountered an NHK toll collector."

Posts of this kind appeared before his eyes.

"Yes, this is it."

According to the description in the post, the resentful spirit of the NHK toll collector will respectfully wait outside the door for the owner's response like a normal NHK toll collector; however, before the owner does not agree to pay the fee, he will continue to use the resentful spirit peculiar Entangled in the same way...

However, once the owner agrees to "conclude a contract" and "pay", the payment is more than a small sum of money.

"This guy turns out to be a real..."

Not waiting for Fujiwara Takumi to stabilize his emotions, the computer screen in front of him turned into the same picture as a video doorbell.

In the dim corridor, the man's pale face was attached to the lens, occupying the entire screen.

"Mr. Fujiwara, now computers and car-mounted tablets are also devices that can watch NHK TV. Please fulfill your obligations."

The man maintained a non-smiling expression, and the flattering and respectful words spread into Fujiwara Takumi's ears like a urging curse.

Turning around, the TV in the living room turned on quietly for some time, playing the same scene.

Several pale faces looked at Fujiwara Takumi through the screen, showing a non-smiling expression.

"Cold...calm...as long as you ignore him and don't sign with him, he should have nothing to do with me."

Fujiwara Takumi took out the remote control and found that he could not turn off the TV.

He tried to calm down and sort out his thoughts.

As long as Uncle Keiwu comes to deliver lunch...

It's even worse.

Uncle Keiwu is already old, and is an ordinary person with only shallow inspiration, if he is forced to "charge" by this stuff...

"No, you have to find a way quickly."

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