"Mr. Fujiwara, according to the "Broadcasting Act", every resident who can watch NHK television equipment is obligated to pay."

"Mr. Fujiwara, everyone has paid the fee. If you don't pay, it would be unfair to those who have already paid."

"Mr. Fujiwara..."

Inside the house, mobile phones, TVs, doorbells, tablets, computers... even the screen of SWITCH turned into the pale face of the man behind the door, constantly telling Fujiwara Takumi, "A thousand reasons to pay NHK." ".

"Shut up, I lost the TV, computer, mobile phone, tablet, all right..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who was about to be driven mad by countless eyes and ears, roared loudly.

"Mr. Fujiwara, anyone who has used the above equipment to watch NHK TV at home is obliged to conclude a contract with NHK according to regulations."

"Think of a solution... there is no solution at all..."

Being stared at by that man through several screens, a strong resentment slowly eroded Fujiwara Takumi's consciousness...

"As long as you open the door and invite the toll collector in, sign an agreement of more than 1,000 yen per month, you can shut up and leave..."

Under extreme fear, such thoughts kept pouring in my heart.

Just when Fujiwara Takumi was confused and planned to open the door.

"Takumi, are you up? I brought you breakfast from the convenience store."

With the sound of the elevator door opening, a man's flattering words sounded outside the door.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The man outside the door seemed to see the "NHK toll collector" blocking the door and asked with some doubts.

"Hello, Mr. Araki, I'm a staff member of NHK TV station. Since you did not sign a contract with NHK, you happened to meet you here. Please pay for the use of NHK TV station."

"NHK TV station, why do you know my name? Have I been on the Nhk blacklist..."

Facing the NHK toll collector's question, the man outside seemed unexpectedly calm and skilled.

"Then, please tell me the name of your company first and show your identification..."


The NHK toll collector didn't seem to expect that the other party would ask this question, and did not speak for a while.

"Oops, it's the idiot Zongsuke... If you irritate this resentful spirit..."

Fujiwara Takumi hesitated for a moment, and pushed open the door decisively, wiping out a splendid chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

After all, no matter how lowly the cultivation base is, you can't just watch the only friend in front of you...


Outside the door, Araki Sosuke was frowning, staring, with a terrible expression of intimidating criminals, and he held the NHK toll collector's shoulder.

And the NHK toll collector in his arms, full of grievances long gone, is blooming with a holy light, his hands clasped together to listen respectfully.

"Look, I'm very willing to conclude a contract with NHK. However, isn't it strange that you come here to charge a fee without proof of identity? Please go back today, and I will go to NHK TV station to conclude the contract by myself..."

With that said, Sosuke Araki pushed into the elevator who seemed to want to say something.

"Oh, Takumi, it's really bad luck to encounter NHK toll collectors blocking the door early in the morning, right. Don't worry, brother, I have been entangled with them for four or five years, and I have a wealth of experience in fighting... Those guys are all outsourcing companies. , Even if I give a work certificate, I will refuse on the grounds that the company name does not have nhk..."

Turning his head, seeing Fujiwara Takumi who pushed the door and rushed out, keeping the casting posture stiff in place, Sosuke Araki said with a grin.

"You...you guy...how..."

In the scene just now, Fujiwara Takumi's confused mind was still deeply impressed.

Although he hadn't seen it before, the phenomenon of the resentful spirit resembled the legendary "being a Buddha".

How could such a difficult resentful spirit be so scared that he would become a Buddha in a blink of an eye?

"Why am I here? It's a coincidence. The order was delivered here just before work ended. I specially bought breakfast for you. There are fried chicken, croquette and yogurt. They are all fresh and expired... After that, change the game card and go back to sleep..."

As Sosuke Araki said, he pushed Fujiwara Takumi into the house in a daze.


"You guy, really don't know what you did just now?"

At the table, looking at Sosuke Araki who was eating croquettes, Fujiwara Takumi tentatively asked.

He has no time to complain about the fact that this guy came here to change the game cassette.

"Oh, I just helped you get the NHK toll collector, don't worry, just don't be too polite to these guys..."

"No... I mean, this... can you see it?"

After carefully considering the lines, Fujiwara Takumi tentatively condensed the golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power in his palm and stretched it out in front of the opponent's eyes.

"Why? What do you want to eat, take it yourself, young master."

Araki Sosuke chewed on the crispy croquette, and curiously placed a piece of fried chicken in the palm of the opponent's open palm.

"Is it really invisible? Then, have you ever heard of things like resentful spirits and Buddhahood?"

"The resentful spirit? Early in the morning, I don't have to tell ghost stories. Brother is an atheist."

Seeing that his friend's expression did not seem to be fake, Fujiwara Takukai held his chin and thought hard.

"Atheist? That's it, you really don't know what happened just now, right..."

As if grasping the key, Fujiwara Takumi muttered to himself looking at Sosuke Araki who had eaten croquette and fried chicken.

After getting to know him for a while, he knew well about the character and situation of Sosuke Araki.

I have never noticed any spiritual power in the opponent.

If the other party really knows that he has the ability to remove spirits, he doesn't have to spend a lot of time with rice, game consoles and cassettes, and do the hard work of delivering food.

There is no spiritual power, no spiritual power, but you can see the resentful spirit, and can remove the spirit...

The only answer is the power of blood.

This guy, with some kind of half-demon bloodline, accidentally awakened a certain ability to remove spirits, but did not activate his inspiration?

"Ha...hahahaha...you's honey, that's arsenic. This is something that can slap those old antiques fiercely..."

Turning his face, looking at the morning sun outside the window, his face was flushed, showing a sick smile.

It seems to be thinking about the most interesting things in life.


The sun was greeted by the morning glow, revealing its red face.

Suddenly, ten thousand golden rays of light penetrated the treetops and dyed the short apartment with a layer of carmine.

In the apartment, Kofa was sitting on the toilet with his eyes closed and reciting scriptures cross-legged.

At his feet, a box of mineral water from the convenience store has been emptied.

More than a dozen figures made up of stumps and limbs knelt in front of him religiously, chanting Buddhist scriptures with him, and the grievances on their bodies dissipated in the rising sunlight.

The agent in the car yawned and reported to the command center: "Combined with the fifth group, the deing is finished...what, the other groups have already taken the team and went home to sleep?"

"Very good. In this joint operation, the Spirit Eliminators Association dispatched quite powerful spirit Eliminators..."

In the ninth class command room, Mochizuki Ayano and Iwata Takeshi are looking at the report and video materials from the information team staying up late to replay.

Several senior spirit exterminators are experienced and skilled, and the on-the-spot response is far from comparable to that of the ninth class agent.

Among them, the most surprising are the Kotoriyuuji maiden of Akagi Shrine and Abe Temple of the Abe family.

These two people unexpectedly demonstrated the ability to independently expel the rank [two] of gathering wraith spirits.

Although the method of removing spirits by Master Kofa is too stable and time-consuming, it is also quite reliable.

As for Tokimoto’s closed disciple Yamada Kengo, apart from showing an indescribable attraction to the wraith spirit, and taking a few minutes to kill a wraith spirit with not too strong frontal combat ability, he spent most of his time in the sewers. When I am lost, I can't see the depth for the time being.

The picture on the screen was played back to the moment when Tori Yu Mayumi shot that stunning arrow.

It was taken by the action recorder on the chest of the fallen agent. Although the light is dark, the angle is skewed, and the spiritual power and wraith cannot be captured, you can still feel the powerful aura of Yu Mayumi's bow and arrow in the dark. field.

"Unfortunately, the scene of Abe Temple fighting the Wraith Spirit was not captured... But according to what he later said, after the Wraith Spirit was cut and ran away by him, he was caught by a man riding a motorcycle and wearing a ghost helmet. The master shot to annihilate..."

Iwata sighed from the side.

As it involves the secrets of the Abe family's practice, Abe Temple is reluctant to reveal too many details.

The ninth lesson can only be speculated from the few words of his vague words.

After the Hell Apartment incident, the "Ghost Rider" appeared again and assisted in the joint operation in disguise.

"Class leader, do you think of a way to further confirm the identity of that rider?"

Iwata asked Ayano Mochizuki.

"No, I already know the person's true identity, just let him act freely."

Mochizuki Ayano shook his head and smiled slightly.

Fujiwara Takumi, you really couldn't help it, and you shot as a ghost rider.

Did you deliberately choose Abe Temple to compete with this young generation leader?

"As expected to be the head of the class, he has already..."

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano said that, Iwata suddenly felt that the section chief in front of him became more and more unfathomable.

"Revisit the running-in operation, and re-adjust the configuration of each group according to the action mode of the spirit remover, in order to maximize the strength of the spirit remover and complement the shortcomings."

After browsing a large amount of data quickly, Mochizuki Ayano immersed himself in formulating an adjustment plan.

"Chairman, I just observed that IMB700 updated a piece of information in the middle of the night."

An agent took a tablet and handed it to Mochizuki Ayano, which was the post about "Rashomon".

"Rashomon... the gate of hell? "New Emperor"..."

Looking at the information in front of her, Mochizuki Ayano fell into deep thought.

"It is impossible for the IBM700 to do meaningless actions, and immediately collect relevant information based on the content of this post. If this so-called'Hell's Gate' really exists, I will confirm its location as soon as possible!"

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