Five days after the running-in task.

A pedestrian street not far from the east exit of Shinjuku Subway Station. On both sides of the street behind the huge crimson light box arch, a dazzling array of light boxes and shop signs are erected.

Various theme bars, nightclubs, Cowherd shops, custom shops, love hotels, gay bars, bubble baths, everything.

The huge light box is also printed with photos of handsome men and beauties in all kinds of revealing clothes that can increase hormones.

Many handsome men and beautiful women held a stack of photos respectfully and showed them to the passing guests.

Here is the largest red-light district in Tokyo and even in the whole of Japan. It is known as a sleepless street and a labyrinth city of desire, Kabukicho Ichiban Street.

In the depths of Kabukicho Ichiban Street, which has not yet started to lively when the lights are on, an unknown izakaya with signs and menus full of hiragana that tourists will never step into.

"Time flies and fades with the cherry blossoms, and when I realize that time passes by my fingertips, it is already mid-May."

"I still incarnate as a ghost rider, roaming freely on the road under the stars."

"The inheritance of the Kendo club was cut off because of Kengo's deceitful behavior."

"Takukai's food seems to be getting more and more damp."

"There are fewer and fewer game cassettes that have not been played."

"The job application mail delivered is like a lost youth, and there is no news."

"On the contrary, ocean fishing, cult MLM, sperm donation, Cowherd shop, corpse cleaning, Jidao organization, and security company that did not submit a resume at all have opened their criminal arms to me. The formal job that I dream of does not seem to leave me with time. I am getting closer."

"The worse news is that the lone hero of the'Destroy the Organ Sales Group, Rescue Innocent Hostages', Ryoma (this bastard) before the 2nd, was promoted."

"BY Shijing is a lonely macho."

"Zongsuke, you fellow, who would sit in an izakaya and write ‘I must die’, and I’m not here to toast! Congratulations to Laozi for finally getting promoted."

Before the second, Ryoma sat on the bar, raised the oversized wine glass in his hand and roared.

Although it is not a professional group, it is reasonable to graduate and enter the post. After one year in the inspection position, he will be eligible to pass the examination and be promoted to the inspection minister.

However, the guy Ryoma before the 2nd, because of improper behavior and lack of backing on weekdays, passed the exam for three consecutive years, but still couldn't be promoted due to various reasons.

With this credit, not only was he successfully promoted, he was also about to be seconded to an elite department such as the search class to accumulate experience, which finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations. Congratulations. I will bring a red badge right away... You see that I will come to accompany you for a drink during working hours. From now on, I will continue to thank you for your attention."

Elites who search for a lesson will have a 1.5 cm red badge with "S1S" or "Search1Select" written on their chests, which is quite impressive.

Kohei Higashino, dressed in a suit, a checkered shirt, and a dirty braid, bumped into him by a toast, indifferently revealing the fact of "cooper and bandit collusion".

As the head of the brother of the Tokyo branch of Noura Ken and the person in charge of Ichiban Street in Kabukicho, Higashino Kohei’s job is mainly to lead his subordinates to maintain the order of the neighbourhood belonging to the Noura Ken, and deal with some guest disturbances, Selling small pills, soliciting customers across borders, etc.

In fact, in a sense, their work is also to reduce the burden on the police station, so they communicate with the police station quite closely.

"Cut, but it's half a mark, so proud."

Crowded between the two of them, the young blond man with a gloomy face put away his mobile phone and said disdainfully.

"Oh, brother Zongjie, don't be stubborn, no matter how frowning you are, you won't be squeezed out of work...Come here, have a drink..."

Before the second, Ryoma walked behind him and rubbed his face, forcibly bending the corners of his mouth.

"I'm not in the mood, I don't want to drink..."

Araki Sosuke said depressedly.

"Well, then give him a cup of oolong tea."

Kohei Higashino asked the bartender behind the bar to pour him a dark brown drink.


Sosuke Araki pressed the lighter and looked at Kohei Higashino with a black line.

"Wait... why can you ignite this oolong tea?"

The cup of "oolong tea" in front of him was burning with hot flames under the lighter.

"Oh, don't care about the details. This is a combustible oolong tea made from vodka and whiskey at a ratio of nine to one. The color is exactly the same as oolong tea."

Kohei Higashino grinned and planned to fool around.

"Asshole, this is not the oolong tea I want at all!"

Araki Sosuke pushed aside the "oolong tea" burning in front of him.

"Don't worry, haven't you received an interview notice recently? Don't read it and refuse it. You can go to find out and try..."

Before the second, Ryoma rarely suggested sincerely.

"Hey, don't mention it, even those recruiting for ocean fishing, telemarketing, and cult MLM, the most overwhelming thing is that there is a job that recommends going back to Thailand to be an idol after a one-stop transgender plastic surgery..."

Sosuke Araki complained with a sad expression on his face.

"In the past half month, the interview notice that seems to be a little more serious is from some ‘Guard Security Company’... But didn’t the security guard do it for the old man? It’s too boring and I'm not interested at all."

"Hey, show me the recruitment notice..." Ryoma's face changed slightly before hearing his words.

"Here." Araki Sosuke handed him the email on his mobile phone and continued to complain to Higashino Kohei: "Guardian, it is said on the forums to squat in the security room every day. When the time is up, I go out and patrol. To salute, the salary is said to be low, and night shift..."

"Japan Guard Security Co., Ltd. (stock code TYO:9527), established in 1962, is the earliest and currently largest professional security company in Japan. At present, the company has more than 30,000 employees, most of whom are experts, technicians, and graduate students. , Retired police, veterans..."

Hearing Ryoma's reading before the second, Sousuke Araki, who was still complaining, gradually solidified his expression, like constipation.

"Hey, this is an incredibly big company that almost monopolizes the security business in Japan. It is still a listed company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The salary should be very high... Isn't it the'formal job' you want?"

"You... where did you know this information..."

Dense beads of sweat have been densely covered on Araki Sosuke's forehead.

"The link below the email sent to you is the company profile. Please read the email carefully!"

"It's over... It's over... It's been more than a week... The job fair is over..."

Sosuke Araki was left with only two colors in black and white, and he lay down on the counter and died of bliss.

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