I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 132 Izakaya in Shorts

"By the way, Zongsuke, last time you said that the Kitayama Tigertaro sent by Bliss Club to find the place, I have already checked..."

Two years ago, Ryoma approached Zongsuke Araki’s ears and whispered, “That guy is actually a wanted criminal with a police officer’s murder case! After my report, the boss is re-investigating his relationship with Elysium. It is estimated that the guys have recently You can't be arrogant anymore, but you still have to be careful lately..."

"Thank you, I am not in the mood to listen to this..."

"Excuse me, three points of food are here, please use it slowly..."

At this moment, a sturdy female clerk, twisting her energetic body, leaned over and brought food to the three of them, interrupting their conversation.


Hearing her voice, the three people who were still noisy immediately pretended to be calm and made a serious expression of a social person, but their faces were slightly flushed, their nostrils instantly enlarged, and their eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet. The ground was locked on the waitress.

Araki Sosuke, who was lying on the table and turned into black and white, returned to his color.

Because this waitress not only wore a camisole that could not cover her 36G waves at all on the upper body, but also only wore an extreme miniskirt that was as short as the base of her thigh on her lower body.

As she leaned over to put the food with a slight effort, the waves on her chest were immediately squeezed into deep gullies by the tabletop, and two faint bulges could be seen under the cloth of the clothes.

Until the waitress put the food, turned and twisted to leave, the three of them still twisted their heads to the side and leaned back to the limit, and followed her tightly with their eyes.

"How, how... have you seen it?"

"Hmph, the'Eye of the Void' has been confirmed, not only is there a vacuum on the chest, but there is indeed no panties in the skirt... This shop is too cunning, and it deliberately set up such a dim light."

"It must be a vacuum. This is the shop's rules. You can see how much it depends on everyone's eyesight."

After the waitress disappeared from sight, the three of them had forgotten the previous topic, and got together to discuss it in a rusty way.

The izakaya where they are located is a new style shop called "no shorts izakaya".

The waiters in the store are all young women aged 18-23. When serving customers, they will go into battle in a vacuum.

However, the waiters only provide normal catering services. In addition to the eye addiction, the guests cannot have more behaviors beyond the boundaries.

Although it was just a rim ball, the business was so good that the three people who came in the morning had only a bar to sit on.

"Damn it, the light is too dim, and the ‘Eye of the Void’ hasn’t read any data. I’m going to eat all these things and order another round!"

After returning to his senses, Araki Sosuke immediately attacked the food that had just been served.

In addition to the eye-catching waiters, the food in this pub is also delicious and there are many types of drinks.

Yakitori is wrapped in a secret sauce and grilled with green onions. The chicken is charred and tender, with a rich flavor.

The oden, which consists of black round, tofu, white radish, beef tendon and octopus feet, is cooked in bonito broth for several hours in advance. It is fragrant and delicious, soft and glutinous.

But if you really want to say that the dishes belong to real men, there are two other dishes.

The thick-flavored stewed offal and the sweet and blushing horse meat that melts in your mouth directly from Kumamoto Prefecture.

Two years ago, Ryoma touched Araki Sosuke with a wine glass, and rubbed his head affectionately, saying, "Thanks to you for this promotion. When you eat and drink, my brothers will take you to the nightclub to find some beauties. Have a good drink with you... Or do you want to go directly to the Yoshihara bubble bath for your own service? You also suggest a few words, Kopei, this is your place."

"Puff..." Hearing the words "bubble bath" and "Honfan", Araki Sosuke seemed to recall something, and excitedly spouted "flammable oolong tea" in his mouth.

"Ahem... This is my first time, don't leave it to that kind of place."

"Sorry, Lizi stipulated that I get home before 12 o'clock tonight. I will not participate in activities beyond that time..."

Kohei Higashino glanced at his watch and said with a happy and distressed smile.

"Damn it, you enviable bastard... how can someone who is waiting to go home understand the pain of my own empty nest and hopeless career."

Seeing Kohei Higashino's "life winner" expression on the right hand side, Araki Sosuke became even more resentful.

That's right, this jealous guy, yes! Female! friend! friend!

Moreover, it is the kind of girlfriend who has been in love for more than seven years, is about to get married, does not leak, is female, and can do this or that every night.

"Cut, this guy clearly guards such a big red light district, but he intends to get married at a young age. What's envious. If it's me, I have to be at least 40 years old and go to every custom shop in Kabukicho. , Will consider these things... You don't know that the new tricks of those stores are really overwhelming..."

The already a little bit drunk Erqian Ryoma, squinted his eyes and said wryly.

Sandwiched by these two guys with "prosperous career" and "family happiness", Sosuke Araki was extremely upset.

"Ding Dong, you have successfully clocked in after get off work."

Such a voice prompt came from Kohei Higashino's mobile phone.

"Let's go, get off work, change the stall and renew the stall."

He raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and said to the two of them.

"Eh, the violent group now uses mobile phone software to check in and out of get off work?"

Sosuke Araki looked at his mobile phone curiously.

"What are you talking about? We are a legally registered company. We implement formal company management. Not only do we have to check in, but we have to wear formal attire during working hours... Besides, we just eat and eat. Brother Zhang himself only works eight times a day. Hours."

"Excuse me, the food for a few guests has arrived..."

At this moment, the food ordered by the middle-aged uncles at the bar next door was brought over by the waiter, and the three of them shut up immediately and looked over there with scorching eyes...

After a few rounds of eye addiction, the three reluctantly left the izakaya and set off for the next stop.

Walking on the noisy pedestrian street with people coming and going, people from time to time take photos of all kinds of handsome men and women to solicit.

This time period is still early, and there are very few people who really come to play, most of them are tourists who come here to visit.

However, after seeing Kohei Higashino, who was wearing a suit, a checkered shirt, and sunglasses, with the Nura Fist badge on his chest, he could only greet him flatly and left angrily.

"These guys always use these'photo tricks' to deceive tourists, which makes me always wipe my butt and'explain' to the guests."

Kopei Higashino complained uncomfortably.

There are many shops in Kabukicho that are involved in "that kind of" business, but if you believe in the light boxes and the photos in the brochure, you will probably suffer a lot.

Over the years, with the advancement of science and technology, the industry in Japan’s red light district is no longer satisfied with the “makeup technique” which is one of the four major sorceries in Asia. The word "deception" has been further sublimated.

Looking at the female high school students selected by the photos in the brochure, you will find that they are indeed the person after entering the store, but you may be late for about ten years.

Moreover, at the time of checkout, in addition to the stated cost of the package, there will be a lot of consumption that is not available.

If you don't pay, there will be a tattooed "brother" who will come to you to "talk" to you.

There are many people who suffer dumb losses in these stores every year.

Under the leadership of Higashino, the three went to a KTV.

"Brother Xingping, Niu made arrangements for you."

In the dimly lit KTV box, three stylishly dressed, tall and graceful girls, under the leadership of the waiter, entered one after another.

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