I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 133 Fan Wai: Jidao RAP BATTLE

As soon as they entered the private room, the companion girls immediately launched an offensive against the three.

"Your name is Zongsuke Araki? Can someone call you Xiaohuanghuang?"

"Xiao Huanghuang, I'm so thirsty, I really want to have a drink with you."

This KTV, whose main business is to accompany wine, charges in the form of basic package fee plus wine money.

The drink fee for the companion girl is naturally counted on the guests.

Therefore, the escort girls will try their best to please the guests and allow them to order more wine to increase their income.

"Hmph, don't think that I will lose to you on your turf."

"So... do you really want to do this this time?"

After a few cups of wine, the slightly drunken Erqian Ryoma and Higashino Kohei looked at each other with fierce eyes.

Under the roar of the girls, the two started a fateful duel.

Jidao RapBattle, round 881.

"Yo, MikeCheck. One...Two...One...Two..."

Before the second, Ryoma picked up the microphone, accompanied by background music, cleared his throat, looked provocatively at Higashino Kohei, and started his rap.

"Laozi is the TopRanker here, the police background DopeRapper. Whether your soul of benevolence and righteousness has been taken into my custody, fighting for life is just a daily flying eagle, aiming at your heart is not bad, SO my name is the dragon horse before the second ."

"Hey, you kid dare to sing."

Not to be outdone, Yukhei Higashino picked up the microphone and yelled vigorously, "Laozi is a professional butcher, and my suit is my combat uniform. The feasting life has not been able to obliterate the war song in my heart. I never forget your fear and booing. But what is ringing now is my triumphant triumph..."

"These two guys are so noisy..."

Araki Sosuke was depressed in the corner with a stinky face.

"Xiao Huanghuang, are you boring? How about we play a game of punishment?"

The girl sitting next to Sousuke Araki put on his arm and suggested.

The girl who accompanies the wine is pretty good, but her deliberately tanned skin, exaggerated hairstyle and makeup, and the "Death Barbie powder" on her lips are condensed into three without any sense of contradiction. Character.

Shibuya series.

Obviously Araki Sosuke stayed away from him.

Compared to the "Shibuya series", he prefers the more natural type.

At least in the dim lights of the KTV, you can still see where people are.

However, the accompany KTV does not place the girls in the store in a row for you to choose, but randomly assigns girls to the guests, but if you are not satisfied, you can apply for a change every hour.

For the custom industry where labor is scarce, such a mechanism can make more reasonable use of the resources in the store to avoid idleness; it allows every employee to have equal job opportunities, and at the same time they will be more active in order to stay with customers.

"What punishment game? It's not for children..."

"Have you never played... It's a very popular game recently. If you lose, you have to drink and then say what the other party stipulates. "Guess where the little X head is."

Hearing these words, Araki Sosuke, who was frowning, immediately stretched out and his nostrils were slightly raised. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay...I will barely play with you..."

Under the offensive of three well-skilled companion girls, the three of them were already drunk in just two or three hours.

"Time... time is up... I'm going home..."

Kopei Higashino stood up swayingly, and said with his tongue loudly.

Accidentally, he knocked over the wine glass next to him.

"Sorry... I... I messed up... Only abdomen..."

He didn't know where he took out a portable short knife that was commonly used, and prepared to pull it out.

"Hurry up and stop him, do you flip over a wine glass and cut your abdomen? Still carrying a knife with you?"

Araki Sosuke, who was still sober, immediately stepped forward and held his arm.

"Let me help him... come and drink some wine to sober up..."

Before being drunk, Ryoma poured a glass of "plain water" and poured it directly into Higashino's mouth.

"Asshole, what you gave him is water of life with an alcohol content of 96%!"

Just when Sousuke Araki was frantically complaining, the private room door was pushed open, and a petite woman dressed as an OL walked in.

"If you don't answer my call, you guys are really drunk here."

"Reiko..." Seeing the woman coming in, Higashino's eyes narrowed slightly and full of murderous aura. His right hand trembled and stretched out the short knife to the side: "Is it time to go home? I'm sorry... I can only use it. die……"

"You guy, go home with me soon."

The visitor was Higashino's fiancé, Baishui Reiko.

She saw her swiftly grabbing the short knife in Higashino's hand, and then supporting this guy, greeted Sosuke Araki and Ryoma before and left.

"Ah... it's nice to be drunk and someone will pick it up... where are we going next?"

Looking enviously at the Higashino family's couple leaving, Sosuke Araki turned his head to look at Erqian Ryoma.


Before the second, Ryoma's eyes were blurred and slightly apologetic.

"Ah, sorry...Zongsuke, I just talked to that girl about the'out of the bell'... My brother can only accompany you here, the next way, as a man, you have to I'm gone."

"You dumb guy... when did you make the move?!"

"Oh, she heard that I was the uncle of the justice police, so she posted it herself..."

The girls who accompany the wine KTV only provide pure accompaniment services, and even the intimate physical contact depends on whether the wine is enough or not.

In private "clock out", generally speaking, it takes ten times eight times to name the same girl before it can be done.

Watching Ryoma leave the private room before watching Er, Sosuke Araki turned his head awkwardly to look at the girl next to him.

"Why, Xiao Huanghuang, do you want to ask someone out too?"

The woman looked at him coquettishly and kept winking at him, seeming to like him very much.


Looking at the woman with "Shibuya" makeup in front of her, Mongkai Araki's face was flushed, and she swallowed nervously.

Although he prefers natural girls...

"It's okay."

Without waiting for him to speak, the woman approached his ear, exhaling and replied.

"Is it really possible? But...but..."

"The technology that people bite is very good, and the charge is not expensive... In order to make you have a more comfortable experience, I also made this specially..."

As the woman said, she seductively put her finger in her mouth...

Seeing this scene, Araki Sosuke has made up his mind under the stimulation of alcohol and hormones.

Regardless of his death, the Shibuya department is Shibuya department. Laozi also graduated from Shibuya University. Today, I must say goodbye to the virgin.

Next, Sosuke Araki saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

This "Shibuya" girl, in front of him, took out the whole, pair, false teeth... from her mouth.

"How about it, they put on a pair of false teeth... after taking it out, it's super~~comfortable."

Holding the entire set of false teeth in her hand and wrapping her shriveled lips like an old woman, the woman winked at him.

"You... really unexpectedly dedicated..."

Sosuke Araki sighed with sweat and Liushen without a master.

The young "Zongsuke", who was originally majestic and powerful in his crotch, had already realized the stunt of "shrinking the sun into the abdomen" because of excessive fright.

"You...what do you think of me!"

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