"Damn it, the enviable guy, with his status as a civil servant...When I have a decent job, I will..."

After Yoshimasa verbally refused the request of the Shibuya escort girl to make a private transaction, Sosuke Araki, who had drunk too much beer, was squatting on the toilet of the KTV toilet, ready to solve it before leaving.

"What's written on this wall, a new type of small advertisement?"

The inner wall of the dim, narrow but extremely clean toilet cubicle is densely packed with strange runes for some reason.

Following the light on the phone screen, Sosuke Araki touched it curiously.

This rune seemed to be newly written, but he wiped it down like this.

A scorched arm slowly stretched out from the toilet, and grabbed it towards "Xiao Zongsuke"...

The yellow liquid showered hot, and the arm immediately glowed with white fluorescence, and he made a gesture of one palm salute, which turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

A burst of hollow footsteps sounded abruptly in the toilet, and there seemed to be a few people walking around in the toilet.

This makes Araki Sosuke a little concerned.

Because one of the footsteps is obviously the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

This is a men's room.

"Boom boom".

Someone slowly knocked on the compartment door.

Then, through the gap under the compartment, Araki Sosuke saw three pairs of feet, neatly and motionlessly sticking to the front of his compartment.

Two pairs of male leather shoes and one pair of dark red high heels.

The entire toilet resumed its previous silence.

"Waiting in line for the compartment? Could it be..."

Seeing this weird scene, Araki Sosuke's drunken eyes narrowed.

"Waiting to use the partition to work privately? Or multi-person exercise?"

Although there are regulations in the KTV store, occasionally there are still women who accompany wine in the toilet to "accept private work" to serve the guests.

"Hey, you guys don't want to use another compartment. How can Laozi stand in front of the door?"

Sosuke Araki suddenly patted the door of the cubicle with dissatisfaction.

Being blocked at the door by three people gave him an inexplicable sense of being peeped.

Behind the door, the three pairs of feet glowed with white light, and turned and left obediently.

five minutes later.

"Hey, it's really annoying."

As soon as the three people interfered, Araki Zongsuke, who was already a little uncomfortable, immediately "lost feeling" and stood up and prepared to leave.

Just when he opened the compartment door while tying his belt...

Someone slammed the door and barged in.

This is a slender woman with a height of one meter and six, wearing a silver short dress and long brown hair.

She has big watery eyes and mixed-race three-dimensional features. She is as exquisite and beautiful as a female star in an action movie that Araki Sosuke often watches.


Seeing Sosuke Araki, who was surprised and still wearing a belt, the woman immediately pressed to his chest, covered his mouth, and made a silent gesture.

"Please" was written in her big smart eyes.

An orange-like light and sweet fragrance penetrated into Sosuke Araki's nose.

Then, a noisy footsteps came from outside the door.

The woman hurriedly pushed Araki Sosuke into the compartment.

In the small compartment, Araki Sosuke, who was covered with his mouth and still hadn't figured out the situation, could feel the surging force of the woman's chest pressing against him tightly.

Compared to her slim and slender figure, she was unexpectedly expected.

As the footsteps approached, a man walked into the bathroom.

"Who is inside? We are looking for a thief, please open the door and let me confirm."

He knocked gently on the compartment door.

Hearing him say this, the woman immediately pulled Araki Sosuke and turned around, blocking herself with his body.

"I..." Before Araki Zongsuke could speak with a blank face, the woman hugged him by the neck and kissed him with her head up.

A flexible little tongue abruptly pried open his teeth, blocking his next words...

The orange-sweet taste poured in from his mouth.

Feeling the soft entanglement in his mouth, Sosuke Araki's brain suddenly went blank.

The hands holding the toe of the trousers slipped, and the trousers immediately fell to the heel.

The man outside the door also opened the compartment door at this moment.

The two rushed in just now, and they didn't lock up.

"Hey, it turned out to be a wild mandarin duck..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki and the woman in his arms kissing in his underwear, the man turned and left with disdain.

The man regarded the two of them as "accepting private work," so naturally he was ashamed to go up to the woman in the corner and take a closer look.

After all, we are searching for people in other people's stores, so we can't be too ostentatious.

After the man left, the woman released the arm that hooked Araki Sosuke's neck.

Due to the effects of alcohol, the drunken Araki Sosuke is still in a daze at the moment.

Only the remaining touch between his lips and teeth was telling him what had just happened.

Laozi's first kiss... just gone?

"You...you are..."

"There are bad guys chasing people, can you... cover them out?"

The woman in front of her said softly to Sousuke Araki.

"Just as if you just took advantage of other people's compensation..."

Seeing him not speaking, the woman said coquettishly again.


It was obviously you who came up by yourself just now.

The woman consciously or unconsciously pushed him with her full chest.

"Oh...cough cough...Since you have asked me like this, as a man, when you see a weak woman in trouble, you will naturally help..."

Watched (holding) with the expectant eyes (turbulent existence) of the other party, Sosuke Araki clenched his fist and covered his mouth, coughing, lifting his pants, Yoshimasa said.

Outside the KTV door, several men were standing not far from the door, looking around.

This is the time when the nightlife of Kabukicho has just begun, and there is a constant flow of people on the pedestrian street.

Held by the arm of the tall Araki Sosuke, several men had not seen the woman.

One of the men with a scar on the corner of his eyebrows turned his head to see Sousuke Araki with short blond hair in the alley, showing a horrified look.

He is the new cadre of the Bliss Club, Ruofu, Gong Linjun.

After recognizing Sosuke Araki, he immediately saw the woman next to him.

Gong Linjun's eyes struggled, and he braced his head and surrounded him.

"You help me block them first... Thanks."

Seeing a few people coming, the woman in the arms of Arakizong Jie pushed him in the direction of the men, turned and ran into the side alley.

Araki Sosuke turned his head and looked at the men in front of him with bad eyes.

He also recognized each other.

"Boy, this... this has nothing to do with you... get out of..."

Gong Linjun said sternly.


Araki Sosuke's strong body leaned against the narrow alley, and the old god took out a lighter on the ground and lit the smoke in his mouth leisurely.

"I'm not in the mood to take part in your affairs, so it's okay to just smoke a cigarette here and leave."

Several men, including Gong Linjun, were locked by his murderous eyes, and for some reason they only felt a chill in their backs.

"Buddy... Let's go around there..."

With that said, Gong Lin immediately led people to chase in the other direction.

No way, the scene of the "powerful" Kitayama Torataro being beaten by the opponent is still vivid.

Just when Sosuke Araki finished smoking the cigarette in his hand and was about to leave.

"Wow, are you good at fighting? The alleys of the Bliss Club were blocked by you and dare not come in..."

Behind him, there was a woman's soft voice.

Araki Sosuke turned his head away, and it was the woman who had just met in the toilet and finally ran away on her own.

"You didn't even leave?"

He squatted in the corner and asked uncomfortably.

He is not a fool. This woman made it clear that she was using herself to block the gun, which was obviously not a simple role.

"People are not that stupid. They must be looking for me over there. If they get caught, they will be miserable."

The woman said pitifully.

Just now, she dared to hide in the alley, pretending to leave from the other end.

"Huh, someone in this street, who has some truth in his mouth, maybe you really took other people's things."

"You were in the toilet just now, and you obviously treated people like this..."

The woman also squatted down against the wall beside him, looking at Sosuke Araki with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, you speak well, it's obviously you to me..."

Araki Zongsuke didn't finish speaking, the cigarette butt in his mouth was snatched by the opponent.

The woman put the cigarette butt into her mouth without disapproval, and took a very charming sip.

Araki Sosuke's eyes instantly solidified.

From his perspective, he can just see the scenery in the ultra-short tight dress after the woman in front of him squatted down.


Looking at the rounded arcs clearly visible at the base of the opponent's legs, Sosuke Araki felt a little itchy in his nose.

"Does it look good? Just as a thank you for helping today."

The woman spit out the smoke in her mouth and asked indifferently.

"Hmph, my uncle will not be used by you anymore."

His eyes were seen through, Araki Sosuke turned his head a little embarrassedly.

"What's your name?" the woman asked curiously.

"I won't tell you..."

A group of warm things floated gently on Araki Sosuke's head.

"Then... Mr. Wuming, my name is Teak Saya, thank you, and goodbye..."

When Sosuke Araki took off the things on her head, the woman had already turned and left gracefully, leaving him with a sexy back.

"The teak vacuum... isn't it, Saya?"

He held the things in his hands, blushing and watched him go away.

The sweet smell of orange perfume mixed with an inexplicable scent lingered in front of him, making his heart beat at high speed "pump pound pound".

It was a hot, huge white lace border.

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