Three days later, night.

"Rasho Gate, formerly known as Luocheng Gate, is the gate to the south of Ping An Jing. After many civil wars, mass graves gradually formed outside Luocheng Gate and became an ominous place. Later, the gate was damaged and abandoned until the capital was moved to Tokyo. The royal family is still very secretive about this place, and has never dared to mention the restoration."

In the ninth lesson command room, Mochizuki Ayano, Iwata Takeshi, and several information team agents are watching the information on the huge screen together.

Although the IBM700 updated posts did not attract too many netizens' interest, they have long since fallen into the dark in the forum.

But the entire ninth lesson is like a big enemy, in a state of continuous class.

At the moment, everyone's faces were full of exhaustion.

“According to the feedback from Kyoto’s Kiyomizu Temple and Seimei Shrine, the real gate of Rajo Gate had long been damaged during the war. Only the ruins of the city wall were opened to the public as a scenic spot, and there has been nothing wrong with each other in the past century.”

Mochizuki Ayano didn't speak, but knocked on the table with her hands, her expression a little irritable.

Heiankyo is the ancient name of Kyoto.

The record of Luocheng Gate is very vague and rare due to the age and the deliberate concealment of the royal family. There is no reliable information even in the palace hall.

What is the reason that caused the gate of the capital of a country to be damaged for decades, and the royal family pretended not to know it, and refused to repair it?

"Whether Rashomon will reappear at the old site or elsewhere is still unknown. Continue to collect information and infer more possible locations. What about the'new emperor' described in the post?"

The screen switched, and a portrait of a man in costume appeared on it.

"In Japanese history, there is only one who once called himself the'new emperor'."

"Hirajomon, also known as Soma Kojiro, was the fifth grandson of Emperor Kanmu in the Heian period. In 939, he was called the emperor based in Kanto and rebelled. It is said that his mother is a snake monster, so his body is comparable to gold and iron, and can be transformed into an emperor. Six identical "Shadow Warriors". "

"This, but is a famous character in Japanese history...If the rumors are true, isn't this guy a ‘half-demon’?"

Looking at the rows of information on the screen, Mochizuki Ayano exclaimed.

It is said that the cause of Hirajomon's death was because his concubine Kikyo revealed his fateful gate to his mortal enemies, Hira Sadamori and Fujiwara Hidego.

Invulnerable, a half-demon who turned into a clone, it turned out that the emperor was beheaded in two years.

"These guys on 2CH call him the "evil spirit of hell", "the Satan of Japan", "the greatest rebellious mangler"..."

Mochizuki Ayano browsed the 2CH forum with her mobile phone and wrinkled her nose with disdain.

In the forum, there are also many "tomb posts" about the legend of Pingjiangmen. Compared with the smashing females, they are completely unpopular.

"In short, according to the current information, the'new emperor returning from the gates of hell' described in the post is at least level [two] or even level [three]..."

"The full moon is three days later. Time is urgent. The information team and I continue to sort out the mission information. Iwata-san recruited spirit removers who are willing to participate in this operation. At the same time, I asked the major shrines, temples and onmyojis in Kyoto to focus on the Rashomon site. Pay attention and ask them to take action when necessary."


The agents of Takewa Iwata's information team, with big dark circles, responded vigorously.

After the arrangement was completed, Mochizuki Ayano's brain was swiftly running, and she continued to comb through the information she was holding.

What made her feel more and more shocked was that according to the top-secret files provided by Yin Yang Liao, the real horror began after Ping Jiangmen died.

It was a feng shui battle that spanned hundreds of years...


Downstairs of Metropolitan Hotel Ikebukuro in Toshima district.

While staying up late in class 9 to work overtime, Sosuke Araki wore the shameful tights of the "Ghost Rider", squatting on the curb in front of the convenience store, smoking a cigarette in melancholy.

"Hey, why have orders been getting fewer and fewer recently... Could it be cursed by the fish that was crushed to death last time?"

That ghost helmet was hung on the handlebar of the locomotive lonely because there was no delivery order.

Customers who enter and exit the convenience store from time to time cast curious glances at him.

Since accidentally crushing the fish that jumped to the middle of the road a few days ago, it may be because of the curse, or because there are too many people who cannot recruit jobs after graduation, and there are more and more delivery staff late at night. There are fewer and fewer orders allocated from the system.

The interface of the mobile APP, no matter how he stares at it, it just displays "No Orders".

Sometimes even one hour of standby, no order can be received.

Fortunately, as long as you stay on standby, you will still calculate a meager basic salary.

"It's so boring, if I watched the interview notice of that security company seriously last time, maybe I'm already spending time in Ginza..."

After the KTV party that night, he called "Japan Security Guard Co., Ltd." the next day in the mood to give it a try.

"Please look forward to the next recruitment notice."

On the phone, the customer service lady answered politely and indifferently.

"Ghost Rider Sang, let's take a fire."

Just as he was immersed in sad memories, a woman beside him said in a lazy tone.

The voice is a bit familiar.

Turning his head, I don't know when, a woman wearing a black miniskirt, white translucent shirt, and long brown hair was squatting side by side on the curb with him.

", so what..."

Suddenly frightened, Araki Sosuke pointed at him with a little trembling.

It was the woman who forcibly snatched her first kiss a few days ago.

"It's called Teak Saya, so you have to remember the girl's name..."

Teak Saya took out a pack of cigarettes, stuck out her pinkish little tongue, and bit out a thin cigarette from it.

She held the cigarette in her mouth and brought her face to Sousuke Araki unexpectedly.

A scent of orange sweetness rushed over, making Araki Sosuke, who had not figured out the situation, subconsciously leaned back.

"Don't move, I just said to borrow a fire."

Saya Teak touched the back of his head with one hand, dangling a cigarette from his mouth, and hitting the cigarette butt in Sousuke Araki's mouth.

Looking at the exquisite face of Teak Saya at the distance of a kiss, and smelling the sweet breath of the other person's body, Sosuke Araki's brain suddenly went blank.

As his breathing and heartbeat accelerated, Araki Sosuke's nostrils sprayed rough air, and the half smoked smoke in his mouth burst out with a blazing fire comparable to a lighter.

Instantly ignited the thin smoke held by the teak Saya.


Teak Saya moved his head away, gently held the cigarette, took two feminine sips, and raised his head to spit out smoke rings.

"What are you calling, why are you suddenly getting so close to borrow the fire!"

Araki Sosuke froze for a while with a loss, and complained in a panic.

This troublesome woman must have attempted to approach me. Wouldn't she want to use me as a shield again?

He looked at the opponent with a vigilant look.

and many more……

From this familiar angle, wearing a miniskirt, squatting on the side of the teak Saya, the scenery under the skirt is unobstructed.

Tight and slender legs, round buttocks, black transparent lace panties, and a very feminine, imaginative silhouette between the legs...

Today is black...

"Are you... peeking at other people's underwear again?"

Teak Saya asked abruptly.

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