Three days later.

At the beginning of the moon, it was full of mirrors, walking through the clouds, and shed a faint moonlight on the earth.

However, some people are destined to have no time to appreciate the beauty of the full moon.

In the ninth section of the joint operations headquarters, the information team is using tablet computers to report real-time mission information to the branch operations teams in Tokyo.

"After the death of Pingshoumen, the first class was taken to Kyoto for public display. It is said that within a few days Kyoto began to be haunted. People kept seeing armored warriors and heard the first class laughing. After that, the first class of Pingshoumen floated. Rising from the sky, he flew back to his hometown in Musashi, which is now the location of the first mound of Hirasamemon in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo."

During the Heian period when Heijomon rebelled, the capital of Japan was still in Kyoto...

In other words, Tokyo, the capital of Japan today, is actually the base camp of Ping Shogun.

"Later, in Chiyoda District, there were plagues and droughts for years. In order to appease the grievances of the generals, the imperial court established the first mound of the Hirasa in Otemachi, Chiyoda."

The picture on the screen is switched to the map of Tokyo.

"Hundreds of years later, the Tokugawa clan rebuilt Kanda Akira Shrine to worship the Heijo Gate, and at the same time built Kai Shrine, Rice Lotus Shrine, Tsukuto Hachiman Shrine, Torigo Shrine, and Doujinja Shrine, forming the Shoumen Seven Stars Array to borrow the Heijo Gate. Power to protect the nation’s fortune."

On the map, it starts with Kaijin Shrine, ends with Torogoshi Shrine, and the Hirajo-mon first mound is connected to the pattern of the Big Dipper.

"During the Meiji Emperor, because the Hirajōmen's head mound was too close to the imperial residence, the Hirajōmen's head mound was demolished on the grounds of the construction of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance. The Minister of Finance soon died of illness after that, and then inexplicably killed dozens of officials, even People in the office are often injured unintentionally..."

"In order to further suppress the resentful spirits of the Pingjiangmen, the imperial family built Tsukiji Honganji, Tanaka Recreation Garden, Zajiya Recreation Garden, Aoyama Recreation Garden, and Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo to form the Five Spirits Sealing Formation."

The map switched again, and five small dots appeared on the map of Tokyo. The spiritual gardens located in the four corners of Tokyo formed a rectangular pattern, and the Yasukuni Shrine was located in the center of the rectangle.

"In the Showa era, the government presided over the construction of the Yamanote Line and Chuo Line subways, in order to outline the pattern of Tai Chi Yin and Yang in Tokyo, and further suppress the Ping Shou Gate."

On the map, the lines of the Yamanote Line and the Central Line appear one after another, forming an irregular Tai Chi Yin-Yang map.

The Hirajōmen Tomb, 150 meters to the east of the Imperial Palace and near Tokyo Station, is where popularity and imperial luck meet, just on the small dot of the Tai Chi pattern.

Looking at more and more patterns on the map, everyone seemed to feel how fierce this feng shui battle was centered on Pingjiang’s first mound and spanned hundreds of years.

"However, when the subway was about to be completed, there was an 8.1-magnitude Kanto Earthquake... Later, the spirit removers in Tokyo bought the land under the name of a private organization, rebuilt the first mound of Hirashomon, and held a large-scale spiritual relief. Sacrifice, this matter has come to an end."

"According to Kanda Shrine, since the first mound of Lianheimen was demolished in 1923, even if the mound was later rebuilt, the supernatural power from the pillar of the Hirajōmen's order still cannot be sensed."

The Kanda Myojin enshrined at Kanda Shrine is the collective name of the three pillars of Daji expensive fate, Shaohiko fate, and Heijo sect fate.

The Japanese have always had the practice of enshrining resentful spirits if they can't beat you.

It is also a normal operation of Japanese shrines to enshrine all kinds of dead people as gods.

For example, enshrined in the Meiji Shrine are the late Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken.

Kanda Myojin Shrine is known as one of Tokyo's ten shrines. Later, because of the weakening of Kanda Myojin, it gradually became a purely commercial shrine. In recent years, it has become a purely commercial shrine. In recent years, it has become a popular two-dimensional idol group "LOVEDEAD! 》The deep linkage relationship is very famous among the otakus.

It's so famous that everyone just looks at the stairs of the beautiful girl idols next to the shrine where they practice morning exercises, ignoring how the shrine originally enshrined the wicked people.

"According to Yinyangliao, the Pingjiangmen resentful spirit, who was originally enshrined as a sacred pillar by the Tokugawa shogunate, almost became a ghost and god at the beginning."

Existences such as ghosts and gods are completely different from resentful spirits.

Because of being enshrined, he gained the power of faith and awe, and touched the "god", which is a secretive threshold, and thus, in terms of power level and life form, it has been reborn into a realm that humans cannot detect.

"After the royal family regained power, it demolished its first tomb and set up a feng shui formation to suppress it. This ended the thousand-year war between Pingjiangmen and the royal family."

Yin Yang Liao was a government agency in charge of divination, astronomy, time, and calendar in ancient times.

In the 3rd year of Meiji, it was declared to be abolished, but in fact it turned to covertly to continue fulfilling its mission.

When the Feng Shui Array was set up to suppress the Pingjiang Gate, it was Yin Yang Liao who presided over it behind his back.

"The above is the information about the level gate of this mission. Are all teams clear?"

"Clearly, a group of joint operations is currently on standby at the head mound of the Hirasa Gate in Chiyoda District."

"Clearly, the second group of joint operations is patrolling around the Imperial Palace."

"Clearly, the three groups will work together and wait in the Kanda Akira Shrine."

"Clearly, the four groups of joint operations will patrol between the peace gate mounds of Kanda Akira Shrine."

"This is the headquarters. There is news from Kyoto that Vice Chairman Tsukata and Kiyomizu Temple representatives are currently waiting near the Rashomon site. There is no abnormality for the time being... The Imperial Palace is guarded by the Imperial Palace and Yinyang Liao, and there is no abnormality for the time being."

In the encrypted communication channel of Lesson 9, the communication of the joint team sounded from time to time.

From the time to the full moon, the time is urgent. The joint action teams in Lesson 9 will patrol and guard the most likely locations where the "Rashomon" and "Pingjiangmen" are most likely to appear from 6 o'clock in the evening. They report mission information.

Whether it is a coincidence or inevitable, whether it is the first mound of the Hirasama Gate, the Kanda Akira Shrine, which enshrines the Hirasama Gate, or the imperial residence where the imperial family has a deep hatred with the Hirasama Gate, all are located in Chiyoda District.



Moon Shadow Chikusa is watching the latest drama while staring at the pixel map on the computer screen.

It looks no different from the kind of otaku who mixes with Internet cafes.

Suddenly, the huge vortex marked [Hell’s Gate] on the map shrank by more than half out of thin air, and then slowly separated a black vortex like a cell division.

"Is it finally coming? It's really too slow... The Hell's Gate Project, which has been brewing for more than two years, is finally an initial success, but the summoning is a bit too grievous..."

Seeing this scene, Moon Shadow Qiancao immediately came to the spirit.

Then, under the whirlpool separated by the [Gate of Hell], the words [Ping Jangmen] slowly emerged.

"This war that spans thousands of years has begun again... It's a pity that I can't go and watch it live."

Tearing a new bag of potato chips, Moon Shadow Qiancao stuffed her mouth a lot.

Then "Guru Guru" poured a big mouthful of Dr. Pepper on ice.

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