While the teams of the joint operation were standing in the vicinity of Chiyoda District, some changes quietly occurred in the Kuramae apartment located at the junction of Chiyoda District and Taito District.

On the fifth floor of the apartment, the dark iron gate leading to the roof greedily absorbed the white moonlight, and a crack slowly appeared from the top.

The gap that radiated the lava light slowly spread downward, dividing a whole piece of iron gate into two irregular halves.

With a "bang", the iron gate was slowly pushed open from the inside.

A warrior wearing black armor with a full body resentment burning like a flame, slowly stepped out along with the majestic resentment leaking from inside and outside the door.

The iron door closed, and the smooth surface was restored.

"Suzaku imperial emperor, Hirasada clan, Fujiwara clan... Today, I will return as scheduled... You will destroy my tomb and break my enmity, and ask your descendants to return it together."

There is an arrow hole in the center of the samurai's brow with a deep bone.

On his neck, you could see a cut mark of the flesh and skin cracking and turning out.

Wearing a dark and simple samurai armor, a black longdachi is hung around his waist.

It is the legendary "Evil Spirit of Hell", "Satan of Japan", and "The Greatest Rebellious Manga", Ping Jiangmen.

Standing on the roof of the Tibetan apartment, Pingjiangmen stared at the full moon in the night with his pair of white eyes, and pulled down the helmet to cover his face.

Then took a deep breath.

Within a few hundred meters of the apartment, the faint resentment lingering in the air rushed into his body with his breath.

Next, Ping Jiangmen stood on the roof and looked at the surrounding environment. He seemed to be very satisfied with it.

"The topography of this castle can condense the grievances around it, and it will serve as our temporary residence from today..."

With that said, his figure gradually blurred, slowly incarnate six additional black armored warriors exactly like him.

Surprisingly, it is the incarnation of the legendary Pingjiangmen, the shadow warrior.

"Let me see if the descendants of the Suzaku pseudo-emperor are as weak and incompetent as he was back then."

After the six shadow warriors transformed, they immediately jumped off the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet and dispersed in different directions.

The deity of Pingjiangmen sat cross-legged on the roof, vomiting the grievances around him.

"My Eastern Kingdom has become so magnificent..."

As the five shadow warriors ran on the eaves and on the road, countless information flooded into the mind of the flat general on the roof.

Obviously, he was very impressed with the skyscrapers and the bustling night view of Tokyo.


Subway Tokyo Station, just a few hundred meters away from the Nihonbashi exit of Hirasama Gate.

On an empty street, a police officer sitting in a police car on the side of the road stopped a man wearing a samurai armor who was running fast.

"This gentleman, now I suspect that you have illegally carried controlled knives and violated the relevant provisions of the Knife and Gun Law. Please accept a temporary inspection."

The police officer in the car stuck his head out and pointed his finger at the long knife on the man's waist.

Since the many murders caused by knives in Akihabara in 2008 and the Tokaido Shinkansen in 2019, the Japanese government has repeatedly revised the "Guns and Knives Law", and knives with a length of more than six centimeters cannot be carried without an outer packaging. To a public place.

The man with the sword on his waist was at least one meter in length.

The man stopped stiffly, turned around and looked at the two people in the police car with white eyes.

"Hey, you look professionally dressed... Do you wear special cosmetic contact lenses for your eyes? This special effect makeup should be expensive? Isn't it a special drama?"

Seeing the man's face and the scar on his neck, the young police officer in the co-pilot was taken aback for a moment and joked.

It's not far from Akihabara. There are often such COSPLAY players who carry some plastic knives to dress up, so they are not too vigilant.

But the one in front of him, regardless of makeup, costumes, props, or demeanor, can be regarded as the top COSPLAYER.

Then, the COSPLAYER dressed as a samurai, very cooperatively, slowly pulled out the sword from his waist.

It was a somewhat rusty black sword, under the dim street lamp, it seemed to have swallowed the surrounding light.

"Wow, this old craft is too professional..."

The young police officer in the passenger cabin who seemed to be a COSPLAY enthusiast, grinned and commented that the other party pulled out half of the sword.

"Hey, that knife looks like the real thing..."

The middle-aged policeman who was sitting in the cab and playing with his mobile phone noticed something was wrong.


There was the sound of metal rubbing from the co-pilot.

When he turned his head, he found that the partner sitting in the passenger's cab had disappeared from the neck.

Only the headless body was left, lying softly at the window of the car.

The red blood spews out of the aorta like money without money.

The man dressed as a samurai outside the window was slowly walking around the front of the car and walking towards him.

The black sword in his hand is still dripping with blood...

"The cool officials under the pseudo-royal family are as incompetent as ever. Let me see if this age is worthy of my shot."

From the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, the door whispered softly.


Near Shinagawa Town not far from the Nihonbashi exit of Tokyo Station, a shadow warrior with black armor is rushing on the road, and the long sword on his waist is still dripping blood.

Walking to the green belt on the side of the road, the shadow warrior melted into the grass like a ninja and disappeared without a trace.

A black resentment rushed quickly along the green belt plants, as if intending to move straight towards the imperial residence not far away.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

On the road, a light locomotive drove out from the sidewalk with a sharp roar.

It is the long-lost "Warring States Samurai".

The hurried-looking rider on the car without a helmet is naturally Sosuke Araki with a small oil head of gold and black, and the "Shit King Rogue Star" faintly visible on his sideburns.

Just like a stunt driver, the "Warring States Warriors" raised their heads, ignored the traffic lights, jumped directly over the green belt from the sidewalk, and flew toward the main road on the side.

Secret technique, [Red light bypass].

A ray of resentment just passed the green belt at the foot of the locomotive.

When the locomotive passed over the green belt, the shadow warrior in black armor slowly emerged half of his body from the grass, as if he was about to slash the locomotive into two with a knife.

Immediately, the rear wheel of the light locomotive was gently rubbed on the sleek helmet of the Kagemusha, and after using the force to pad it, it landed firmly on the long road in the distance, and left in the direction of Shinagawa-cho without notice. .

The shadow warrior in the green belt stiffened, and instantly turned into black resentment and dissipated in place.

"What... the knight who can destroy the Shadow Warrior so easily, is this a descendant of the Genji clan?"

At the same time, on the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, the flat door, sitting cross-legged, took a breath of air-conditioning in response.

Sending a shadow warrior to try it out was right.

"Under the command of the contemporary imperial emperor, sure enough, there are strong ones who can't be underestimated...it doesn't matter, wait for me to get back'that thing'..."

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