I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 139: Flowers on the Snow

"This is the headquarters, an emergency report... At the Nihonbashi exit of Tokyo Station, two police officers were beheaded in the car. The nearby surveillance did not capture the image of the assailant, as if two people sitting in the car were beheaded out of thin air. It's head-like."

In the encrypted communication channel, the information notified by the command headquarters came.

"The second group of the nearest joint operation is heading to the target location."

The black Toyota Alpha, acting together with the joint operation, is Abe Temple holding the sun and the moon in front of his chest.

At this moment, he leaned on the back of his chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind, his whole body was calm as water, and it was just like a treasure knife that was ready to be released.


When the car was halfway there, the double knives on the chest of Abe Temple suddenly made intensive calls.

Abe Temple opened his eyes.

The eyes are as calm as water but with sharp sharp eyes, like an unsheathed peerless magic weapon.


After that, he opened the door and rushed out without waiting for the car to stop.

Like an arrow from the string, Abe Temple leaped in the air, and the long sword sun wheel was unsheathed, and without hesitation, it chopped off to a maple tree by the side of the road.


Jin Tie Jiao Ming, a man in black armor, as if walking out of a tree trunk, drew a sword to fight with Abe Temple.

It is the shadow warrior transformed by Pingjiangmen.

Abe Temple's long-sword Sunwheel with spiritual power had just touched the opponent, and Wakisasa Yueyao had already stabbed into the opponent's armpit.

But the shadow warrior in black armor just turned the hilt lightly, and skillfully rotated the sword with the strength of the blades, and the latter stopped his threats first.

"Good trick... come again!"

Seeing the other party's actions, Abe Temple's eyes lit up, seeing Lie Xinxi.

The opponent's Nagata sword power sinks vigorously, but the sword power is quite simple and rough, with a big skill like a foolish battle style.

This is the kendo that can only be forged through the flames of war and blood.

Abe Temple stepped on the ground with both feet, lowered waist and exerted strength, and the two swords whirled, bringing out a whirlwind formed by flames.

Two days first-class · Lieyang cut.

The double swords accurately passed through the gap between the helmet and the armor, and slashed on the neck of the shadow warrior.

It was like cutting a hard iron wood.

The fire that spread to the shadow warrior body only lasted for a while before it was extinguished.

"Hmph, onmyojis who cultivate swordsmanship are rare. These spirit eliminators seem to be prepared long ago. It seems that my return is not so unknown."

On the roof of the Tibetan apartment, the cross-legged Ping Shogun said with disdain.

At the same time, the unscathed Shadow Warrior swiftly swung the sword and slashed towards Abe Temple again.

"Is the flame hard to work?"

Abe Temple leaped back extremely fast, and before the tip of the knife caught up, the posture of the following bridge dodged the cut dangerously and dangerously.

The sharp blade still scratched his cheek.

The moment he opened the distance from the opponent, several dull gunshots came from behind him.

"This is the second group of joint operations. At the current location, I encountered a resentful spirit with the appearance of a black samurai armor. It is suspected that the resentful spirit of Pingjiangmen is in a fierce battle with Abe Temple..."

It was the detectives who had just arrived, taking advantage of the distance of Abe Temple, drawing their guns and shooting continuously.

Dozens of spiritual power bullets flew towards the man's brows and temples inside the samurai helmet with precision and skill.

The shadow warrior just shook his helmet slightly, and several bullets fell to the ground.

"I have become the body of ghosts and gods, so how can there be physical weaknesses of mortals... But Ping Zhensheng colluded with that little bitch and sent my life to the world, which is really hateful!"

On the rooftop, the closed Pingjiang door seemed to be irritated by the actions of the agents, and black resentment rose to the sky.

When his mother was born, the incarnation of a serpent licked all over his body and used her demon power to forge an impenetrable body, but only the part between the eyebrows was licked, which became his fate.

The shadow warrior here seemed to echo the anger of the Ping Shogun, his whole body churned with grievances, and the green belt that suddenly merged into the side disappeared.

"Be careful behind..."

In the eyes of Abe Temple, I saw a mass of resentment rushing towards several agents along the green belt, and he was anxious to split.

He had just left, and that grievance had once again transformed into an armored warrior and appeared behind the agents.

The detectives reacted very quickly, regardless of the distance, bullets poured out from the gun, and a string of firecrackers was lit for a while.

The intensive gunfire stopped abruptly with the swing of the black sword.

From the waist to the shoulders of several agents, there was an oblique blood stain.

Then, before they could react, their upper body slipped out diagonally like a tree felled by the waist.

Even though they are wearing [Spirit Detective Combat Uniform Type II], the bodies of the agents are still as thin as paper in front of the sword.

"Do not……"

Having rushed to Abe Temple as quickly as possible, he could only watch a few agents helplessly, like broken dolls, falling softly to the ground.

The fountain of blood just now spurted from their still standing lower body.

Seeing this tragic scene, these fresh lives that had just acted with them suddenly disappeared under their noses. Even if it is Abe Temple, who is obsessed with kendo and indifferent to humanity, it is also full of blood and anger.

"Today, I will kill you..."

The long sword Sun Wheel in his hand came out like a life, soaring into the air, with the mighty flames, he slashed towards the bloody shadow warrior with the long sword on his own.

Abe Temple rubbed his body with Wakasa Yueyao in his hand.

The pair of sun-moon knives in his hands are not as simple as ordinary famous knives, but the Abe family has cultivated them for a hundred years in a way of nurturing the gods, and they can become the existence of Shiki in time.

One person with one sword, like two peerless swordsmen, attacked the Shadow Warrior at the same time.

As the long sword and Taito continued to collide with each other, snowflakes began to fall in the sky, and a layer of whiteness was lightly spread on the ground.

Bloodstains rushed from the ground, blended with snowflakes, turned into a dull red, and a charming flower slowly bloomed on the ground...


Next to Tokyo Station, an eight-minute walk from the first mound of Hiramamon, is the Imperial Palace that was rebuilt from the former Edo Castle and rebuilt after the Tokyo bombing.

Above the moat surrounding the imperial residence is the simple and solemn double bridge. The black gate behind the bridge is the only way to the imperial residence.

From the outside of the imperial residence to the bridgehead, the headless bodies of several agents lie all along the road.

Mochizuki Ayano and Tokimoto Ichiro looked at the bridge head carefully on the black masonry double bridge.

There, two Kagemusha wielding a black sword and wearing a black samurai armor were fighting fiercely with Yamada Kengo and another man in dark red armor with talisman paper pasted on his body.

These two shadow warriors who appeared suddenly can move quickly while possessing plants and trees, and their black swords in one hand make them unpredictable.

After encountering them on their patrol routes, the two groups who were very close together fought and retreated. After losing the lives of several detectives, they gathered on the stone bridge without plants at the entrance of the Imperial Palace.

The man in dark red armor that seemed to have been infested by blood was the zombie [cocoon] raised by Ichiro Tokimoto.

Although Cocoon’s movements are slightly stiffer than those of the two shadow warriors, he relies on his strength to sink and his body is hard. A pair of claws far exceeds the swords, and he touches the sword without falling into the wind, rubbing the gold and iron. Voice.

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