I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 140 Let the world have no hard-to-test waivers

Standing on the bridgehead holding a wooden sword, Yamada Kengo confronted another Kagemusha, and at this moment actually demonstrated non-human athletic ability.

Regardless of speed, power, or reaction, they all crushed the shadow warrior in front of him. When the wooden sword in his hand hits the opponent, a strange thunder will burst out.

It's just that his facial expression is a little strange, and he still subconsciously makes subtle expressions such as sniffing his nose, sticking his tongue out, and licking lips between hands.

Around his neck, he wore a shameful black collar often worn by the protagonists in certain action movies.

Let his philosophical breath break through the sky.

Level [one] grievance, [human face dog collar].

And what he held in his hand was not the usual training wooden sword of the Kendo Department, but a rather primitive Dragon Country wooden sword.

This is the introductory gift Tokimoto Ichiro gave him, lightning strikes the mahogany sword.

This is the Dragon Kingdom wooden sword made of trees that have been struck by lightning but are still alive. It comes with the power of thunder and is extremely restrained against existences such as resentful spirits.

Yamada Kengo, who was originally gifted with spiritual power and kendo, was armed to his teeth with these two pieces of equipment, even if he was one-on-one with the Kagemusi, he didn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

From time to time, huge gunshots sounded from the gates of the Imperial Palace, accompanied by sharp sniper shells bombarding the shadow warrior, covering everyone in the gap with extreme precision.

That was the deputy head of Section Nine, "Buddha Sniper", Takeshi Iwata, who was seated high above the Imperial Palace.

Mochizuki Ayano, who is behind the double bridge, drives his pupil technique from time to time, bursting into bursts of fire on the shadow warrior.

Shimoto Ichiro, who was beside her, was also at the critical moment when everyone was fighting, making handprints and activating talisman paper to pin down the shadow warrior.

The coordination between the five people was fairly smooth, and various attacks continued to hit two Kagemusha.

However, these two shadow warriors, who are incarnations of the Ping Shoumen, seem to be as strong as gold and iron in the legend, and they are also wearing the armor that is extremely hard at first glance, whether it is the flame of the pupil technique, the talisman paper or the slash of the peach wood sword. , The damage that can be caused is minimal.

Until now, the two Shadow Warriors had only a few cracks in their armor.

"The resentful spirit of the Pingjiang Sect has indeed come towards the imperial residence... But if it is really recorded in the annals, there are seven clones together with the main body, where are the three others..."

Although it seems that his own side is dominant, Mochizuki Ayano has deep concerns in her heart.


Nihonbashi, Shinagawa Town.

Sosuke Araki parked the locomotive in front of an old house in a remote location.

On the side of the mansion, the majestic "Xuanwu Pavilion" is written on a wooden plaque.

"Zongsuke, you are here as promised..."

An uncle in his fifties who is tall and thin, with unshaven legs, stood quietly under the eaves and looked up at the stars above his head, looking quite a man.

But the slight panting and the ups and downs of his chest couldn't hide the fact that he heard the sound of the locomotive rushing out.

"If it weren't for you threatened to cancel my exemption, who would come over at night! Uncle Chiba, today is a rare day off for me. Come on, what's going on..."

"Smelly boy, no big or small, you have to call a master when you enter the dojo!"

"You didn't say that in the izakaya before."

The two of them talked intimately while walking towards the Xuanwu Pavilion.

This uncle named Chiba Ibuki has a series of bluffing titles: the master and teacher of Xuanwu Taoist Temple, Beichen Yidaoliu and Xu Jiyizhuan, the direct successor of Chiba clan of kendo, the master of Araki Sosuke...

Speaking of Hokushin Ichito Ryu, it is the famous genre of the late Edo period founded by the master of kendo Chiba Shusaku, who combined Hokushin Dream Ryu and Ichito Ryu, and taught Ryoma Sakamoto, Koshitaro Ito, Keisuke Yamanan, and Hachiro Kiyokawa of the new writing team. And other famous swordsmen.

After traveling around the world, Chiba Shusaku founded the Xuanwukan in 1823. At the end of the Edo period, it was collectively called the "Edo Sandaoba" together with the scholarship hall of Kageshin Chi-ryu and the training hall of Shinto no-nen-ryu.

However, the real Xuanwu Pavilion was later moved to Kanda Yuchi.

And Chiba Ibuki, claiming to be the family of the Chiba clan, inherited the most orthodox Beichen One-Sword Style, and after inheriting this piece of land, he rebuilt the Xuanwu Pavilion here.

After Chiba Ibuki used his ancestor's reputation to rebuild the Xuanwu Hall, he has no limits to his actions.

Adhering to the advanced corporate culture of "Let the world have no hard-to-test waivers" and "No middlemen to make the difference", as long as you pay 20,000 yen tuition and participate in a one-day crash training class, you will be awarded the "Beichen" by Xuanwu Hall. One sword flow will not be passed on."

Of course, if you want to use this exemption all pass to teach in another portal, you also need to pay an additional "agent fee" to the Xuanwu Hall.

After Sosuke Araki came over to try an experience course with a small advertisement at the subway entrance, although Chiba Ibuki provided various payment methods such as credit card installment and student card mortgage, but faced with the "high price" of 20,000 yen, He naturally lifted his pants and turned around and left.

Seeing that his quality is so good, Chiba Ibuki was so happy that he even agreed to let him work in the gym to deduct the tuition.

"Come on, let me see if you are unfamiliar lately."

Entering the gym, Chiba Ibuki unhurriedly untied the rope on the wooden knife and threw it to Sosuke Araki.

"Huh, old rules..."

Araki Sosuke took the wooden knife, held it in front of him with both hands, slowly raised it above his head, and stopped at the back of his head, his entire popularity sank.

The opposite Chiba Ibuki also assumed the same posture, except that he was thin and tall, his aura was very restrained, and people couldn't feel a trace of murderous aura.

The two of them didn't wear protective gear, they kept this posture, moving their feet, and accumulating.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

"Ding Dong".

The phone on the side rang the alert tone.

Sosuke Araki moved suddenly.

From extreme movement to extreme silence, the wooden knife in his hand was chopped out from behind his head with an afterimage.

In the face of his powerful and heavy cut, Chiba Ibuki on the opposite side seemed to have not moved from beginning to end.

But his sword, at some point, had already been lightly cut on the chest of Araki Sosuke.

Araki Sosuke's wooden sword had just been cut above his head at this moment.

"Ah, again...boring."

Araki Sosuke seemed to be used to such scenes, and he ignored the wooden sword and sat on the tatami mat and played with his mobile phone.

"Hmph, if it was a real sword just now, you are already dead..."

Chiba Ibuki put away the wooden sword with a masterful demeanor.

"You must have hidden this trick and are reluctant to teach me..."

Araki Sosuke complained.

He never won a match like Chiba Ibuki.

Although in actual combat, he can rely on his strength to withstand this unbreakable blow to smash the old man on the opposite side to death.

But when it comes to "comprehensive skills", I'm far from it.

No matter how he moves, Chiba Ibuki's sword, for some reason, can always catch the moment he starts, and then slashes his body one step ahead of time.

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