"Beichen's swordsmanship focuses on skills, not strength...Only by comprehending the integration of man and sword, and the unity of sword and heart, can we surpass the opponent's movements."

Chiba Ibuki sat at the low table, took a sip of tea, and said pretentiously.

"This type of'Sword Heart Brightness' can only be understood and unspeakable."

However, looking at the fine sweat on his forehead, he was obviously satisfied with Araki Sosuke's sword.

After all, if the sword couldn't stop the car and slashed to the body, this old bone without protective gear should be going to the west.

"How did you find your job? Why don't you consider what you said last time and come to me as a teacher's representative."

Glancing at Sosuke Araki, who was playing with a mobile phone, Chiba Ibuki asked lightly.

He was still very satisfied with the disciple Araki Sosuke who "lied" into the door with free teaching.

Although this kid is not perfect in the details of his actions, he can practice martial arts all the year round and understand by analogy, and his intuition for actual combat is as terrifying as a beast.

Relying on the explosion of physical fitness, this guy not only helped himself to deal with several "troubles", but also won the title of "Nihon University Kendo Contest" winning bluffer, and now the photo is still hung in the doorway to recruit students. .

Not only that, Araki Sosuke also introduced him many of the younger brothers of the Nura Boxing as students through Higashino Kopei.

Even the newly recruited students of Sejing's Great Kendo Department came to train for a day and "received a waiver" has become a traditional process, which opened up a lot of money for him.

"Let’s talk about business, which house is the other side? How many people are here? For the wheel fight... but you have to add more money."

Sosuke Araki leaned against the table and asked after taking a sip of hot tea.

Today Chiba Ibuki threatened him to come over at night, naturally because some of his colleagues wanted to come and kick the pavilion.

"Isn't it just the gang of ‘Natural Lixinliu’. After being defeated by you last year, Kiyzo Miyagawa was said to have hired another master in the genre who had lived in seclusion for many years, to bet on his reputation and fight me."

After the Metropolitan Police Department has delineated the unified level of kendo and the examination rules, the standards of each dojo are different, and the self-issued "exemption" has been in a very embarrassing position. Strictly speaking, it can no longer be regarded as a certificate with high gold content. .

With the reputation of the gymnasium, the unlimited price, and the extremely short training time, Ye Yichu quickly attracted a large group of students who needed "Kendo to be passed on without permission" to decorate their job resumes.

After Sosuke Araki won the "Nippon University Kendo Contest" the year before last, he seized the business opportunity and publicized the inspirational story that "a day of training for college students will become a national victory".

Opened in just five years, it can be said to be full of peaches and plums.

It can be said that there is no harm without comparison.

With his existence, the tuition fee is hundreds of thousands of yen, the practice time is several years, and the students have to go through multiple levels such as primary biography, middle biography, upload, special biography, secret biography, mysterious biography, total biography, and all biography. It’s quite uncomfortable to get other orthodox Kendo halls that are exempt from the examination.

Therefore, from time to time, colleagues who have been entrapped come to "kicks".

The natural flow created by Uchizosuke Kondo is a well-known genre in the kendo world.

At the end of the shogunate period, the three core figures of Shinsengumi, Isamu Kondo, Soji Okita, and Suizo Tokata, were all natural rationalists.

Natural flow of mind, the highest known rank is "Guide Exemption".

It takes 10 years from paper cutting to exemption, and from exemption to guide exemption, it takes another 10 years...

In other words, it takes 20 years to become a normal generation. Looking at the major kendo genres, it can be regarded as very demanding in terms of time.

It can be said to be the most miserable genre by "Beichen One Swordsmanship, which was passed on all day long."

Therefore, they are also the most diligent in going to the gym, and they are old enemies.

"But, didn't the other party name you to fight? Why did you call me..."

Sosuke Araki asked while watching the funny video on his phone.

In the gym, apart from Chiba Ibuki who can teach swordsmanship, all the others are external staff.

Therefore, Sosuke Araki, the "most able disciple" under the seat, must naturally take on the heavy responsibility of coping with kicks.

Ten thousand yen at a time.

"The master has something to do, the disciple takes the effort... heh heh, as the master of the museum, how can their defeated generals be able to challenge if they want to challenge. Naturally, they have to beat you before they are eligible to let me do it myself... and, It’s been cold recently, I accidentally caught a cold, and I was ill in bed..."

Chiba Ibuki drank a sip of the tea, and said with an uplifting spine.

Last year, after the natural rational flow teacher Miyagawa Kiyozang was hanged and beaten by Sosuke Araki and failed to kick the hall, the old man took the opportunity to find a pusher to publicize a wave of "natural mental flow with a license for twenty years of training, and he was defeated." The Beichen waived one day with a sledgehammer", which caused the opponent's reputation to plummet and his business went from bad to worse.

Therefore, several venues have been looking for opportunities to "clean up their stigma."

Although the reasons are different, Araki Zongsuke always feels that whether it is natural rationality or Beichen's swordsmanship, the coffin board of the old ancestor is about to be unable to cover because of the various behaviors of the old guy in front of him.

"I knew it was another trick..."

Hearing his words, Araki Sosuke raised his eyebrows.

This old guy, although the level of teaching kendo does have two points, Shijing's great kendo club can become a dark horse in the kendo world, and he has the credit for his guidance.

However, due to the weak body bones, the actual combat ability is quite worrying.

"They estimate there are still two hours to come. I'm going to an izakaya to have a drink to heal the'wind chill'. I'll leave it to you here. Remember to lock the door when you leave."

Chiba Ibuki stood up, threw a key to Sosuke Araki, and hurriedly left the dojo through the back door.

There is a little bit of "chill, sick in bed".


Chiyoda District, Sotokanda Town not far from Akihabara.

Passing through the blue torii and walking along the trail for 20 meters, there is a blue roof, deep infrared walls, and a two-story ornate gate tower.

Step inside the gate building, is the wide plaza and magnificent main hall of Kanda Akira Shrine.

Compared with this extremely popular commercial shrine, Akagi Shrine looks much shabby.

At this moment, Yu Mayumi, a maiden maiden from the "shabby shrine" wearing a shrine costume, and a middle-aged monk Kofa, wearing a coarse cloth monk robe, are sitting in the center of the wide square of the shrine.

Several detectives in black combat uniforms were also deployed to guard the surrounding main hall and gatehouse.

"Master Hongfa, will the resentful spirit of Pingjiangmen really come here?"

Tori Yu Mayumi asked Monk Kofa for advice with some curiosity.

Just now from the communication, the two had learned that the other two groups were fighting at the same time with the warrior resentful spirits who were suspected of being tied.

But after that, communication with the Abeji group was interrupted.

"The little bird wandering maiden does not know something. The resentful spirits similar to the Pingjiangmen, although they completely perished under the destruction of the tomb and the formation seal, but in this shrine, there has still been a lot of attention in the past hundred years. Pingjiang's power of faith. If he wants to truly become a ghost and god, he will definitely come here to retrieve his power of faith."

Kofa explained patiently, gently touching a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

"I see."

As the two talked softly, a figure wearing a black samurai armor slowly walked under the azure torii.

"A joint operation of the three groups, a grieving spirit in the shape of a black samurai was observed outside the torii gate of Kanda Myojin Shrine!"

The detective with the spirit detective glasses on the tower immediately warned on the communication channel.

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