
Hearing the agent's warning, Yu Mayumi Kotori quickly took off the demon bow on his back [Cry], and ran towards the main hall of the shrine.

The Buddhist monk still sat motionless in the center of the square, and began to silently recite Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

The shadow warrior in black armor ran towards the torii in strides.

An invisible barrier appeared in the torii, and the white divine power was constantly rubbing against the black resentment, making him unable to step on this step.

"Daji is expensive, and Shaoyan is fame. Today, I am only here to get back what belongs to me. Do you want to help the decaying royal family be my enemy?"

On the roof of the apartment in front of Tibet, Pingjiang shouted angrily at the door.

The main god of the kingdom and the name of Shaohiko are the other two pillars enshrined at Kanda Akira Shrine since 730.

In 1600, the Tokugawa Eastern Army won the Sekihara battle on the day of the Kanda Shrine Kanda Festival, and gained hegemony in the world. Since then, Kanda Shrine has been revered by the Edo Shogunate and Edo civilians as "the chief guard of Edo".

Perhaps he was moved by the words of Hirasamemon, or perhaps he had been enshrined by the Edo shogunate for a long time and did not have a good impression of the imperial family. With his words, the supernatural power in the blue torii disappeared.

The shadow warrior wearing a black armor stepped across the torii gate upright and headed towards the gate.

Intensive gunfire immediately sounded above the gate tower.

The psychic bullet collided with a burst of fire on the armor, but did not slow down the target's speed.

As the black armored warrior stepped into the square, the Buddhist scriptures chanted by the mouth of Kofa in the center of the field became louder and louder.

The golden Buddha light, centered on him, spreads towards the surroundings with the sound of chanting.

Colliding with layers of golden Buddha light, the shadow warrior is like a drowning person caught in the waves and unable to move. His actions have slowed down, and the grievances on his body have also been consumed at an undetectable speed.

Taking this opportunity, several detectives around immediately took out weapons such as pistols, spiritual grenades, and focused their firepower at him from a distance.

On the square of Kanda Myojin Shrine, gunsmoke and bombing roared for a while.

"Huh, even the bald Buddhists will come to hinder me..."

The Ping General on the roof hummed softly at the door, the resentment that originally burned like flames on his body suddenly became smaller.

At the same time, the grievances on the surface of the shadow warriors in Kanda Myojin Shrine rose to the sky like fuel on fire.

The black-armored samurai, who had been slow to move, suddenly speeded up, and he had to slash the propaganda in the middle of the square with a sword.



The invisible arrow, with a weeping ending, shot at the black armored warrior's eyebrows with a tornado-like aura.

It was Yu Mayumi, who was standing outside the main hall, who made the shot.

Perhaps it was because he felt threatened, or perhaps because Pingjiangmen died in the shadow of the arrow that year, the shadow warrior immediately stopped and drew his sword, and the black sword accurately slashed on the invisible arrow.

Without waiting for the result of this arrow, after the first arrow shot, Tori Mayumi continued to draw the bow and draw the arrow as if practicing archery in normal days.



One arrow after another, the invisible arrow continued to attack the black armored warrior with a weeping ending sound.

The black armored samurai also slashed the weeping arrow without fear.

In the square, the chanting of Buddhist scriptures and the sound of arrows leaving the string continued to sound.

"This is Abe Temple. Heijiangmen Kagemusha has been temporarily frozen... The second joint team, except me, no one survives..."

In the communication, there was a low and weak voice from Abe Temple, which made everyone feel upset, then down again.

Behind him at this moment, the shadow warrior has been frozen in a huge block of ice.

In the spewing spiritual power, the sun and the moon double knives, flying around him like living creatures, it seems like a sword fairy is reborn.

But even so, the lives that have been lost cannot be saved.

"Here are the first and fourth groups. They are fighting two shadow warriors on the double bridge... At present, four shadow warriors have been confirmed, and it is temporarily impossible to tell which one the real body is. Of the six shadow warriors, there are still three shadow warriors who have not yet appeared. Please be careful in each group."

Mochizuki Ayano's voice sounded in the communication.

On the double bridge, Yamada Kengo and [Cocoon] were still under the cover of everyone, and they fought hand-to-hand with the two shadow warriors, fighting hard to separate.

"Huh, do the spirit removers under the pseudo-queen generation have this strength left?"

The real Pingmao on the roof of the apartment hummed disdainfully.

On the square of Kanda Myojin Shrine, Kobo and Kotori Yu Mayumi, by chanting the Buddhist scriptures and the cry of the demon bow, and the collection of fire by the detectives, temporarily dragged the shadow warriors in the square.

Just as the battle was deadlocked, another figure in black armor, at some unknown time, quietly climbed onto the eaves of the blue tower.

An agent who was shooting at the second floor of the tower suddenly felt a cold in his neck.


His gaze began to spin and rise rapidly into the air.

The last thing I saw was a headless body with some familiar blood spewing out.

"Be careful, the second shadow warrior appears at Kanda Akira Shrine!"

When Mayumi Toriyuki reacted and shot an arrow towards the gate, the shadow warrior had already stepped on the roof of the building next to it, around the Buddha's light on the edge of the square, and struck towards the main hall where she was.

And the shadow warrior in the center of the square, taking advantage of the slowing of the offensive of Xiaoniaoyu, has rushed to Hongfa's body and swung a knife towards his neck.

Facing the slashed sword, Kofa still closed his eyes and chanted sutras, as if he hadn't heard of it.


A large golden bell made of Buddha light and full of runes emerged from the body of the propaganda.

The golden rune clock covered his whole body, and it collided with the black Dachi to emit bursts of fire, and it made a mighty bell.

"Be careful... his goal is the main hall!"

Tori Mayumi shot two arrows at the Kagemusha on the roof.

However, the opponent let the arrows of spiritual power pass through the body, bursting into resentment, and leaping straight up to the main hall of Kanda Akira Shrine in spite of a rugby player crossing the line.

The moment the shadow warrior stepped on the eaves of the main hall, a huge and pure white energy surged out from the main hall, and it merged into his body like a tired bird returning to the forest.

The black resentment and the white energy entangled and collided with each other, and gradually merged into a gray-white arrogance.

At the same time, as if echoing each other in the distance, the Hiramamon Honten and the Kagemushas located at Kuramae Apartment, Nijubashi, Kanda Myojin Shrine and Tokyo Station, the gray arrogance of the whole body rushed into the sky, as if a ghost and god descended on the world.

"No, resentment and the power of faith merge... this is the power of ghosts and gods!"

On the Nizhong Bridge, Ichiro Shimoto muttered as he watched the grayish air burning in the eyes of the two shadow warriors.

"I have reshaped the body of ghosts and gods, and this world will surely return to my hands...Tonight, I will take you people who serve as the imperial emperor to sacrifice the flag."

The shadow warriors who hadn't said a word spoke in unison with the flat door on the roof of the apartment.

After saying these words, the Pingjiangmen deity of the Tibetan apartment turned into a burning gray flame, rushing towards somewhere in the night sky.

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