"I...I, I, I don't know..."

Suddenly Mochizuki Ayano asked this question, and Toriyuki Mayumi was a little guilty inexplicably.

Although she deeply suspected that Mr. Araki did it, she couldn't confirm it.

After all, Pingjiangmen ghosts and gods are as powerful as they are, and they are comparable to the extraordinary resentful spirits. Even if they are as strong as Mr. Araki, they should be...

Moreover, Mr. Araki had already "secretly ordered" himself last time, not to expose his "illegal spirit removal".

"According to the analysis of the research institute, someone...no, or even another existence, shot and wiped out the deity who hadn't appeared at the gate of Hirasaka somewhere. That's why the shadow warrior became a Buddha at the same time."

Mochizuki Ayano glanced at the information sent by the research institute.

"Then...who was this secret shot?"

Tori Mayumi asked with her head lowered, and her toes in her footbags swam unconsciously on the ground.

"By the way, the Ghost Rider who rescued us in the apartment that night... I already know his true identity."

Without answering her question directly, Mochizuki Ayano said instead without thinking.

"Ghost Rider? What... you already know?"

Tori Mayumi exclaimed softly.

Has the matter of Mr. Araki's illegal spiritual removal still exposed after all?

"Unfortunately, his identity is special and cannot be exposed for the time being. I will tell you later... He is a good young man with strong strength, noble morality, passion and justice, and excellent talent. If he can act with us, he will surely avoid a lot of deaths and injuries. ."

In the hell apartment and the running-in mission, although Fujiwara Takumi did not participate in the operation on the surface, he secretly assisted at the critical moment as a ghost rider, fulfilling the duties of the representative of the Fujiwara family, and implementing as a genius spirit remover. Justice.

This time, the last shadow warrior of the Hirashou Gate did not show up from the beginning to the end. Presumably, the Ghost Rider in the incarnation of Fujiwara Takumi should be fighting with him on another battlefield.

Tori Yu Mayumi tilted her head slightly, her expression gradually lost.

It's right to be strong, but... "Noble morality, passionate justice, outstanding talent, good young man" and other vocabulary, shouldn't be able to associate with Mr. Araki.

Without paying attention to the expression of the maiden, Mochizuki Ayano sighed and continued: "However, the strength of the Hirashoumen deity who has achieved the body of the ghost and god should be far superior to the shadow warrior, at least between [3] and [4], the ghost rider It should not be his opponent either. According to the speculation of the research, it is very likely that a certain or even several gods enshrined in Tokyo have acted."

The existence of weird level [3] can make a city lose its functions.

The existence of the weird level [4] can make many cities lose their functions.

The difference between the two seems to be only one level, but there is a world of difference.

The strength demonstrated after achieving the body of a ghost and god with the level gate, if you continue to use the shadow clone to implement "decapitation operations" on the royal family and dignitaries, I am afraid that the entire Tokyo will immediately be paralyzed.

At this moment, a priest from Kanda Akira Shrine came and walked in front of the two of them, and interrupted their conversation with a slight bow.

With a light sigh, Mochizuki Ayano got up and walked with him towards the main hall of Kanda Akira Shrine.

"If he joins, will there be a lot less casualties..."

Seeing her petite back, Yu Mayumi Tori fell into deep thought.



Moon Shadow Qiancao, with dark circles on her face, looked at the screen on the laptop numbly.

The black vortex slowly turned.

Only the vortex that represents the "Ping Jiangmen" is not on it.

Last night, he watched the vortex that represented the Hijima Gate divided into six, and then after the two vortexes reached Kanda Myojin Shrine, they turned from a black vortex to a gray vortex.

This was also the first time he saw a vortex other than black appearing on the game map.

At the same time, a gray energy was also fed back.

In the game map, the type marked is "Power of Ghosts and Gods".

Although he didn't know the reason for this, it made him realize that Hirama must have done something at Kanda Akira Shrine, thus gaining the power of ghosts and gods.

Kanda Myojin Shrine, one of the three pillars enshrined, happens to have a flat post.

The answer is ready to come.

It turns out that with clever arrangements, the local existence "summoned" by the gates of hell would have the opportunity to evolve on its own and touch the realm of "gods"?

This made him excited for half a night, and has been frantically inquiring about information related to "God".

When he emerged from a lot of folklore materials, the six gray-white whirlpools that represented the Pingjiangmen had disappeared.

"This... the body of ghosts and gods can't die so easily... Is it out of the control of this laptop?"

Thinking of the second possibility, anxiety enveloped Moon Shadow Qiancao.

Even the frustration that the Pingjiangmen might be "expelled" by the official agency has been diluted.

After struggling for a long time, he finally suppressed the urge to go to Kanda Myojin Shrine to confirm it in person.

"Forget it, the power of ghosts and gods obtained by accident is much stronger than ordinary grievances...that matter seems to be able to start in advance..."

Placed on the game map, the vortex that represents the "Gate of Hell" has suddenly turned gray.

Just as Yuekage Chikusa got up to have breakfast, the screen of that old laptop flickered slightly.

The whole picture quickly turned into a bloody dark red from around to the middle, and then returned to its original state.

It looked like a scarlet one-eyed, and blinked slightly.


The next day.

Apartment in front of Tibet.

Araki Sosuke, who combed his hair like an adult and put on a handsome suit, got up very early and rode to a nearby convenience store.

For some reason, his face was full of fatigue.

After solving the breakfast at the convenience store, he stood in the corner of the parking lot and looked around in a ghostly manner. After confirming that no one was around...

He took out a bottle of aphrodisiac perfume from a strange place and sprayed it hard on his crotch and underarms.

Then unscrew the kidney function drink and eight times taurine sports drink in the pocket, and drank it all in one go.

After getting all this done, he reviewed on his mobile phone the "PUA master teaches you to quickly hit home base" guide post that he stayed up all night in the 2CH forum last night and learned temporarily.

Finally, he took out a zigzag square plastic sealed bag from the money clip, and carefully placed it next to his buttocks in his trouser pocket.

This thing, he put in his wallet since he was eighteen, represents the boy's beautiful yearning for spring.

When it is opened, it must be as mellow and full-bodied as a wine that has been aged for many years, with a long aftertaste.

Everything was ready, Araki Sosuke stepped on the locomotive and drove away "boom boom boom".

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