"Oh, Ghost Rider Sang, I'm very energetic today."

In front of the Ikebukuro Metropolitan Hotel, a teak Saya with soft brown hair tilted his head and greeted Araki Sosuke obediently.

Today, she wore a small white sling with faintly visible mermaid lines, a short linen coat on the outside, and a black miniskirt on the lower part of her body, which showed her rugged, slender and tight figure to the fullest.

"Yo, early."

Looking at the other party's charming dress, Sosuke Araki narrowed his eyes...

Secret skills, the eye of the void.


After greeted him in a manly, somewhat stiff tone, he took out a pink hard hat from the back seat.

Rule zero of the strategy, establish a tough guy warm man's setting.

"It's so sweet, Knight Sang, did you change your car today?"

Teak Saya took the pink helmet and put it on his side.

This thoughtful detail was indeed recognized by the other party.

Raiders honestly don't deceive me.

"Hmph, if you think I'm just an ordinary delivery clerk, you would be too naive..."

Sitting on the locomotive, Araki Sosuke relied on the victory to pursue him, pretending to be handsome.

The first rule of strategy is to create a sense of mystery and arouse women's curiosity and reverie.

"Narinari? Does Araki-kun have any other identity?"

Teak Saya seems to be very interested in this topic.

"Cough cough... I will always be the head of the kendo club, practice Wing Chun, etc..."

Araki Zongsuke stumblingly said.

Seeing the other's expression of interest, he was thankful that he stayed up late yesterday to learn the "Strategy".

Although the three English letters with the unknown title of the guide post cannot be understood by myself, those weird rules really work, YES!

"That's amazing... Then you are not good at fighting, no wonder the guys were afraid of you last time?"

"Of course... and I'm also a powerful part-time spirit remover with an appearance fee of up to 500,000 yen. I can show you palmistry, face, and breast touch for free... No, Mogu and so on... "

Thinking of something again, Sosuke Araki quickly added.

"Eh~ Does Araki-kun have this kind of specialty... Then Araki-kun thinks, what do I do?"

Teak Saya has a wave of eyes, holding the ground and echoing the road.

"You are staying in this kind of high-end hotel for business trip. Which big company should you work for..."

Looking at the tall and luxurious hotel in front of him, Sosuke Araki asked curiously.

It was the same hotel that sent her back that night.

"Why, do you want to visit someone's room early in the morning?"

Teak Saye smiled lightly and looked at him playfully with big eyes.

"Hu...what nonsense...what kind of job it is to arrange such a hotel for your resident company? It's really cool."Araki Sosuke avoided her eyes and changed the subject with a blushing face.

Then, through the gap in his jacket, he saw that there seemed to be a vacuum in the other party's sling?

"I won't tell you, you guessed it slowly..."

Just when he was flushed, squinted, and "scanned" among the elongated people crazily, Saya, wearing a helmet, was already sitting on the back seat of the locomotive.

"What are you in a daze? Let's go!"

Araki Sosuke only felt his back tighten, and the familiar sweet smell of orange came to his face.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Embraced by the teak Saya's hands, the touch of the wave was on his back, and with the regret of "not being able to confirm it properly", Sosuke Araki slammed down the accelerator like he was hitting adrenaline.

Recently, the "Warring States Warriors" who have been neglected a lot have been ejected.


The amusement parks around Tokyo are naturally located in the Disney Land and Sea in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture.

However, that was not their destination this time.

The destination of their trip was the "Fuji-Q HighLand" amusement park located in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, or Fuji-Q Highland for short.

"Wow, the weather is good, and Mt. Fuji can be seen clearly today!"

After getting off the locomotive, Teak Saya stretched out a big slack waist cutely, showing a slender waist and a small belly button indifferently.

Under the blue sky, the snow-capped tops are fan bones, and Mount Fuji, with the Cangcang mountain forest as the fan, is like a simple folding fan hanging upside down.

Closer at the foot of the mountain, you can see the white ferris wheel, steep roller coaster tracks and crimson jumpers of Fuji-Q Highland.

"The woman of Damn it..."

But Sosuke Araki didn't have time to appreciate the beauty in front of him.

Pretending to be locked, he is facing the teak Saya, and constantly adjusts the position of the imposing "Xiaosuke" with his hands in his crotch.

The two had just set off from Ikebukuro, along the Metropolitan Expressway No. 4 Shinjuku Line, and it took nearly an hour to arrive at this amusement park in Fujikawaguchiko.

Due to the frenzied attacks from the back, wave after wave, "Xiao Zongsuke" was stimulated to be aggressive and heroic... and then continued to be violently oppressed by the body, which can be described as miserable.

I can't wait to fight with this deceiving girl Hengdao immediately.

"Araki~ Jun, what are you doing... There are queues at the door."

A urging voice came from behind.

"No... it's okay, let's go..."

After locking the car in a panic, the two immediately went to the gate of the playground.

The end of April can be regarded as the off-season for Fuji-Q Highland, and today is not a weekend, so there are not too many people in line to enter the park.

After a while, the two checked their tickets into the park and lined up in front of the project named "Goofy Car".

Fuji-Q Highland is known as one of the most exciting amusement parks in the world. It has 15 Guinness Records and is famous for having the "Four King Kongs of Rollercoasters"-Goofy, Dodonpa, FUJIYAMA and EEJANAIKA.

"Huh, according to'Master PUA teaches you to rush to home base quickly', you have to take advantage of the most thrilling and exciting stage of the roller coaster, pretending to hold your hands naturally... If it goes well, after the first roller coaster, the next trip will be a logical step into the hand. model."

Looking at the teak Saya standing in front of him expectantly, Sosuke Araki was reviewing the "strategy" on his mobile phone with a sinister face.

Although this visit to Fuji-Q Highland was appointed by Saya Teak.

But Sosuke Araki originally planned to follow the guide and recommend some more exciting amusement parks.

After all, only through such thrilling projects can you show your "masculinity" and increase your chances of physical contact.

"and many more……"

As the crowd approached gradually, Araki Sosuke raised his head and looked at the too tall roller coaster in front of him, and confirmed with some panic: "This roller coaster...it seems to be too high."

"Why, don't you know, Mr. Araki, the Goofy Car is the steepest roller coaster in the world. It is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records with the maximum falling angle of 121 degrees? Right?"

Teak Saya turned around and joked with her tiptoe.


Araki Sosuke swallowed, and explained with some bumps: "Who...who's afraid...I just didn't bother to ride a roller coaster before, and I was curious to ask...Compared with when I drove to 260 per hour on Highway 134. What a roller coaster with such a high safety factor..."

Although he had worked in amusement parks, he grew up in an orphanage and had no womanhood and no spare money. Whether it was a warm children's train or an exciting roller coaster project, he had no chance to experience it personally.

That's right, this is the first time Araki Sosuke has officially dated a girl, entered an amusement park as a guest, and took a roller coaster ride.

That's why he was in a hurry to go to the doctor last night, staying up late and randomly found a high-traffic guide on the 2CH forum.

"Guests, please grab the handrails and fasten your seat belts..."

The staff buckled the sturdy black safety buckle in front of the two of them. After checking the seat belts one by one, the roller coaster started slowly.

"No... it's okay, just treat it as a drag racing... The point is to hold her hand at the most thrilling moment..."

Araki Sosuke held the handle of the black safety buckle nervously, and glanced diagonally at the excited teak Saya beside him.

The roller coaster started slowly and began to climb up along the 90-degree vertical track...

"Hey... This seems a bit wrong..."

As the roller coaster keeps going up, things on the ground are getting smaller and smaller.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds that were getting closer and closer, almost lying down, Sosuke Araki began to panic a little.

"It hasn't started yet... This tower is 43 meters high. The moment it climbs to the top of the tower and falls, it will officially begin..."

Saya Teak looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him with blurred eyes, and asked thoughtfully: "Mr. Araki, what kind of beautiful scenery is on the top of Mount Fuji?"

"It should be snow in addition to snow, it's horribly cold."

Araki Sosuke thought of the show that he had watched before to climb Mount Fuji, and replied absently.

The "drag racing" with the steering wheel not in his own hands made him feel a little insecure.

"Is it cold? It would be nice if you could end your life in such a romantic place..."

Teak Saya hasn’t finished speaking, and the entire carriage has climbed to the highest point. Looking down from here, Fuji-Q Highland under the blue sky is as small as a model on a sand table.


After the carriage stopped for a moment, it suddenly began to fall at a negative angle of 121 degrees without warning...

"I f*ck..."

"Yo roar..."

Saya Teak yelled happily, and her little white hand stretched out towards Sousuke Araki...

With a "pop", Araki Sosuke quickly knocked off a small hand that had been stretched out.

"Uh ah ah ah ah..."

In the face of the terrifying feeling of falling, the only thing he can do is to expose the blue veins on his forehead, grasp the armrests at the shoulders with his hands, and withstand the sudden acceleration with a hideous expression...

After falling from a 43-meter high tower, the Goofy car passed through an abnormally twisted orbit. There were a total of 7 reversals on the way, one of which was in a dark tunnel.

As the steepest roller coaster in the world, the high-speed vehicle has an acceleration of 4G, claiming to be the closest to the experience of a fighter pilot.What did you say about holding hands?

Let's talk about it if you survive.


Sousuke Araki, who didn't know when he was over or how he got off the high-speed car, vomited in a mess while holding the trash can by the roadside.

The only thing left was the staff staring at the five-fingerprint on the armrest from where they came from.

"It's okay... Araki-kun, can you do it..."

Teak Saya gently patted him on the back and handed over a bottle of mineral water.

Can it be done... Can it be done... Can it be done...

These four words kept echoing in the ears of Araki Zongjie, awakening his dignity hidden in the soul of the gangster.

"...It's okay, I just ate too much for breakfast, so my stomach is a little uncomfortable. It's not a roller coaster at all. This speed is for me in pediatrics... Anyway, I'm from a gangster."

Drinking half a bottle of mineral water, Araki Sosuke explained calmly.

If I knew I was going to spit it out, I wouldn't waste money on buying breakfast at a convenience store.

I don’t know if the effect of that bottle of kidney function drink is affected...

"That's great, there are still three roller coasters left, let's go quickly... I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

Hearing her words, the expression on Araki Sosuke's face instantly solidified and turned pale.

Ignoring the response of the other party at all, Saya Teak with a bright smile, dragged the gray-white Sosuke Araki, and walked towards the next line entrance.

This woman is crazy.

On the high-speed car just now, not only was she fearless, she kept commenting on the beautiful scenery of the paradise as she climbed, and she made a silver bell-like innocent laugh all the way when she was falling at high speed.

However, don't think that I will give in.

Give me another chance, and take the initiative to lead death.

The tenth rule of the Raiders Code is that the one who takes the initiative is the one who has the last laugh.

The next project the two took was a roller coaster called DoーDodonpa.

"DoーDodonpa" is a long and flat track that covers most of the entire amusement park, and it seems to be safe and leisurely.

However, it is actually a roller coaster with the best speed in Japan, the best acceleration in the world, and the largest track in Japan, "the three best in Japan".

And its most terrifying place is in the tunnel of the black hole after the start. Listening to the sound of the countdown, with a loud roar, the car body will instantly accelerate to 180kmh in 1.56 seconds, and after it climbs onto the track 49 meters above the ground at high speed, Falling vertically.

Unexpectedly, the high speed went straight up and down, so that Araki Sosuke, who was completely unprepared in the dark, directly became a Buddha and ascended to heaven.

"Ha...hahaha...it's not scary at all...huh...puffpuffpuff."

Araki Sosuke, who was vomiting, had a face of unrequited love and a nervous smile, was dragged by the teak Saya to the bottom of the third roller coaster.

He has long forgotten his original dream, and the only remnant in his mind is to live.

FUJIYAMA, as the veteran roller coaster of Fuji-Q Highland, was first in four world records for the highest, largest drop, longest, and fastest when it was built in 1996. It was once known as the king of rolling events.

The height of 79 meters was completely unmatched when it was built, and the length of the track and the length of the time used still dominate the upper position of the rankings.

After falling to the bottom from the first highest point, and then rushing back to the highest point, it is endlessly up and down, without a chance to breathe.

Because the ride was really long, long, so long, Sosuke Araki even desperately thought that he would die on it.

"I... my stomach hurts suddenly... you wait for me here..."

Getting off the roller coaster, without giving Saya Teak a chance to react, Sosuke Araki stumbled towards the toilet like a normal escape.

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