I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 149 Nan Wu Amitabha

"No, if this continues, I must have become a Buddha before I take the initiative to hold my hand..."

In the toilet, Sosuke Araki kept flushing his face with water, and raised his head to look at his pale self in the mirror.

The moment he got off the roller coaster, he even had the idea of ​​leaving the opponent and running away without saying hello.

"Damn it, finally reached this point... Araki Sosuke, are you going to give up the closest sprint opportunity to home base?"

"By the way, on the grounds that there are too many people in the queue, I suggest to her to play other warmer projects..."

Thinking of this, Araki Sosuke, who felt that the stomach discomfort disappeared a little, walked out of the toilet and walked to the separate place.

"Beauty, are you alone? We are going to sit in EEJANAIKA, do you want to join us."

Two handsome young men with the appearance of college students were talking to the teak Saya who was waiting in the same place.

"No need, I already have friends..."

"Eh, what a pity."

Saya Teak politely declined the invitation of the two, turning around to see Sousuke Araki who came back, and she smiled sweetly.

Looking at the smile she was expecting, Sosuke Araki's words that had already been on his lips immediately became: "Go, let's conquer this last rollercoaster that turned upside down!"

"Great, I know that a man like Araki-kun will not give up halfway!"

Saya Teak responded enthusiastically.

Araki Sosuke who turned his face sideways, tears quietly slipped from the corners of his eyes.

A hard and nasty man who goes on a horse.

The name of the EEJANAIKA roller coaster is derived from the two characters "え", one positive and one falling, which probably means "back and forth, southeast and northwest, earth-shaking revolution".

Although this red monster is the only one of the four roller coasters that has nothing to do with the world record, as long as you see it playing with people with your own eyes, you will know that it is the scariest roller coaster in this paradise.

You read that right, it's playing people.

The car of this roller coaster is not under the track, but hung on both sides of the track. This makes the people sitting inside completely invisible to other reference objects. I completely lose my sense of direction and have an illusion that I don't know where I have been thrown.

When being pulled up to the highest point and descending rapidly along a 90-degree vertical orbit, the function of this rotation caused Sosuke Araki to have a despair about to be thrown to the ground...

"Namo Amitabha..."

At the end of the "Roller Coaster Challenge", Sosuke Araki returned to the departure platform with a calm face, folded hands, and silently reciting Buddhist scriptures.

With a look of great enlightenment, he walked off the platform tremblingly.

"Thank you, Araki-kun, one of my dreams in life is to achieve the four Fujikyu King Kong clocks."

Teak Saya, the "roller coaster queen" who looked like an okay person, smiled and bowed to Sousuke Araki.

"Ahahahaha, it's a trivial, if it weren't for too much time to sit again, I would like to challenge it again."

Araki Sosuke touched the back of his head and laughed pale and weak.

I also want to thank you for allowing me to fully realize the preciousness of life.

"That's right, I still feel like I'm not done with it. Why don't we take a few other lighter projects and take a break."

Teak Saya touched her fingers on her lips, looking at the map of the amusement park in her hand with an expression of innocence.

"Is it easier? I just wanted to suggest that... No problem, no problem, just as you please."

Hearing that the other party didn't plan to challenge the roller coaster again, Sosuke Araki breathed a sigh of relief.

Hmph, I've been a man who has died countless times, returned from hell, and has come to a great realization. From now on, the general amusement facilities will not bother me at all.

Facts have proved that Fujikyu's "easier project" is placed in other amusement parks, and it is also a king-level existence.

With a height of 52 meters and a maximum speed of 65KMH, the red jumper "Flaming Fright" gave Sosuke Araki the illusion of sitting on an equal footing with Mount Fuji.

With a tower height of 59 meters and a speed of 51kmh, the giant swing "iron bone length" can create a terrible feeling of dizziness. Fortunately, he is already vomiting.

The “PIZZA-LA Big Roulette”, which swings higher and higher, turns up and down, left and right, makes Araki Sosuke feel like he is in the boundless universe.


One hour later, inside the Fuji-Q Highland Resort Hotel, Mount Fuji Terrace Restaurant.

Dining on the outdoor terrace of the restaurant, you can have a panoramic view of the magnificent Mount Fuji with the snow-topped black bottom and the vast verdant forest at the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, the buffet restaurant also offers 80 popular meals made with seasonal ingredients around Mount Fuji.

It can be said to be a great dining experience.

"Damn it, careless. It turns out that the playground is such a terrible place..."

This was originally the gourmet session that Sosuke Araki was looking forward to most.

But now, who has completely turned grayish white, he can only sit at the dining table on the terrace, with the blue sky and white clouds and the majestic Mount Fuji as the background, clutching his stomach that is still overwhelming, and immersed in the horror of being dominated by the playground.

I am afraid that no one will encounter Fujikyu, the most exciting opponent in Japan, for the first time in their lives.

"Oh, Araki-kun, you choose this restaurant not only for the beautiful view on the terrace, but the food is also quite exquisite and there are many varieties. But today I insisted on not letting me AA, the price does not matter, it is really manly."

The teak saya, which brought thorns, salads, Japanese side dishes and exquisite desserts, asked with concern.

According to convention, even for lovers in love, dating is most of the time using the AA system, but Sosuke Araki, who has "the soul of the dragon country man", naturally disdains that kind of petty approach, and even if he is poor, he must be swollen. The face is full of fat.

What's more, he beat "Soma Kojiro" violently last night, and he just credited 20,000 yen.

"Ahahaha, this little money, it's okay... it's okay... please help me get some..."

Suddenly remembering something, Sosuke Araki asked.

The fifth article of the Raiders Code imperceptibly urges the other party to serve themselves from trivial matters, and then use exaggerated praise afterwards to secretly establish a psychology of slavery.

"It would be great if it's okay, help someone get some roast beef, they won't be able to cut it..."

Before he could finish, Saya Teak tilted his head and said coquettishly.

"Oh, is there any roast beef? Is it over there?"

Attracted by the expensive roast beef, Sosuke Araki immediately walked towards the dining area.

"I'm coming……"

After a while, in the horrified eyes of others, Araki Sosuke brought back a whole roasted beef leg that was originally placed in the dining area for guests to cut, together with the heat-preserving iron plate.

"Wow, Araki-kun is amazing..."

After he sat down, Saya Teak touched his head affectionately as a reward.

"Hey, the state is not very good today, I usually say that the buffet is my strong point..."

Enjoying each other's head like a golden retriever, Zongsuke Araki felt that something was wrong when he was talking halfway through.

"Then...Let's find a hotel to take a break, and we won't go there in the afternoon, right? People were really scared?"

Teak Saya's fierce chest pressed against the tabletop, looked at him worriedly, and asked timidly.

There was a hint of ambiguity in her coquettish eyes.

"That's how it works, the afternoon is my strong point... No, it's a must-see for this amusement park! Don't you think I am very energetic, hahahaha..."

The failure to implement the strategy before was a mistake.

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