I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 150-The Frightening Labyrinth

When it comes to Fuji-Q Highland, the well-known and well-known project is not the "four roller coasters", but the largest and most terrifying haunted house in the world in the Guinness Book of World Records.

[Falling Labyrinth-Blood-smeared Human Bone Hospital] is a three-story building (only two floors open) with an abandoned hospital as the background, without any lights and fixed routes inside. It takes an average of 50 minutes , A haunted house with a walking distance of 900 meters.

The internal structure of this haunted house is complex and the details are very realistic. Even the recruitment staff will deliberately select people with depression.

Different from ordinary haunted houses, apart from the realistic interior decoration, professional makeup and acting skills of the staff, no fixed routes, and freedom to explore and walk, the predecessor of this haunted house is actually a reconstruction of a real abandoned hospital.

Decades ago, Jiji General Hospital, located at the foot of Mount Fuji, was originally a fairly large hospital with excellent doctors and excellent equipment.

Later, it is said that the dean and staff joined a cult and began to perform operations on the patients who came here without authorization. They took the opportunity to take their fresh internal organs for some kind of "sacrifice" and put the bodies in large wooden barrels.

After that, the souls of the patients who were said to have died in vain began to haunt them. After the deaths of several medical staff in a row, the matter was revealed and the entire hospital was abandoned.

To this day, there are still a large number of sighting records of seeing patients, doctors and nurses who are not dressed as staff in this gloomy hospital...

It is said that the third floor of the originally designed haunted house is still not open to the public because of the cause of the death of tourists due to the evil spirits.

According to the Internet, the third floor is not a realm of living people.

Because of the above reasons, the closing time of the haunted house is usually at six o'clock in the afternoon.

Even in the peak season, it will not exceed 8 pm at the latest.

Hearing the news from tourists staying at the Fuji-Q Highland Hotel and enjoying the privilege of entering the park 30 minutes in advance, the staff of the haunted house would also perform routine worship at the altar table every morning before going to work to appease the resentful spirits inside.

All in all, in a nutshell, according to the "Guide", for atheists like Sosuke Araki, this is a place with a 500 yen ticket, which can provide you with a full fifty minutes, allowing you to enjoy The female companion's hand caught the injury, the hand was sweaty, and any part of the body rubbed into the exploding "heaven".


Thinking of the dignity and mobile phone meeting destroyed by the "four roller coaster kings" in the morning, they will be retaken in the haunted house in the afternoon, and even the huge evil on the opposite table has a chance to get involved. Sosuke Araki couldn't help but show his face. Blushing, people laughed in a long and low voice.

"Araki-kun...what's wrong with you, Araki-kun...you laugh so strangely."

Saya Teak looked at him weirdly.

"No...no, I'm just looking forward to it too much, I like the thrill of haunted houses the most..."

Sosuke Araki wiped his saliva and explained.

"Really? People are most afraid of this kind of place. You have to protect me later."

Teak Saya put her arms around her chest and said with some fear.

"No problem, no problem, leave it to me, I will protect you ‘closely’!!!"

Araki Sosuke fully agreed, adding emphasis to the pronunciation of a certain word.


after lunch.

"Are there so many people in line?"

Standing in the long queue, Sosuke Araki looked curiously at the buildings not far away.

Behind the wall in front of the two of them, there is a cement-colored three-story abandoned hospital with dark stains and moss on the outer wall.

Above the main building in the center, the words "Jiji Hospital" can be faintly recognized on the tattered signboard.

"Araki-kun, look at that doll there, it's so oozing."

Teak Saya, who was hiding behind him, pointed to the corner of the top roof of the hospital and said.

Looking in the direction of her fingers, you can see two dolls of long-haired girls who are indistinguishable from real people leaning against the wall of the roof, staring quietly at the crowd below.

"Don't worry, these are just props that deliberately decorate the atmosphere. By the way, this doll is quite realistic."

As an atheist, Sosuke Araki has always had no fear of such things, but he praised it.

Whether it's the old exterior walls, the realistic details of the scene, and the lacquered black heads on the iron doors, it makes people feel like they are in front of an abandoned hospital.

It is worthy of being the world's first haunted house, and the "foreplay" of the queue area alone is already in place.

This made him look forward to the following content even more.

"Look, Mr. Araki, this vending machine sells'Evil Spirit Retreat' talisman paper. It is said that when you go in, you only have to show this, and those staff dressed as wraith spirits won't come to scare you, do we want to buy some? ?"

Halfway through the line, "Curious Baby" Teak Saye pointed to a vending machine next to him and said to Sosuke Araki.

Naturally, this rune paper is not really able to "escape the evil spirits", but a kind of krypton gold props for making money in haunted houses.

"No, don't... use that kind of thing, what's the difference from cheating... we have to use our own will to defeat those false horrors."

Araki Sosuke immediately stopped her behavior.

If you buy it, what shall I do later.

The seventh article of the strategy code provides a strong sense of security for the target in a relatively dangerous environment, and subtly cultivates the other party's sense of dependence on oneself.

The night in Tokyo was relatively early, and when the two had been in line for almost an hour, it was just after four o'clock, the sun had begun to set slowly, and the sky was gradually darkening.

In the queuing area, the "ghost nurse" on the TV repeatedly told about the "horror history" of the hospital and the precautions for playing.

Under this kind of sky, the two people standing at the entrance of Ciji General Hospital only felt that the scene before them had completely changed the atmosphere compared to before.

Dark, depressed, and decadent.

After checking the ticket at the entrance of the dilapidated black iron gate, they ignored the corpse doll with a strange expression sitting in a wheelchair and wearing patient clothes. The two followed the crowd and entered the hospital building.

Just after the two entered, one of the two girl dolls on the roof of the third floor suddenly blinked and turned and left.


In the eerie, dimly lit and abandoned lobby of the hospital, precautions such as "No violence", "No threats to each other among tourists, compulsory team formation", "No multiplayer sports", "No confusing behavior" and other precautions were repeatedly broadcast.

In the creepy music, you can hear the floor crunching, the sound of footsteps humming from upstairs, and there are occasional screams, grievances crying, and the wailing of tourists.

In the dark, a ghost doctor continued to preach to the tourists the "dark history" of the Jiji Hospital and some precautions.

In short, this is a dark historical hospital that used to sell patient organs and is now haunted by fierce ghosts. After entering, all violent behaviors such as beating staff, sabotaging scenes, threatening tourists, etc. are forbidden, lost or lost. If you are afraid that it will not work, go to the "rescue station" in the middle for help.

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