"Ha... Why haven't the guests behind come yet."

In the secret tunnel dedicated to the staff, a staff member dressed as a ghost doctor on standby, sat in a blood-stained wheelchair and yawned.

At this moment, an instruction came from the headset: "The group of couples who entered from Port C walked too slowly. Please Mr. Lujing, who is in charge of this area, help them speed up."

"Received, I just helped the last group to speed up, now I'll pass it immediately."

After the ghost doctor "Lujing-kun" replied, he walked towards another secret road.

The aisles that guests walk are usually designed to take the long way around repeatedly, while the secret passages of the staff are designed to be the most concise route so that one staff member can quickly frighten guests from many places.

The work content of the staff responsible for pretending to be ghosts is not just as simple as using acting skills and makeup to scare people in the dark.

They are also responsible for maintaining the internal order of the "hospital" and the flow of guests.

In order to avoid tourists from being too slow or too fast to cause crowds to gather and affect the "game experience", they need to "break up" and "speed up" tourists through intimidation to ensure the "game time" and "quality" of tourists All are within the established range.

And a certain group of duo who deliberately walked very slowly and explored randomly will be "overtaken" by those who enter behind.


When Sosuke Araki and Saye Teak walked through a place similar to a tool room and came to a narrow and dark corridor of the ward.

His right eyelid jumped slightly.


The door of a ward in front slowly opened.


A "ghost doctor" with long hair draped in a stained white doctor's uniform and unable to see his face, arched his body and walked towards the two with twisted steps.


Facing the sudden fear, Saya Teak immediately screamed in cooperation.

"Oh, so soft... No, so scared."

Facing the fierce ghost, Araki Sosuke said dryly, without any intention to escape.

His attention was all absorbed in the intense physical contact between the two.

What suddenly appeared in front of the two was the ghost doctor Kawai-kun who came to "speed up" the two.

In the face of the hateful "couple" in front of him, he has used quite superb acting for thirty years of being single, howling lowly in front of them, and constantly twisting his body...

What he likes to see most is the famous scene where a pair of fragile couples are scared in front of him and "fly each other in a catastrophe", and then break up after going out.

However, although the female guest in front of her cooperated and gave a very pleasant scream that seemed to be a key moment in an action movie.

However, the male guest who said "so scared" didn't mean to take her away at all. He was just enjoying his "performance" in place, and his expression seemed to be filled with enjoyment and expectation.

According to the regulations of the Jiji General Hospital, the staff responsible for pretending to be ghosts must not have any physical contact with the guests, and even when the guests may fall, bumps, etc. due to fear, they must immediately switch to “work”. Personnel" status.

So in the Jiji General Hospital, it is common for the "ghost" who scared you to be unable to take care of yourself and fluttering on the street in the first second, and said sorry to help you up gently in the next second.

Hey hey hey, do you look down on my acting skills of Kami Kawai who have been in business for three years?

Due to the inability to "body contact", Kawai-kun can't really make moves such as choking his neck and grabbing two people, but this does not prevent him from "pretending" to do so.

He throbbed harder like a zombie, let out a low howl that could stop the child's night cry, and stretched out his hands to the "couple" in front of him.

Secret skills, jump left and right.

However, no matter how he moved his body and howled his throat, the female guest in front of him just hid behind the male guest and screamed, while the male guest just said dryly, "Don't come here" and "I am most afraid of ghosts." Such lines stood motionless.

Since you are so afraid of Tamar, you should leave as soon as possible.

No, it's because I didn't paint the makeup well today, and I have to go back and refill it again.

Just when Lujing-kun, who had lost his physical strength, was about to retreat in a strange posture to the ward he came out before, looking back and looking for a chance to scare the two of them...

He found himself unable to walk.

The male guest in front of him, I don't know when he grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly in the dark...

He also said lines like "Get closer to me, he is coming over, I'm so scared."

This bastard, wait for me to touch up my makeup before coming over to clean you up.

The male ghost "Lujing-kun" who has been working for many years is naturally not a vegetarian, so he spins, jumps, and wailes unwillingly, and returns to the ward.

"Let's go... It's amazing... Okay..."

Looking at the white doctor's coat in his hand, Sosuke Araki looked with regret in his eyes and looked at the ghost doctor who was able to leave the field with admiration.

"Hey, are you finally gone? Then let's move forward, it's really terrible."

Teak Saya, who was relieved, carefully leaned his head from behind and looked at it.

The two continued to advance along the corridor, passing through several wards, and after arriving at a place similar to an operating room...

With the "creeping" sound of the wheelchair, a ghost patient with half of his head in a wheelchair was paralyzed motionless on the corner of the corridor that the two of them must pass through.

"Uh uh uh……"

When the two approached, the ghost patient who had "played dead" suddenly rushed out of the wheelchair while turning the wheelchair with one hand, making a posture that he was lying limp in the wheelchair and was about to die, but one hand was trembling and stretched out to the two of them...

"Ah~~~~~ Father Yamei!!"

Teak Saya immediately uttered a signature scream.

"Oh, what a boobs, to die to die to die to die..."

Araki Sect's interface was blushing and reading dry lines.

He naturally recognized that the ghost patient's voice and body shape were exactly the same as the ghost doctor before.

Araki Sosuke thought gratefully, it should be that the person just changed his clothes and rushed to the front of the two from the staff passage to wait.

Really, a good dedication ghost!

"Hmph, I can't scare you guys this time... blame you for forcing me to use the secret technique [Wheelchair War Drum]."

In the wheelchair, it was Kaui-kun who changed his clothes at high speed, put on a headgear, and regrouped to play again.

"Lujing-san, there is a guest behind that walks more slowly, please take care of it."

Just when Kawai-kun wanted to frighten the hateful couple again, the control room's instructions came from the headset.

He could only "let go of the two", turned the wheelchair, and retreated behind the curtain, ready to scare the guest behind.

Then, he found that his wheelchair was stuck and unable to move.

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