"Is this broken wheelchair broken?"

Kawai-kun turned his head strangely...

I saw the male guest with a fierce face and a crime-looking face, with one hand in the darkness that seemed careless, but in fact, he pressed the handle of his wheelchair.

"Oh, good breasts, you get closer to me, he's here again."

I'm so afraid to trouble you to let me go.

Thus, in the "Medical Emergency Hospital", a tear-jerking and touching scene of "Medical Miracle" was staged...

The "ghost patient" who was sitting in a wheelchair, physically disabled, and still not giving up self-treatment after death, was finally under the "careful treatment" of the hospital and the "warm care" of visitors...

He stood up!

Stand up...

Sousuke Araki looked at the "ghost patient" with a blank but regrettable wheelchair and walked back into the curtain lonely and pitifully.

Looking down at the wheelchair and white coat in front of him, he had a whim.

If I’m the only one, can I change into this suit, sit in a wheelchair, and wait here to scare the people behind...

"Finally left? It's terrible here, let's rush out quickly..."

Hell the patient left, Teak Saye breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly urged him to move on.

Beautiful women, why do I always have these strange thoughts, is it really an orphan?

Shaking his head, Sosuke Araki put the strange idea behind him.


"Hit... to cheer up, this is just a boring amusement facility that is artificially made for profit, nothing great, 500 yen once..."

In the corridor where he could not see his fingers, Fujiwara Takumi was holding a faintly lit flashlight, pouting his butt and slowly advancing in a "crawling" posture.

No way, since the first mechanism was triggered shortly after entering the door, he was frightened by the sudden movement of the "corpse" and his feet were soft and unable to stand.

The unknown darkness ahead, the strange sound of footsteps, the girl's silver bell-like chuckle, the cold temperature, and the smell of disinfectant lingering on the tip of his nose crushed his fragile mind all the time.

It is a pity that the golden chrysanthemum pattern that overflows all over his body does not provide any actual lighting effect.

If he were usually allowed to enter an ordinary haunted house, he wouldn't be so scared.

However, as the Guinness record holder representing the highest level on the planet, the Jiji General Hospital, "man-made for profit, nothing great" dedicatedly showed its hideous features to Fujiwara Takumi.

Moreover, this place is on the task list of the Spirit Slayers Association, and after external observation by the association staff, it is determined that there is a 70% possibility of resentful spirits!

Under the dual terror of psychological and physical, the last bit of courage that Fujiwara Takumi had had long been shattered.

"Here...too...too terrible...I'm going out...where is the rescue station..."

From entering to the present, Fujiwara Takumi feels that he has been lingering for ten thousand years in the endless darkness, and he has reached the limit he can bear...

The real situation is that after he came in from the entrance and encountered the first mechanism, he only followed the red arrow to "crawl" less than a hundred meters, which is one-ninth of the distance.

Even Araki Sosuke who deliberately ran around was much faster than him.


When Fujiwara Takumi was "creeping", the door of a ward behind him slowly opened.


Hearing the noise, Fujiwara Takumi suddenly stiffened as if being stared at by a beast.

When he muster up the courage and laboriously turn around...

I saw a "ghost doctor" wearing a white doctor's uniform soaked in blood to dark red, with a machete stuck in half of his head, and unable to see his face. The waist was leaning back and slowly facing him like an electric shock. Come.

The person who came was the person from Lujing who hurried around to help him "speed up".

If you don't know the freak in front, just use this little quail to regain your confidence.

To kill a chicken, you must also use a sledgehammer.

Secret technique, lethal cross electric hip.


"Doctor Ghost" made a groan of difficulty breathing, and moved forward in a twisted posture like an electric shock, keeping a hand stretched forward, pulsing his waist constantly.

And Fujiwara Takumi, who was crawling forward with his hips pouted and horrified, formed an indescribable picture.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

After seeing the person's appearance, Fujiwara Takumi sat down on the ground, clutching his distorted face, and relying on his survival instinct, burst out a considerable and terrible cry.

Suddenly, like a firework, the spiritual power of the golden chrysanthemum pattern spread out around him, and then quickly retracted into his body.

His voice shocked the "Ghost Doctor" Lujing Kami in front of him.

You sit on the ground and howl with a hammer. You run like a normal person. I walked so slowly on purpose to give you countless opportunities to not understand!

The one in the front does not want to run, the one in the back can’t climb. Today I just want to "speed up" the guests. Why is it so difficult...

Kajing Kami feels that his dignity as a professional ghost-playing man who has been working for many years has been hit today.

Just when he was ready to further stimulate the survival instinct of the kid in front of him...

He found that the other party fell back softly to the ground.

"Hey, this guest..."

Master Lujing quickly stepped forward to help him up.

Seeing the ghost doctor with a big knife in his head approached, Fujiwara Takumi's head tilted and foamed at the mouth...

Nothing happened.

"The front desk, this is the first secret door in front of entrance C. Please ask the infirmary to bring a stretcher... a guest fainted."

Lujing Shangren leaned over and patted the opponent lightly, confirmed that his breathing and heartbeat were stable and that CPR was not needed, and then contacted the front desk in a depressive tone.

Before employees here take up their jobs, they naturally have to receive relevant training and obtain first aid certificates.

"Received at the front desk, the staff of the infirmary is rushing...Are you fainting the guests again? As expected, Kawai-kun."

Hearing the ridicule from his colleagues, Lujing Shangren's face became paler.

To frighten the guests, it is necessary to deduct money.


"Uh ah ah ah..."

"It seems that someone is terribly scared."

Hearing an explosive scream from the rear, Saya Teak said with lingering fear.

When Fujiwara Takumi was carried out on a stretcher, the two of Araki Sosuke had already arrived in front of an elevator.

Teak Saya, who had been in a state of tension, relaxed a little.

For safety reasons, there are no scary organs in places such as stairs and elevators, so it can be regarded as a "safe zone."


Accompanied by the gloomy music, the two pressed the elevator switch and entered the green elevator.

"That... seems to be pressing the floor by yourself?"

Looking at the elevator buttons "-1, 1, 2, 3" in front of me, Sosuke Araki quickly pressed "3".

Intuition tells him that the third floor is the most exciting.

But what he didn't know was that from Teak Saya's sight, there was no "3" button on the control panel.

Accompanied by the strange sound of electric current, the elevator began to move up slowly.

The fuzzy numbers on the floor indicators also jumped.

1, 2, 3...

The elevator stopped.

With a harsh and obscure sound, the outer elevator doors opened with difficulty, as if they had not been opened for many years.

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