I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 159 The Great Demon King Lina

If there are members of the Sekkei Great Kendo Club here, you can immediately recognize that this explosive head inflatable doll lying in the corner is the gift they crowdfunded to the respected Araki Master and entrusts their passionate youth. "Miss Lina".

"This shit, who put it here, scared me."

The man in the white coat who was so scared that he almost pulled the trigger, breathed a sigh of relief, continued to look at other places vigilantly.

After a few people turned their eyes back, there was a scene that made them feel distraught.

The doll that was in the corner before was gone at this moment.

"I... let's leave here first. This doll and phone are too weird. It shouldn't be the people who came back and demanded their lives..."

With that said, several people immediately rushed towards the bottom of the stairs.

"Drive away right away and leave it alone."

As they ran all the way to the first floor, the voice of Liusheng Neicun appeared in their ears out of thin air.

As confidants of the Bliss Club, they were naturally familiar with the "miracles" of Lord Uchimura, but they were relieved.

So, a few people started the van and drove out quickly toward the only mountain road when they came.

"Master Uchimura, what happened..."

"Don't ask, in short, it's something you shouldn't know, you now...just take responsibility for fleeing."

Ryuu Uchimura, who was sitting in the co-pilot, remained invisible, panting slightly.

This was also the first time he encountered the legendary wraith, and decisive escape was the most correct choice.

Just ten minutes after the van drove away from the factory building at a fast speed, the man in white, who was originally relieved, was driving, suddenly from the rearview mirror in the middle, he glanced at the scene that caused his death.

In the last row of the seven-seater van, I don't know when, sitting quietly with a dilapidated explosive head inflatable doll.

The simple facial features on the doll's face and the "o"-shaped mouth seemed to mock him silently.

Miss Lina.

He stepped on the brake without hesitation.

The white van made a sudden stop on the mountain road, rushed diagonally into the dense forest on the side, bumped into the bushes and stopped.

"What are you doing, are you sick?"

Uchimura Ryuu held his forehead hitting the windshield and cursed angrily.

"The doll... that doll is in the car..."

Before the car came to a complete stop, the man in the driver's seat eagerly pulled the car door and jumped out.

Then, the broken doll "Miss Lina" twisted its body, crawled out of the rear window in a strange posture, and hurriedly fell on the person.


The sound of cloth tearing sounded.

Several people in the car watched the moment their companions outside the car were pounced on by the doll. The white coats and the clothes inside were torn apart and shot away like an explosion.

Then, the man who was thrown to the ground seemed to have lost his power...

He could only lie on the ground feebly, watching "Miss Lina" falling from the sky, straddling him, and starting to move up and down like a pendulum...

Then there was the man's nervous screams, mixed with the strange sounds of "gudong, gudong" like squeezing juice.

The man's face began to dent at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body shape also lost weight.

"Boom boom..."

A pistol flew out of thin air and fired continuously at the doll who was straddling the man.

It was Ryuu Uchimura who made the shot.

The bullet passed through the air as if it passed through the doll's body without affecting her movements in the slightest.

Within 30 seconds, the man lying on the ground, like Gong Linjun and the other two, turned into a mummy with a needle between his crotch.

"Miss Lina" sitting on the man's body, the originally shriveled, distorted and broken body, slowly recovered its human form as if it had been inflated, gradually taking on a plump and moving taste.

She stood up unhurriedly, turned her head, and quietly stared at the men who had fled not far away.

"Master Uchimura, what should I do..."

Seeing what happened to their companions, the few people were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they shouted helplessly.

But no one responded to them.

Ryuu Uchimura, who was in the invisible state, saw that the shooting was ineffective, and he didn't know when he had already ran away...

"Damn it... it's useless to run, fight this monster..."

Seeing "Miss Lina" lying on all fours and running towards her at a non-human speed, several men resolutely gave up running, took out their pistols, and shot at the doll one after another.

In the silent forest at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the intensive gunfire alarmed the sleeping birds on the treetops.

Seeing "Miss Lina" quickly approaching and leaping high in the rain of bullets, despair flashed in the eyes of several men.

Afterwards, the tragic wailing of several men continued, and it lasted more than ten minutes before the forest regained its usual peace...


At the foot of Mt. Fuji, there was a heavy light rain at some point.


In the empty mountain forest, as the ground mud splashed out of thin air, the man's rapid gasp could be heard.

Between the falling raindrops, there seemed to be a transparent human figure running desperately along the forest path.

Not far away, the inflatable doll "Miss Lina" was lying on the ground with twisted limbs, and the animal crawled quickly.

It was Ryusheng Uchimura who used the "power of the water tiger" to hide in front of her desperately running.

At this moment, he has six gods and no masters, and he no longer has the calmness of his previous energy.

That weird inflatable doll should be a kind of resentful or weird existence mentioned in the organization.

Could it be that the soul in the "factory" was pinned in it and came back for revenge?

Human-based dolls have a long history. They have developed from ancient human skin dolls to Hakata dolls, Takeda Tamago dolls, Koga dolls, Okinawa lions, Ryukyu Zhangzi, Dharma and other types. They have always been in Japanese folk culture. It occupies an important position.

Dolls, written as "humanoids" in Japanese, have the shape of human beings. They are considered to be the easiest thing to entrust feelings, souls, and the birth of spirituality.

The survey shows that, as the first thing that Japanese children fear, the supernatural events caused by dolls are also the most.

No, it is not a doll at all, but a big demon who can juice and suck a living person into a corpse.

The most frightening thing is that she could sense her position after she was invisible, and she couldn't give up on chasing it all the way...

In despair, a rushing sound of water came to Ryusheng Uchimura's ears.

As if grabbing a straw, he ran towards the sound of the water without hesitation.

As he ran desperately, a small stream that should be a tributary of Lake Kawaguchi appeared in front of him.

Ryuu Uchimura jumped into the stream without hesitation.

Ten seconds later, "Miss Lina" appeared by the stream.

At this moment, her body has not only fully recovered its plump, hot, lordotic and warped perfect posture, but her skin has also become as delicate and smooth as a real person.

Even the explosive head is not as dry as before, and it becomes dark and supple.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the sticky-stroke facial features on her face.

"Miss Lina" was a little confused, and mechanically turned her body slowly in several directions...

Standing still for a few minutes, seeming to have lost her goal, she turned and left.

Ryuu Uchimura, who dived into the bottom of the water, was relieved when the horrible doll left.

The water tiger, as a close relative of the kappa, is originally an aquatic creature and can breathe freely under the water.

His invisibility technique can display several times the concealment ability in the water, and even a person with high spiritual power can hardly find his breath.

After diving in the water for ten minutes, Ryuu Uchimura emerged from the water after confirming that it was okay, panting heavily.

Glancing bitterly at the direction where the doll is leaving, Uchimura Ryuu swims towards the lower stream.

"Huh, brat, I couldn't see you being cracked with my own eyes, but it would be nice to let you be drained by that doll!"

When he wanted to come, the man named Araki Sosuke couldn't escape the hands of that weird doll, and it would be a matter of time before he was sucked into a mummy.

And there are such terrifying dolls in that abandoned factory, so he naturally doesn't plan to "recycle".

After all, such a place and lost subordinates can still be found, but if you lose your life, you will have nothing.

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