I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 160 Lina's Gaze

On the fourth floor of the abandoned factory, Sosuke Araki, who was neat and clean, was still sleeping in the bathtub with his eyes closed.

"...May it never end tonight, and I can watch the same fireworks with you several times..."

"Hey, I'm Miss Lina, I'm...behind you now."

As the emotional bell rang, the voice of "Miss Lina" resounded through the hands-free again in the empty room.

But Sosuke Araki, who was given a lot of sleeping pills, had already fallen into deep sleep at this time, unable to give any response.

At some point, the plump and explosive figure of "Miss Lina" appeared without warning at the entrance of the stairs not far behind Araki Sosuke.

Now, not only has her appearance recovered as new, her skin and body details no longer have traces of artificial silicone. Instead, she has become as smooth and delicate as a real person, with a rosy blood color.

The only constant is the sticky eyes and nose on her face and the "O"-shaped mouth.

She stood there, staring at Sosuke Araki quietly.

Just like the precious time in the apartment in front of Tibet, piled up in the sundries...

Whether it was when he awkwardly delivered job search mail, when he fell asleep after returning from night shift, or when he was cooking expired convenience store food...

It was when he was studying, snoring, surrounded by uninvited guests, playing games, playing...

She always stared and stared silently like this.

The patter of raindrops fell from the window, and in the whirling moonlight, one person and one puppet seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

It seems that it is back to that period of time that I can never go back again.

After a short while, it seemed that a century had passed before "Miss Lina" began to slowly walk towards Sosuke Araki, step by step.

As the distance drew closer, the resentment from her body continued to flow into Sousuke Araki's body.

Her steps became slower and weaker, as if she had lost the energy to drive.

As the distance pulled in, she could only crawl hard on the ground.

Even so, she still unyieldingly, bit by bit, narrowed the distance with Araki Sosuke.

It took a full ten minutes before she squirmed over the last little distance, supported her body with difficulty by the edge of the bathtub, and hugged Araki Sosuke tightly from behind.

Immediately, her explosive body glowed with whitish fluorescence, and her hands wrapped around Sosuke Araki's solid chest, clasped together.

"Why... why, throw me away."

Leaving questions that will never be answered, "Miss Lina" slowly turned into white light, dissipating in the moonlight.


"Saya, is this position okay..."

I don't know how long it has passed, the sleeping Araki Sosuke muttered words of inexplicable meaning and opened his eyes dimly.

He had a long dream just now. He dreamed that he and Teak Saya were on the giraffe-shaped water bed, fighting with passion.

Although the water bed was slightly cold, it could not extinguish the hot flames between the two.

The severe chill in his lower body accelerated his awakening...

He couldn't help sitting up, looking around in confusion.

The surrounding area is completely dark, and with the moonlight faintly penetrating through the window, it is at least certain that this is definitely not a "cartoon animal themed room".

And he was lying naked in the old bathtub.

There are some ice cubes in the bathtub that will not be able to melt in the future.

This scene...Could it be...

Thinking of the news that he had read in the forum, he suddenly stood up from the bathtub, and his first reaction was to touch the sides of his waist.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief...

Just stay there.

"Why am I... here... what happened... Saya..."

Sosuke Araki stepped out of the bathtub and looked at the surroundings in confusion.

It looks like an unfinished building with only cement structure. In the empty room, there is nothing but a bathtub, a few tool boxes and a row of incubators.

Seeing the clothes and shoes thrown on the ground not far away, Sosuke Araki quickly picked them up and put them on.

He picked up the dusty mobile phone that fell on the ground, replaced the battery, and tried to press the power button.

Although this phone is old, it can smash walnuts, and because of its small screen and few bells and whistles, it has a good battery life.

It turned on successfully.

His first reaction was to call Saya Teak.

"The number you are calling is empty..."

On the phone, the mechanical female voice repeated this way.

"How could it be...I only called this number tomorrow morning..."

Then, he clicked on LINE...

In the friends list, the avatar of "Sea God Saya sauce" and the corresponding chat history disappeared unexpectedly.

Since Saya Teak took the initiative to add him, he didn't have the ID of the other party, and through name search, he couldn't find the account.

At this moment, he realized that he knew very little about Teak Saya.

Where does the other party live, which county is from, what company does he work for...

I don't know anything.

"Could it be that……"

Looking around at the quiet and infiltrating buildings, Sosuke Araki had an even crazier idea.

Could it be that all of this is due to my loneliness and conjecture?

In fact, from the beginning, there was no such person as Teak Saya...

In his mind, he was alone in various scenes, under the strange eyes of others, talking to himself.

In the KTV toilet, I hugged my back and kissed the air, talking to myself on the drag racing on the Wangan line, wailing in two exclusive seats on the roller coaster, dining with two corners in the open-air restaurant, lonely in a haunted house Pulling the'Ghost Doctor' and not letting it go...

Even the "lover hotel" I went to was just an abandoned building.

"Calm down, Sosuke Araki..."

Shaking his head, and throwing out the cranky thoughts in his mind, Sosuke Araki directly called Erqian Ryoma...

"Asshole, where there are so many neuroses, you must have been jumped by people and immortals. Our sex crime department has piled up such cases! Check carefully to see if there are any missing parts. If there is a wound, first use ice and clothing to temporarily treat it. one time……"

On the phone, after listening to his description, Erqian on the other end of the phone yelled.

Although he was seconded to the legendary search lesson, he was not responsible for criminal cases.

In view of his rich "undercover experience and personal connections in custom places", he was successfully assigned to the...Sex Crime Investigation Department under the search class.

He happened to be in charge of the serial "fairy jumping" case.

"Send me your location immediately, and use the second software on the first page of your phone!"

Two hours later.

Three police cars stopped in front of the abandoned factory building.

Several police officers got out of the car and walked towards Sosuke Araki, who was squatting at the door of the building and smoking.

"You guy, are you okay?"

Before the second, Ryoma was among them. He walked forward quickly and looked at the situation of Araki Sosuke.

Zongsuke, the location sent by him, was already at the foot of Mount Fuji, so that he contacted the police academy in the nearby area for help, so that the police could come in in the shortest possible time.

As for himself, he rushed all the way from Tokyo, sounding the siren and occupying the emergency passage.

"Ah, it's okay, both kidneys are still there... It's just that the water in the bathtub is a bit cold, and I don't know if the function is damaged."

Thinking of reading the post on the forum that "Soaking in ice water mixture for more than 5 minutes is sure to be sterile", Sosuke Araki said to him worriedly.

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