I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 162 Little Bird You's Invitation

"Just kidding, kidding..."

Seeing the horrified eyes of the two, Higashino Kohei smiled and waved his hands, but there was no "joking" on his face: "I have taken people and "guys" to the office of the Bliss Club in Ikebukuro during the day... I guess. I know that the police are investigating, and those guys don't even want the site, they disappeared and hid, you just want to come and dismantle the team, but you can't find anyone."

Knowing that Sosuke Araki was jumped by an immortal, he took the people and guys to find the Bliss Club for the first time during the day, but the guys in the headquarters in Ikebukuro were empty.

"Puff...cough cough cough, this is a joke after a visit, it is obviously not broken? You guys don't mess around, you should go to Laozi if you want to dismantle!"

Sosuke Araki squirted the beer back into the glass and grabbed Higashino Kohei by the collar.

Unlike them, Xingping is an engaged person, if it's because of his own business...

"Hey, the Bliss Club has now been filed for investigation. That is our police matter. Now it is a society under the rule of law. You two must not save the outdated ideas of the 80s such as door-to-door dismantling. It's okay to hurt a few. Find a way to get past it, and if you die, it will be troublesome."

Hearing Higashino's words, Ryoma strangled the necks of the two before the second and solemnly warned.

Don't look at Higashino's joking, this guy is actually a ruthless person who does what he says.

Not to mention the muscles of Sosuke Araki, his brain full of muscles.

When the three were arguing, Sosuke Araki's phone rang.

"Hey hey, Xiaoniao Yushi... Festival invitation? Sorry, I'm not in the mood recently... It's a long story... Don't worry, I'm drinking with a friend, just..."

After he finished complaining to the maiden and hung up the phone, Ryoma took out a large-screen mobile phone and put it on his face: "Don't be depressed for that woman, there are so many beautiful women outside, come and show you some good things. These few They are all the candidate female netizens that Brother has talked about on Line recently. Teachers, OLs, and female college students are all available. You can make appointments to meet at any time...Would you like to give you the opportunity?"

"You...you guy, where do you know so many beautiful girls?"

Sosuke Araki stared at the amazing photos displayed on the other's mobile phone.

"Have you never played Tinder? Swipe to the right if you like it, and swipe to the left if you don't like it, and you can chat if the pairing is successful... What do you want to do with your own photo? Just grab a photo of fresh meat and just use it. ."

"Oh, I'm very grateful, but I'm really not in the mood lately..."

"I said that I can't be defeated twice by the same trick. Why do I always feel that one day I have to see the news about a police officer being jumped by an immortal during a search on TV..."

Glancing at Erma Ryoma, whose face is full of hormones, Higashino Yukihei raised his head and drank the beer in the glass.

After a while, a red bicycle was leaned at the entrance of the izakaya.

A pretty figure opened the curtain of the izakaya and walked in hastily.

This is a girl with long black hair, a beautiful face and a slender figure.

She was clearly wearing a light blue dress, but her whole body was glowing with a holy light for some reason, and even this messy izakaya seemed to be illuminated.

The three "criminal look" men who occupied the bar counter of the izakaya were immediately attracted by her.

The blush on her face, the slight panting, the restless eyes and the red and white knots swaying at the sideburns, it can be seen that she came in a hurry.

When she saw the safe and sound of Araki Sosuke among the three, she only calmed down and smiled at ease.

"Ms. Araki..."

"Little Bird Youshi?"


"In Shimotori Yu Mayumi, I was often instructed by Mr. Araki on weekdays, and learned all kinds of valuable knowledge..."

After introducing such a fascinating self-introduction to the other two, Yu Mayumi Kotori generously squeezed to the side of Sousuke Araki and sat down.

"These two are my ordinary friends..."

Araki Sosuke reluctantly introduced her to the two behind him.

"Asshole, what'ordinary friends', we are not passers-by without names! I am the justice police uncle Erqian Ryoma, this is the housewife Kohei Higashino who likes to cook. He grew up with this guy in the orphanage. Best buddies."

Before the second, Ryoma squeezed a kind smile to the girl in front of him.

"Well... what to drink? Beer?"

Higashino Kohei slightly stiffly pushed the oden that had just been brought up in front of the girl.

Before the second, Ryoma also kindly pushed the salted edamame past.

The two of them are really curious about what kind of precious "knowledge" such an elegant and beautiful girl can usually learn from "Ms. Araki".

"Thank you, I'm underage, ginger cola will do."

Tori Mayumi shook his head slightly, and sips the oden set meal that was originally ordered by Higashino Kohei.

On the phone, I heard that Mr. Araki was almost killed by the "fairy jump", so she rushed over in a panic.

Akagi Shrine is not far from Yokocho Yokocho, who is also in Shinjuku, but it takes ten minutes to ride a bicycle. It can be seen that she left the house as soon as she hung up the phone.


On the side, Ryoma and Higashino Yuping, both with enlarged nostrils and flushed faces, looked at her with weird eyes, and constantly gave Araki Sosuke "knowing when you get lost" and "you are a crime" winks.

Although Japanese women are allowed to marry at 16 years old, they are allowed to smoke and drink at 20 years old, so from the perspective of izakaya, Toriyu Mayumi is indeed a minor.

Of course, the age for legal X behavior is 18, which means that even after 16 years of marriage, you have to wait two years before...

"Hey, Zongsuke, I didn't expect you to be hungry enough to attack the delicate JK. Have you taught a variety of postures?"

"Tsk tusk, it's no wonder that I resolutely rejected the resources my brother had shared with me."

"Don't argue, the smile just came in makes me feel sad, so honestly explain where I met."

"An enviable fellow, is still qualified to let me accompany you here to hurt the spring and the autumn?!"

The two people sitting on the bar have secretly launched a righteous condemnation to Sosuke Araki through the trio of LINE.

"Akagi Shrine Anniversary Festival and Collection Exposition Invitation Letter? Next week?"

Ignoring the dirty thoughts of the two of them, Sosuke Araki took an invitation letter handed over by Tori Mayumi to check it out.

"Yes, this is Akagi Shrine’s largest ritual and exhibition event in the past 20 years. Among them, there are exhibitions for important guests in advance. I hope Mr. Araki can participate... After all, there is a chance to hold such a grand event. Thanks to Mr. Araki."

Tori Yu Mayumi gently lifted her ears' long hair and sent out an invitation earnestly.

"Thanks to me?"

Seeing the gratitude on the girl's face, Araki Sosuke was a little dazed.

"If it weren't for Mr. Araki to help find the artifacts, cultural relics and antiques left in the shrine for many years, we would not be able to take the opportunity of the anniversary festival to hold such a large-scale exposition to show the faithful of Akagi Shrine's long-standing culture."

"That's it... Anyway, I haven't been in the mood to go to work lately, just take it to relax..."

Looking at the exquisite invitation letter, Akagi Shrine, feeling poor, should have lost his blood this time, and Araki Sosuke reluctantly agreed.

"That's great..."

Seeing his promise, Tori Mayumi smiled happily.

After chatting with the three in the izakaya for a while, Yu Mayumi Kotori politely got up and prepared to leave.

"Eh, don't you sit down for a while?"

"No, the kyudo club will get up early tomorrow and have morning exercises."

"Then... I will take you to the door..."

Under the cue of the two frantically pinching their backs, Araki Sosuke had to get up and send the shrine maiden out.

"By the way, Mr. Araki..."

Walking to the door, stepping on the red bicycle, Yuma Tori turned his back to Sosuke Araki, hesitating to speak.

"Please don't do dangerous things without authorization just because you are hurt by bad women. Please cheer up...There are still many good women waiting for you in this world in the future."

After saying this, she seemed to have lost all courage, and hurried away in the car.

The dappled lights of sparks in the alley fell on her hot ears, creating a lovely blush.

"Got it, thank you."

Sousuke Araki sighed looking at the shrine maiden going away.

After three people's enlightenment, he also figured out the teak Saya.

After all, I only knew people for a few days, and I was in a low mood. I was more in memory of this long-awaited "first love" that came and went in a hurry and was unclear.

Ryoma said earlier that Japan is a society under the rule of law. Even if there is more resentment, even if the other party falls into their own hands, most ordinary people will only choose to hand it over to the police.

Is it necessary to use the happiness and future of yourself and even those around you as a price to avenge yourself?

That was the plot in the TV series, and I was just a fifth-rate college graduate struggling with food and clothing.

"Please don't do dangerous things without authorization just because you are hurt by a bad woman."

"Be sure to cheer up...There are still many good women in this world waiting for you in the future."

Just as Araki Sosuke was immersed in his thoughts, Ryoma and Higashino Kohei poked out their heads from behind the door, squeezing their throats, repeating the lines of the Miko.

"Enough, you two bastards."


"The evidence is conclusive. On behalf of the Sexual Crime Investigation Department of the Search Class, I will arrest you for the crime of abducting minors. You have the right to remain silent..."

Before he finished speaking, Ryoma jealously took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Araki Sosuke with his backhand.

Obviously it was a routine line used by the police to arrest criminals, but he spoke it in an extremely dazzling tone without any sense of violation.

"Don't make trouble, we are pure..."

Sosuke Araki roared angrily.

"A pure relationship between men and women, right, or according to the rules of the road, cut your little finger, bastard..."

The play of the three people attracted a horrified look.

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